If someone initiated more than one transfer within the same block then only one of them will be displayed in the blockexplorer search and - that is more important - the calculation of an addresses' balance will be wrong then as well [=counting in only one tx per block](!).
We target V0.59 with minor improvements and bug fixes to be available shortly in around 24h.
So I guess in your case, Fonzarelli, your local client accepts the transfer since balance is OK, but the net does not accept it since calculation of that addresses' balance is not right. You should be able to send a value <=10789.6 EXO but nothing more.
Sorry for the inconveniences but I am glad to found this bug so fast.
OK... the transaction I sent from EXOdfsN5u5WPB4BNsswrdp21tkuyE3mWHpCmdbme to EXOdfsN5u5WPB4BNsswrdp21tkuyE3mWHpCmdbme for 5555.55 EXO appears in my transactions but NOT under the transactions when you put the recipient's address in the Block Explorer.
That's the same issue.
Bug fix is easy (simply use continue instead of break in 3 lines) and will surely be available in 0.59
#edit: partially wrong.. only targetAddress has been calculated wrongly - sender's addresses always calculated correctly
#edit: Solved in v0.59 (release tomorrow). Your 5555.55 appears now on both sides andFonzarelli's balance calculated to a sum of 20122.9 EXO - so this was not an issue within the chain itself
I generated 3 * 10000 coins and then sent 3 * 8888.88 coins out in several minutes, and I think those operations in one block.