
Topic: [POLL] Trump Impeachment Poll: Who's Fault Is It? - page 5. (Read 2167 times)

Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
I'm quite sure that even if Trump gets impeached, the chemtrail brigade will declare the impeachmant illegitimate, or perhaps some sort of strategic move by Trump to trap Pelosi, like TECSHARE did after mid-terms. And we know he's never wrong.

Yep, because the dems cleary aren't hanging themselves right? Also the Russian collusion hoax didn't just get turned into a criminal investigation now did it? Once this is over the democrat party might as well cease to exist. You keep patting yourselves on the back and reassuring each other though. That worked out great in 2016.

Where are the "military tribunals of many high level people" and the investigations of "well documented" election fraud in the midterms?

Let's face, you made up a conspiracy theory because you didn't like the result of the midterms. You're gonna make up (you're already starting to) another one if you don't like the result of the impeachment process. You're amazingly insecure for such a Tough Intertubes Troll.

I didn't make up anything, and even with the house the dems have demonstrated themselves to be completely impotent. Your mom hasn't sung yet, so its not over. Please don't make yourself scarce like Flying Hellfish when his Russian collusion delusion was proven to be the actual conspiracy theory.
Activity: 3010
Merit: 8114
Very impressive. You can jerk each other off, make character attacks, and force memes. Quite convincing debate tactics. That might have worked in grade school but everyone wears big boy pants now, time to put away the pullups and learn to stop shitting in your pants.

You live under a dictator who runs death squads, I am not sure you really should be pointing fingers at the USA or have any right whatsoever to tell us here what we should be doing with our nation when you ran away like a puss and wag your finger from afar. This impeachment is a complete farce, and the only argument you have is forced memes and cartoons. Just be sure you have your mommy change your nappies before you get a rash.

"Listen Roddy, you're doing a tremendous job over there. Just terrific. I know you're a fan of beauty pageants, like me, so you should come over for dinner some time with me and Ivanka. She's incredibly hot and you gotta see her in person for yourself. By the way, could you look through your files and tell me what you have on Joe Biden? I heard he was over there with Obama in 2014. Maybe he forgot to shake hands with a farmer, refused to pick up a baby or something? Just whatever you have, send it to Rudy for me. Thanks a bunch big guy. You're the best." - Donald Trump

Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
I'm quite sure that even if Trump gets impeached, the chemtrail brigade will declare the impeachmant illegitimate, or perhaps some sort of strategic move by Trump to trap Pelosi, like TECSHARE did after mid-terms. And we know he's never wrong.

Yep, because the dems cleary aren't hanging themselves right? Also the Russian collusion hoax didn't just get turned into a criminal investigation now did it? Once this is over the democrat party might as well cease to exist. You keep patting yourselves on the back and reassuring each other though. That worked out great in 2016.

Where are the "military tribunals of many high level people" and the investigations of "well documented" election fraud in the midterms?

Let's face, you made up a conspiracy theory because you didn't like the result of the midterms. You're gonna make up (you're already starting to) another one if you don't like the result of the impeachment process. You're amazingly insecure for such a Tough Intertubes Troll.
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
I'm quite sure that even if Trump gets impeached, the chemtrail brigade will declare the impeachmant illegitimate, or perhaps some sort of strategic move by Trump to trap Pelosi, like TECSHARE did after mid-terms. And we know he's never wrong.

Yep, because the dems cleary aren't hanging themselves right? Also the Russian collusion hoax didn't just get turned into a criminal investigation now did it? Once this is over the democrat party might as well cease to exist. You keep patting yourselves on the back and reassuring each other though. That worked out great in 2016.
Activity: 3010
Merit: 8114

No, my counter argument with sources was my counter argument. I went to bed, that's how concerned I am with your verbal fecal/vomit combo.

I have to say - you do look a bit concerned in that photo.

Its the face he wears when banging out a long-winded rant to any given one of my posts.

Funny how polls keep coming in suggesting that more and more of the country are for a Trump impeachment, and removal of office even.
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
PS: It would also appear more with each passing day that those who voted for "He won't be impeached" have wasted their vote. But really, only time will tell, naturally.

I'm quite sure that even if Trump gets impeached, the chemtrail brigade will declare the impeachmant illegitimate, or perhaps some sort of strategic move by Trump to trap Pelosi, like TECSHARE did after mid-terms. And we know he's never wrong.
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
Cool story bro. I know you think the rues only apply to everyone else but they in fact apply to you too. Have fun with your pretend time until then.
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
I am looking forward to Flying Hellfish not taking action on your off topic retardation and posting about it in the log of his related behaviors. I make use of you no matter what angle you take Nutilduhhh.
Activity: 3010
Merit: 8114
Since you are only capable of communicating in the form of cartoons, this is what you sound like...

