The Marketplace is definitely solution to a lot of e-commerce problems.
The low transaction fees anonymity and lower theft risk and near-instant transactions. This is definitely beneficial for both buyer and seller.
Absolutely, and that's also mentioned in the blog post that was just published on (and linked in the post just above this one).
It charges no commission and barely any fee at all, is inherently private by default, provably secures your data by completely getting rid of third-parties, requires no sign-up, no login, no personal or business information, is censorship-proof, free to use, and works from anywhere in the world as long as you can connect to the internet.
It's quite simply a paradigm shift in eCommerce. The reason it's probably not getting any sort of proper adoption right now is that it is still early Beta software and, let's admit it, still relatively complicated to use. For people like us it's fine, but for most people, like probably 95% of the people we know, that's still way too complicated to use. But we'll absolutely get there, and the new roadmap coming out next week is specifically crafted towards making the marketplace more user-friendly and "adoption-ready", so to speak.
You selling on the marketplace is most definitely still pioneering work. Hats off to you sir