The wallet gives me "Transaction creation failed!" and in terminal window I get : 2016-Feb-17 09:45:59.615415 ERROR C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\pebblecoin
\src\wallet\wallet2.cpp:941 !r. THROW EXCEPTION: error::no_connection_to_daemon
This very strange... can you restart the wallet and try again?
No. it doesn't help...
2016-Feb-17 17:07:54.373972 ERROR C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\pebblecoin win32-x64\workspace\src\wallet\wallet2.cpp:941 !r. THROW EXCEPTION: error::no_connection_to_daemon
2016-Feb-17 17:07:54.376972 C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\pebblecoin win32-x64\workspace\src\wallet\wallet2.cpp:941:struct tools::error::no_connection_to_daemon: no connection to daemon, request
= getrandom_outs.bin
2016-Feb-17 17:08:00.356314 [RPC0][sock 1264] Some problems at write: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host:10054Oops... ok, can you start the wallet, try to send it, and then paste the *whole* terminal output here (or in pastebin) so I can see whtat happening?
2016-Feb-18 09:59:20.908043 Starting...
2016-Feb-18 09:59:20.913044 Genesis block nonce is: 1593709698
2016-Feb-18 09:59:20.914044 Genesis block nonce is: 1593709698
2016-Feb-18 09:59:20.950046 Loaded wallet keys file, with public address: PByFef6ivAqdCqp2L2E5eJ63XBHJ372QyUoQp52fVXstikmym3jMMrV1orZZoD1RbME2d4Bfex9cAiBSmHwcxfUA2HHaiZQTzW
2016-Feb-18 09:59:21.109055 GUI: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
2016-Feb-18 09:59:21.113055 Requesting initialize
2016-Feb-18 09:59:21.114055 Running AppInit2 in thread
2016-Feb-18 09:59:21.115055 Initializing shared boulderhash state...
2016-Feb-18 09:59:21.117055 Boulderhash disabled, not malloc'ing boulderhash state...
2016-Feb-18 09:59:21.118055 Shared boulderhash state initialized OK
2016-Feb-18 09:59:21.119055 Initializing boulderhash threadpool...
2016-Feb-18 09:59:21.120056 Started 8 boulderhash worker threads
2016-Feb-18 09:59:21.121056 Setting up logging options...
2016-Feb-18 09:59:21.122056 pebblecoin Qt v0.4.4.1 (805e8e8)
2016-Feb-18 09:59:21.123056 Running command line preprocessor...
2016-Feb-18 09:59:21.124056 Loading wallet2...
2016-Feb-18 09:59:21.124056 Genesis block nonce is: 1593709698
2016-Feb-18 09:59:21.159058 Loaded wallet keys file, with public address: PByFef6ivAqdCqp2L2E5eJ63XBHJ372QyUoQp52fVXstikmym3jMMrV1orZZoD1RbME2d4Bfex9cAiBSmHwcxfUA2HHaiZQTzW
2016-Feb-18 09:59:21.290065 Creating CWallet...
2016-Feb-18 09:59:21.291065 Wallet task thread started
2016-Feb-18 09:59:21.346068 Running daemon in a thread
2016-Feb-18 09:59:21.348069 Waiting until daemon thread initialization done...
[STXXL-MSG] STXXL v1.4.1 (prerelease/Release) (git e7d36edd8152c73b115bd36cbcf566626d995434)
[STXXL-MSG] Disk 'stxxl.tmp' is allocated, space: 0 MiB, I/O implementation: memory autogrow queue=0 devid=0
2016-Feb-18 09:59:21.354069 Initializing global hash cache, testnet=0, data dir=D:\Marecoin\pebblecoin...
2016-Feb-18 09:59:21.375070 Global hash cache initialized OK...
2016-Feb-18 09:59:21.377070 Initializing p2p server...
2016-Feb-18 09:59:21.379070 Binding on
2016-Feb-18 09:59:21.380070 Net service binded on
2016-Feb-18 09:59:21.380070 Attempting to add IGD port mapping.
2016-Feb-18 09:59:25.383299 No IGD was found.
2016-Feb-18 09:59:25.385300 P2p server initialized OK
2016-Feb-18 09:59:25.385300 Initializing cryptonote protocol...
2016-Feb-18 09:59:25.386300 Cryptonote protocol initialized OK
2016-Feb-18 09:59:25.387300 Initializing core rpc server...
2016-Feb-18 09:59:25.388300 Binding on
2016-Feb-18 09:59:25.389300 Core rpc server initialized OK on port: 6181
2016-Feb-18 09:59:25.390300 Initializing core...
2016-Feb-18 09:59:25.418301 Loading blockchain w/ config folder D:\Marecoin\pebblecoin ...
2016-Feb-18 09:59:25.903329 Blockchain storage:
m_spent_keys: 162795
m_outputs: 52469
m_current_block_cumul_sz_limit: 20000
m_currencies: 0
m_contracts: 0
m_used_currency_descriptions: 0
2016-Feb-18 09:59:25.978333 Blockchain initialized. last block: 1346084, d0.h0.m0.s33 time ago, current difficulty: 4294967295
2016-Feb-18 09:59:25.981334 Genesis block nonce is: 1593709698
2016-Feb-18 09:59:26.022336 Loaded wallet keys file, with public address: PByFef6ivAqdCqp2L2E5eJ63XBHJ372QyUoQp52fVXstikmym3jMMrV1orZZoD1RbME2d4Bfex9cAiBSmHwcxfUA2HHaiZQTzW
2016-Feb-18 09:59:26.153343 Core initialized OK
2016-Feb-18 09:59:26.155344 Starting core rpc server...