Funny you talk about changing the rules when you don't like them when that is all the Democrat party has been doing since 2016, including this sham impeachment. As usual, more of this...

Thats... that's not a counterargument. That is saying "no u" while posting a meme that says "no u." You've clearly lost it by this point. Its ridiculous to think you deserve a better response than a meme.

That meme is free for anybody to use in the future. I'm sure it will come in handy time and again.

Edit: TS is probably furiously creating his own supermeme right now that will not only destroy me but all libs as well.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
Yeah I figured as much. Another "master" above having a discussion.

Yeah, pretty much.

Words do mean things, so don't attribute words to me I didn't use.

Hey, my use of the word 'evil' made it so that you didn't have to contemplate the corundum, right?  I mean you got to use the basic and fairly lame mock-strawman play.

Tell dear leader I said hello.

If I remember to do so I will.

Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
Yeah I figured as much. Another "master" above having a discussion. Words do mean things, so don't attribute words to me I didn't use. Tell dear leader I said hello.
Activity: 3010
Merit: 8114
No, fuck you. This is America

This is what you sound like:

They're not entitled to transparency. Fuck 'em.....

Why not?

I just posted why. You cut out the part that explains it. You don't suddenly get to change the rules just because you are upset about something.

Republicans knew they would be turned away from the closed-door deposition; only members who sit on the authorized committees are permitted to sit in on the sessions...

In reality, more than 45 House Republicans — nearly a quarter of the House GOP conference — already have full access to the depositions through their membership on one of the three panels leading the impeachment inquiry. During the depositions, Republican lawyers are given the same amount of time to question witnesses as Democratic counsels.

So the idea that Republicans are being cut out of the process entirely is simply absurd.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

You live under a dictator who runs death squads, I am not sure you really should be pointing fingers at the USA or have any right whatsoever to tell us here what we should be doing with our nation when you ran away like a puss and wag your finger from afar. This impeachment is a complete farce, and the only argument you have is forced memes and cartoons. Just be sure you have your mommy change your nappies before you get a rash.

I suggest that you spend some time on the ground before you speak with authority about 'dictators' and 'death squads'.  Much of the 'information' about the situation is highly filtered by the very same people who's programs are getting royally fucked up by certain policies of 'the dictator' who 'runs death squads.'  If nothing else, ponder just a wee bit about why so many of his countrymen support him and his policies given that he is so evil.  Remember that the Philippines is a country where people are fairly free to read what they want so they have access to both sides of the story.

As for 'running' you are probably one of the Americans I would rather have around.  Unfortunately it implies that you'd be on the short-list of enemies of the neo-state and neutralized early on without making any lasting contribution whatsoever if/when the shit hits the fan.  In the mean time you (or anyone else in the country) are also unlikely to be able to do much of anything positive.  There is simply no base upon which to gain leverage and I don't see a way that there will be.  There will the potential for a base after a proposed 'event', but again, I expect that you'll be no longer.  And if by some stroke of luck you are, you'll be glad that there is some support from 'outside'.

I never said he was evil.

He's a dictator who runs death squads...but he ain't evil though.  Whatever.  Anyway, words  mean things.  Even where the 'dictator' has 'marshal law', it is hardly the case that things operate from any person's dictates.  Civil courts and judicial protocol are still very much the norm as far as I can see.  And relatively high level officials even get into trouble sometimes.  The 'dictator' would like to get rid of martial law because it is an expensive hassle but the people want it.  That should tell you something...or you could regurgitate what globalist media like CNN and (Oymidar funded) Rappler say because it is easier than thinking.

I was simply pointing out the reject above doesn't have any grounds to point fingers. He is of the type neither of us want around and would not be a help to anyone, even himself. I know enough about the Philippines to know it is a low trust nation where everyone is suspicious of everyone else and rule of law is not stable.

The 'rule of law' could well be more healthy in The Philippines than it is in the United States.  It really depends what levels and from what angles one looks at things (and very few people bother to try.)  To a large degree 'rule of law' is a con(fidence) game in the United States just as is the economy.  It's kept polished and shiny on certain surfaces but on many levels it is utterly corrupt.  What The Philippines lacks relative to the U.S. is mostly the polished surfaces.

I would prefer that not become the standard here, and I find people wagging fingers from afar with plenty of their own domestic problems don't hold much water. If you are done being upset I was critical of your dear leader, do you care to actually comment on the topic or just want to continue tribing up?

