With that move this shareholder nearly recovered 50% of the initial investment while reserving 85% of it for future price increases. Seems to be a very sane move.
But what I wonder is: what makes your think it was tytus?
I'm thinking you are interpreting this correctly. I'm amazed at how fast that wall dissipated. Prepare for prices to run over the next 48 hrs ;-)
They should increase but if I were one of the largest shareholders, I'll do what the 5th largest did (until chips are hashing online there's still a substantial risk that the mine fails to deliver, it makes sense to mitigate this risk by selling a fraction of the shares).
When the opportunity comes for these largest shareholders to do so, we should see some large walls on the way up (which is good for people starting to invest in the near future: this will prevent the prices to go to insane heights too quickly and the stocks should still be profitable).