Is 600 kilo hash (750tix2) good enough for the 512 difficulty?
Would it be better if I allocated 800? (2gridseed)
1khs is good enough for 512. Difficulty doesn't matter.
PW, you are wrong about that. I know you would say now that all it matters is a statistics and even 1khs gets eventually an accepted share.
Yes, statistically speaking it does not matter if diff is 64, 128, 256 or 512.
But in real world, a hash machine might get a reset (so it was hashing for about a minute and nothing was accepted from pools side), might get hung or might start hashing at secondary pool.
And then all that hash time, when nothing was accepted from pools side - is lost.
The best option would be - the machine hashes, the pool accepts - AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.