Whilst PND will not die due to it's reasonable inflation and people staking the coin. The fact remains, that without a proper wallet dev to iron out bugs (which there are) and bring new features (as they were planned), there isn't really much left for the coin except wait for someone to pump it or w/e.
PND brang about alot of innovation, some of which BTC has even started using, such as their increased sync capabilities in their latest release. You could spend some of the coin @ coinpayments such as one fellow did buying up 60m worth of stuff tho the owner of the store now finds himself in a pickle and unable to trade that coin for btc.
The top address holds just over 2.3bn pnd, the top 5 collectively hold just under 20% and the top 100 hold roughly 63% of the total supply. +/- a few %. At the end of the day, you're free to do as you please but don't count on any of the original dev's/contributors to advance coin development any further as I doubt they want to now.
amDOGE won't make any statements, at least that's the vibe on irc, so i wouldn't hold my breath for that. From what is understood she/he overseas the builds which were a chore to get him/her to do anyway come release time. Mani is/was the driving force behind code development for the wallet, everything you see from the time the wallet became Pandabank is pretty much Mani's doing... Source would be released for building which amDOGE was in charge of (win/linux/mac) and that would take quite a bit of nagging to get done from what i hear. amDOGE is the founder and that's pretty much it as far as development goes. Multiple attempts have been made for an 'official' statement but none have been produced so far and i doubt one will be... I'm pretty sure there will be no future developments unless someone wants to continue developing the coin and steps up to the plate, however you'd have to also get all the accounts associated with the coin such as social media and the like. For that, you'd have to directly ask amDOGE/pandacoin-official if you can catch him/her online
It's sad when a good coin gets screwed like this especially when so much has gone into it but you win some and you lose some i guess... But all that aside, the coin was created to fight and kill wolong's scam coin and it did that relatively easily and effectively so i guess you could say, it's done it's purpose.
Just my 2 PND (i actually have 2 pnd left cause of silly rounding bug in the wallet).