This is comedy gold. You participate in a ponzi scheme and then get butthurt about it when it turns out to be a ponzi scheme.
You don't get it do you.... We knew that this was a ponzi and late investors would lose money. However we are shocked because the owner ran with our funds.
Who the fuck put this on reddit. Now all we have is ignorant people who don't even know what ponzi means making fun of us for using a GAMBLING website, and the owner running away. Btw Vort if you are still reading this some large news sites like businessinsider and important journalists on twitter now know about this, so I advise you send back the coins and say its a website failure and your internet cut out. is going to send me your information like your IP address, and its only a matter of time before you get caught.
Turn. Yourself. InPrivacy Guardian would be a shambles if they sent one of their customer's details to a total stranger lol. They will only release details to the authorities so dont BS. I want be coins back as much as you guys but they're gone
I thought Vort was a good guy...
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^ that was taken from, you can check there.
I seriously still do believe that this guy is legit. Maybe the website was home hosted on a bad internet, and the amount of traffic (I refreshed about 100 times in a couple minutes) could have crashed the computer, and the internet, causing something to go wrong and he now has to fix his internet. At one point he had 100 bitcoin, thats ~60,000$, and why would he take away only 6000$, and risk being arrested. If you look up scam on the internet, there are semi-popular news sources talking about this, and a bunch of important journalists on twitter.