I really don't give a shit. It's however out of the question vaporware might have "chosen" MPEx. That's exactly not how it works, what's next, you've chosen Jessica Biel and she's mad again so she married whoever else?
This will forever more be known as the Ripple fallacy: abstracting everyone into XRPeople indiscriminately then pretending somebody who's bitchslapped about ten thousand retards to be "attacking XRPeople who disagree". No honey, I don't do anything to people. I attack retards who "disagree". And I attack them for being retarded because their purported "disagreement" is too broken to discuss. If that's not the case I just discuss the disagreement (I sometimes discuss it even if it is utterly broken - if it is at least somewhat novel/funny, like, for instance, now).
This hasn't quite happened yet, no.
Let me put it this way: the representation of reality in terms of cartoons, which is to say anthropomorphized animals, makes retards think everything in the simplest of terms and stop there. Here's a newsflash: reality is a little more complex than "cat chases mouse" and "Policeman fined me for speeding so he's threatened by niggers".
Don't be a retard, dare to think. What if the reason I do what I do is that I actually know what the fuck I'm talking about and there's perfectly good reasons for it? What would they be? How well do they work with what I actually say? Congratulations, you're right on the path towards intellectual normalcy (normal but not common these days).