2016-Feb-18 09:59:26.158344 Run net_service loop( 2 threads)...
2016-Feb-18 09:59:26.171344 [SRV_MAIN]Core rpc server started ok
2016-Feb-18 09:59:26.173345 [SRV_MAIN]Wallet connected to daemon!
2016-Feb-18 09:59:26.177345 done, fError is: 0
2016-Feb-18 09:59:26.177345 [SRV_MAIN]Starting p2p net loop...
2016-Feb-18 09:59:26.184345 AppInit2() done
2016-Feb-18 09:59:26.186345 [SRV_MAIN]Run net_service loop( 10 threads)...
2016-Feb-18 09:59:26.188345 AppInit2 done, rv=1
2016-Feb-18 09:59:26.195346 Initialization result: 1, error=
2016-Feb-18 09:59:26.208347 GUI: QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_receiveButton_clicked()
2016-Feb-18 09:59:26.215347 GUI: QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_showRequestButton_clicked()
2016-Feb-18 09:59:26.217347 GUI: QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_removeRequestButton_clicked()
2016-Feb-18 09:59:26.238348 GUI: QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_recentRequestsView_doubleClicked(QModelIndex)
2016-Feb-18 09:59:27.186403 [P2P4]
The daemon will start synchronizing with the network. It may take up to several hours.
You can set the level of process detailization* through "set_log " command*, where is between 0 (no details) and 4 (very verbose).
Use "help" command to see the list of available commands.
Note: in case you need to interrupt the process, use "exit" command. Otherwise, the current progress won't be saved.
2016-Feb-18 09:59:28.023450 [P2P0]
You are now synchronized with the network. You may now start simplewallet.
Please note, that the blockchain will be saved only after you quit the daemon with "exit" command or if you use "save" command.
Otherwise, you will possibly need to synchronize the blockchain again.
Use "help" command to see the list of available commands.
2016-Feb-18 09:59:28.058452 [P2P0]Mining has started with 1 threads, good luck!
2016-Feb-18 09:59:28.058452 in_pos_era = 1
2016-Feb-18 09:59:28.061453 Miner thread was started [0]
2016-Feb-18 09:59:38.891072 Starting pull_blocks...
2016-Feb-18 09:59:41.194204 Starting pull_autovote_delegates...
2016-Feb-18 10:00:14.246094 Storing blockchain...
2016-Feb-18 10:00:14.247094 Storing blockchain data to tmp file...
2016-Feb-18 10:00:14.554112 Blockchain storage:
m_spent_keys: 162795
m_outputs: 52469
m_current_block_cumul_sz_limit: 20000
m_currencies: 0
m_contracts: 0
m_used_currency_descriptions: 0
2016-Feb-18 10:00:16.434219 Storing blockchain entries...
2016-Feb-18 10:00:16.488222 Committing indices...
2016-Feb-18 10:00:16.910247 Replacing main file...
2016-Feb-18 10:00:16.919247 Blockchain stored OK.
2016-Feb-18 10:00:16.921247 Starting pull_blocks...
2016-Feb-18 10:00:16.926247 GUI: "NotifyAddressBookChanged : PByFtxkMuoFRwrhXU19PBXLgHssTtcvTDSGzNf7Rvt5uKEf5PnRL4ccK4pWN4dpwvGhggGq12gH4bMqbxLyQGhkf3RLfzurMdK isMine=0 purpose= status=2"
2016-Feb-18 10:00:16.941248 GUI: "NotifyAddressBookChanged : PByFtxkMuoFRwrhXU19PBXLgHssTtcvTDSGzNf7Rvt5uKEf5PnRL4ccK4pWN4dpwvGhggGq12gH4bMqbxLyQGhkf3RLfzurMdK isMine=0 purpose=send status=0"
2016-Feb-18 10:00:18.255323 Starting pull_autovote_delegates...
2016-Feb-18 10:00:20.220436 ERROR C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\pebblecoin win32-x64\workspace\src\wallet\wallet2.cpp:941 !r. THROW EXCEPTION: error::no_connection_to_daemon
2016-Feb-18 10:00:20.223436 C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\pebblecoin win32-x64\workspace\src\wallet\wallet2.cpp:941:struct tools::error::no_connection_to_daemon: no connection to daemon, request
= getrandom_outs.bin
2016-Feb-18 10:00:23.991652 [RPC0][sock 1120] Some problems at write: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host:10054
2016-Feb-18 10:00:24.027654 Starting pull_blocks...
2016-Feb-18 10:00:25.500738 Starting pull_autovote_delegates...
2016-Feb-18 10:00:38.901504 Starting pull_blocks...
2016-Feb-18 10:00:43.792784 Starting pull_autovote_delegates...