Why? He is the one who took on a large project he didn't know how to do, and lost everyone's records. The entire reason you are all in this mess is because he couldn't be bothered to do a braindead backup.
Agreed. I'm glad zhou is out of the picture.
"Bitcoinica Consultancy" and "Bitcoin Consultancy" and "Intersango" may all be separate legal entities, but obviously all three are the same three people: patrick, amir, and donald. They may not be legally obligated to handle returning the funds, but I feel they owe it to us given their unauthorized e-mail access screw-up. They are apparently returning the funds in good faith.
I'm still waiting to get a reply confirming that my claim was accurate. I provided extra information as requested about a week ago (to [email protected], and I also agree that the change in email address was a little eyebrow-raising). My account activity was minimal and extremely simple: one deposit, no withdrawals, one active position held for weeks unchanged.
~86% of total funds are marked accurate
~25% of total funds have been repaid
No people aren't getting emails when their account status changes. I want to get whether a claim is marked accurate or not added to the claim ticket.
I'm looking forward to an update to the above status. As someone also in the dark on the status of my claim, I share some of the frustration. But I'm glad to see the reports from people receiving their funds.