Stop wasting time on this "blaa blaa blaa" and lets figure out, how to take this fucker down for good and get the BTC back he stole. Do you really let this scumbag, his family and his "friends prance off in to the sunset? With your money? Laughing at us all!
EskimoBob most of them still won't even believe he stole anything. The goal posts just keep getting moved further and further back. Going after Pirate would be admitting they got conned by the worlds worst con ever.
I mean lets step back and objectively look at Pirate's offering:
"3,400% APR, send me anonymous irreversible money, I can't tell you how it works just trust me you will be a billionaire in a year or two".
I mean shit, even Nigerian scammer wouldn't try something that blatantly scammy.As long as they don't admit it was a scam they don't have to come to grips with how asininely stupid they were for getting rolled by such an obvious scam.
People like to compare every ponzi to Madoff so lets look at Madoff. He ran a well respected hedge fund (legit for 20 years before the ponzi), generated fake trades, quarterly summaries, investment outlooks, employed an entire staff (90% who were equally clueless), paid rent, taxes, kept his seat on the exchange (despite not needing it), was routinely audited by CPA, got a seal of approval from the SEC, held a broker dealer license, was personally wealthy before starting the ponzi, and offered realistic albeit somewhat too consistent returns (~11% APR) over the course of over a decade.
Now compare that to "Pirate". A deadbeat, broke, part-time loser who has multiple lawsuits, criminal convictions, judgements, and foreclosures in his short and otherwise unremarkable adult life. Someone getting rolled by Madoff well they probably should have seen the warning signs but honestly Madoff was very good at what he did. Someone getting rolled by Pirate ... what can you say.