Will continue and we are not selling our Pandacoin, we normally sell Pandacoin but only at BuyPND.com; which due to PND market turmoil has been placed into maintenance for now.
I don't want to add to any confusion, disappointment or manipulation but have to say; so far as I can tell Pandacoin and the Pandacoin community have only tried to do their best and always aimed high, this time perhaps too high. Many active members of the community are distraught even disgusted by the feelings of having been possibly played by bdanyo our central marketing leader for some months, this is a very touchy subject for us because we valued so much our clear intention and public position to be a modern fair and honest cryptocurrency.
bdanyo has clearly left us and we are imagining now the worst; at first we thought he may have even died (yes that would be worst case) or had some other serious situation crash down on his personal health / life. We felt since he seemed to be holding to his own large Pandacoin investment he surely was struck by a personal tragedy. However when it was pointed out what was thought to be his Pandacoins were now in play and even being used possibly in market manipulations, we all started to feel played by a conman and even though we couldn't picture him doing anything to harm Pandacoin or our community prior to this revelation we now started to think the new worst case has happened. We can see he has been recently signing into his bitcointalk account or so it seems and that what we believe are his Pandacoins are moving and yet no word from him in his defense. I for one am still not sure his leaving was planned or if personal issues, disagreement, failure/desperation caused him to leave us and even possibly he has been scamming us / manipulating our current exchange market (or this could be our imaginations running wild?).
Many are giving in due to the expected damage to Pandacoin's reputation (be forewarned this is having a serious impact especially on those who have worked long and hard to defend and develop what we have today) . To my mind the evidence is not clear that any impropriety was or is in fact being planned by any Pandacoin Development team member or former member, although we do suspect now that some has occured. Market manipulation is something all cryptocurrencies have to contend with, even Bitcoin still has a relatively tiny market compared to traditional currencies; but our Pandacoin is much smaller than BTC and is vulnerable to various methods of manipulation. In any case this will not clear up quickly imho and the dumping at 1 sat has likely given plenty of ammunition for future dumps if the Pandacoin price should rise again soon.
In short for now there is much that is in the air and not settled but wanted to give some sort of clarity on usePND.com and how it is effected by our current Pandacoin situation. We plan to continue on and I will continue to stake and help support Pandacoin and those who choose to use Pandacoin. I should also warn everyone however that things can indeed get worse, we are at the bottom with a 1 sat sell wall, this to me is undervalued but understandable. That does not mean the price can't go lower, if folks want to dump Pandacoins lower they can sell for litoshi prices less than 1 satoshi. If the Market price is driven low enough we will have a hard time maintaining enough volume on BTC/PND markets to have them supported and that could also mean losing other services even our coinpayments.net support...