Starts by default, if not enough ram at the server side, get the default grid size of each GPU and divide the second number by 2 in order to minimize number of kangaroo, it still not enough memory at the server side divide also the first number by 2. The new server give the total number of kangaroo, total number of kangaroo*2^dpbit should not exceed 2^54.
I don't know your exact config but if my "383 boards" estimation is OK, use -d 24 maybe 25 if you have enough RAM.
Expected RAM should not exceed RamOnYourSytem/2.
Keep your present work28 file, start server and clients from scratch and save every hour or 2 hours the server file, do not restart the server and try a merge offline with your old save28, it may solve the key.
As MrFreeDragon, Do not send fund to 1FoundByJLPKangaroo111Bht3rtyBav8, only one satoshi (0.00000001 BTC) from the solved address if you want to please me