This thread, like many others, is not really worth bothering with because all of you n*ggers are fighting in a synthetic-world ring created for you by psychological engineers.  WWF level stuff here.  IIRC, I already clued you-all in on some things earlier.  But you all seem to be having fun, so knock yourselves out.

Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever

Yeah, I know you are. That's why you rely on memes to cover up for your inability to defend your ideas in a logical debate.


You live under a dictator who runs death squads, I am not sure you really should be pointing fingers at the USA or have any right whatsoever to tell us here what we should be doing with our nation when you ran away like a puss and wag your finger from afar. This impeachment is a complete farce, and the only argument you have is forced memes and cartoons. Just be sure you have your mommy change your nappies before you get a rash.

I suggest that you spend some time on the ground before you speak with authority about 'dictators' and 'death squads'.  Much of the 'information' about the situation is highly filtered by the very same people who's programs are getting royally fucked up by certain policies of 'the dictator' who 'runs death squads.'  If nothing else, ponder just a wee bit about why so many of his countrymen support him and his policies given that he is so evil.  Remember that the Philippines is a country where people are fairly free to read what they want so they have access to both sides of the story.

As for 'running' you are probably one of the Americans I would rather have around.  Unfortunately it implies that you'd be on the short-list of enemies of the neo-state and neutralized early on without making any lasting contribution whatsoever if/when the shit hits the fan.  In the mean time you (or anyone else in the country) are also unlikely to be able to do much of anything positive.  There is simply no base upon which to gain leverage and I don't see a way that there will be.  There will the potential for a base after a proposed 'event', but again, I expect that you'll be no longer.  And if by some stroke of luck you are, you'll be glad that there is some support from 'outside'.

I never said he was evil. I was simply pointing out the reject above doesn't have any grounds to point fingers. He is of the type neither of us want around and would not be a help to anyone, even himself. I know enough about the Philippines to know it is a low trust nation where everyone is suspicious of everyone else and rule of law is not stable. I would prefer that not become the standard here, and I find people wagging fingers from afar with plenty of their own domestic problems don't hold much water. If you are done being upset I was critical of your dear leader, do you care to actually comment on the topic or just want to continue tribing up?
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

You live under a dictator who runs death squads, I am not sure you really should be pointing fingers at the USA or have any right whatsoever to tell us here what we should be doing with our nation when you ran away like a puss and wag your finger from afar. This impeachment is a complete farce, and the only argument you have is forced memes and cartoons. Just be sure you have your mommy change your nappies before you get a rash.

I suggest that you spend some time on the ground before you speak with authority about 'dictators' and 'death squads'.  Much of the 'information' about the situation is highly filtered by the very same people who's programs are getting royally fucked up by certain policies of 'the dictator' who 'runs death squads.'  If nothing else, ponder just a wee bit about why so many of his countrymen support him and his policies given that he is so evil.  Remember that the Philippines is a country where people are fairly free to read what they want so they have access to both sides of the story.

As for 'running' you are probably one of the Americans I would rather have around.  Unfortunately it implies that you'd be on the short-list of enemies of the neo-state and neutralized early on without making any lasting contribution whatsoever if/when the shit hits the fan.  In the mean time you (or anyone else in the country) are also unlikely to be able to do much of anything positive.  There is simply no base upon which to gain leverage and I don't see a way that there will be.  There will the potential for a base after a proposed 'event', but again, I expect that you'll be no longer.  And if by some stroke of luck you are, you'll be glad that there is some support from 'outside'.

Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
Any chance you are going to debate the topic or are you just going to continue to force stale memes while you simultaneously try to blame me for the childish level of discourse you are personally responsible for?
Activity: 3010
Merit: 8114

They're not entitled to transparency. Fuck 'em.

Put one more vote down for SOROSSSSSS!

Do you believe this, or are you just joking or what?

No, I don't actually believe that.
Activity: 3010
Merit: 8114
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
I made poopie in my diapey.

Pretend time is fun.
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
Very impressive. You can jerk each other off, make character attacks, and force memes. Quite convincing debate tactics. That might have worked in grade school but everyone wears big boy pants now, time to put away the pullups and learn to stop shitting in your pants.

You live under a dictator who runs death squads, I am not sure you really should be pointing fingers at the USA or have any right whatsoever to tell us here what we should be doing with our nation when you ran away like a puss and wag your finger from afar. This impeachment is a complete farce, and the only argument you have is forced memes and cartoons. Just be sure you have your mommy change your nappies before you get a rash.
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