i dont know if it could be simply not enough virtual memory allocation or something like not enough irq resources, could you disable onboard audio and gpu if there is one, also is above 4g decoding enabled? check virtaul memory shoudl be something like 8 times gpu ram
onboard and gpu audio is disabled
COM/LPT ports disabled
Vt-d disabled
PCI-E slots in gen1 mode
4g decoding enabled
CSM module disabled
virtual memory (pagefile) is 110gb, but problem is not in virtual memory, problem is before loading os
I can give you a snippet here that you can modify to your needs, the complete script covers much more - management of phoenix with OC params, wallets, pools, restarts and much more.
Here are the essential parts of it:
:: Init
SET SollGPUs=X Number of GPUs that is normal X
SET IntGPU=YES & ::if you do not use internal gpu set it to NO
Set Progpfad=XXPath to Phoenix-Miner DirectoryXX
echo Checking Number of GPUs
If not exist %Progpfad%\temp md %Progpfad%\temp
%Progpfad%\phoenixminer -list>%Progpfad%\temp\tempcount.txt
FOR /F "delims=:" %%A IN ('findstr VRAM %Progpfad%\temp\tempcount.txt ^|findstr /n "^"') DO Set /a GPUcount=%%A
IF "%IntGPU%"=="NO" SET /A gpucount=%gpucount% +1
If %sollgpus% LEQ %gpucount% (Echo Number of GPUs: %gpucount% of %sollgpus% -- OK) ELSE (Goto Reboot)
GOTO whatever you need to start miner
Echo Reboot requested Wrong Number of GPUs (%gpucount% of %sollgpus%)
choice /c:WR /n /m "Restart in 15 Seconds. R = Restart, W = Weiterlaufen" /t:15 /d:R
if errorlevel 2 (Goto Reboot2A) else echo Weiter gehts...
Goto whatever you need to start miner
C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe /g /f /t 05
The bold parts are settings you have to setup how you need it. I tried to change some parts from german to english, but there might be some german words left over :-)
Hope it helps!
thanks for script, I will try configure it later
After I looked at the pictures, I have some questions.
1. How do you power the risers? PCI-e SATA?
2. How do you decide which PCI-E slots to use and which don't?
3. Why you don't use the PCI-E x16 slot?
Maybe the key to resolving the problem is in these answers.
2. I read on different forums/topics that the first must be filled black slots, than white, but I tried various configurations.
3. I use at now, I filled all black slots and two white.
Like i said i tried many configurations/manipulations with BIOS/pci-e slots/other PSUs/risers, but it didn't work.
I have one more rig with the same MB on 10x Gigabyte RX480 8Gb and it works perfectly.
I think it's incompatibility in MB + VC, I read some topic, guy have the same problem with this mb and the same cards XFX RX580 GTS. I just configure script and over with that.