Jean_Luc adress https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/1FoundByJLPKangaroo111Bht3rtyBav8
This address is just for small transactions to keep tracking for the history Not for real funds. As said earlier, Jean_Luc does not control the private key from this address. So, if somebody wants sent to Jean_Luck real funds, better ask him for the address for donations. And do not use this address.
Exactly ... JeanLucPons - put on your GitHub, for example, your wallet on which you can make donate - before someone sends a substantial amount to this one ;-)
Zielar, we are talk not about github, Man ! I understand exactry, if someone with so power like not dontae Jean_Luc, Jean_ Luck send the fuck all and not will appear more here, and after this he will be wright !!