Sent 1234 from EXOOBa8NeFF616dsOpBx97E4b8gsOds8bYQwcmee to EXOwqyBhpSsAGMUxm5s7Uu7SGDwkk3fA5MyHdbhc, transaction was valid and appeared in the transactionlist, wallet was debited and the receiving wallet was credited.
After a minute the transaction disappeared on both wallets and amounts were restored...
Hmmm, just found out that you could apply for the mail give-away even if you had already bought at the 1st and 2nd round...
Didn't know that, I didn't apply
Are you sure? Did you remade that transaction? I can see it in the chain with: TX65E44025AB764EEA03CA149981C8A8F624A73CDE1742CAB041565638A9076377
please check... is our client still in sync? You can try to delete the chain and see if it will appear again as well
pm me with your mail and I'll add you
That TX-id is for the other way around. He first sent me 1234 and I sent it back. The first transaction was okay, the second one disappeared.