any particular reason i cant seen to pull stats from the miner's api?
my code sample:
socket.Connect("localhost", 3333);
socket.Receive(receiveBytes, receiveBytes.Length, SocketFlags.None);
var resp = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(receiveBytes);
my code works flawlessly for claymore but fails for phoenix's api... socket.Receive just hangs forever.. any tips?
17582:23:49:41.152: main GPU1: Radeon RX 580 Series (pcie 1), OpenCL 1.2, 3 GB VRAM, 36 CUs
Have already disable quick edit mode, enable it too, same thing, always freezing.
Any help will be wonderfull here...
Still have this issue, any help?
IMO, there is really only one way to solve this riddle for each person’s mining rigs.
Due to differences in rigs, internet speed, clocks and voltages that will drift, board types, difficulties that change at
random and many other things that we have no control over, this can't be done in a few hours accurately.
Here is the test I believe will help us solve this issue.
I plan doing this same test starting after my next payout.
Maybe if many of us do this we can compare notes.
After your next payout start PhoenixMiner, let it run without changes until your next payout.
Record the hours/minutes it took to get your payout.
Change to the next miner you want to compare against. Probably Claymore as that seems to be the
competition. Do the same, wait until you get your next payout. Record that time.
Faster miner to the payout wins.
Remember you can’t change anything during these tests.
This could take anywhere between 2 to 10 days for each test depending on your setup.
It’s time consuming but it will reveal what miner is getting you to the money in the shortest
amount of time. Anything else is not getting us a firm answer.