In case your still not understanding me, here is a link to the discussion where someone from potcoin lets us know that have indeed contacted bittrex and told them what needs done.
Here is another one where davidpot, one of the devs let the world know that polo was back up. Did he post that here? No, I don't think he did.
That's precisely the point of my "hostility": It should be posted here first. By the devs.
But the main point of my "hostility" is the obvious lack of foresight on the part of the devs that did nothing, FOR MONTHS, to prevent this incident that now lasts many weeks (and counting) and that is very seriously hurting the coin and the network.
Not to mention the lack of action regarding the concerns, or watever, Bittrex and Cryptsy have. "richiela" has posted very recently that they still have a problem with the wallet and the dev in that linked reddit posted -later- that they have told them what the solution is... which lens anyone reasonable to believe that "the solution" is not actually THE solution.
Apparently something similar is happening at Cryptsy for neither them nor Bittrex gain anything having the wallet down now for what could possibly be a record amount of time on both exchanges and, quite frankly, without any possibility of solution, seemingly, since it would appear that the devs have done everything they are willing to do and the exchanges are, also evidently, not getting anywhere with it.
I would think there's ample reason for hostility, don't you think?
Your still not getting it, they are posting it to reddit, there is no reason for them to post it "anywhere" except where they choose. The source of the info doesn't matter, what matters is that they are trying to be more communicative. I missed the galactic memo that states that BCT was where the devs of any coin have to keep the community updated, they could post it on myspace or friendster for all I care.
Do you understand now that the devs have no control over the exchanges? Its the exchanges who stand to lose out by not letting their customers withdraw funds.
In case you missed it, bittrex is coming back up, they are catching up to the chain and should be up and running shortly, with any luck cryptsy will come back online today as well.
We are going to have to agree to disagree. Strongly. Choosing ANY other method of communication, in crypto, is avoiding communication at all. BTCT is where 99% of people come first and foremost. So, avoiding BTCT, purposedly or not, is, de facto, avoiding communication... regardless what you care or care not for.
The damage to the coin project is obvious, again, and to the network even more so, therefore there's absolutely no reason for not having the vias of communication fully open here (along with wherever else they feel their boat is rocked, no need for "exclusivity").
And yes, people who has any reasonably significant amount of money committed to POT and anchored "sine die" in the exchanges, has every reason to be angry and hostile for the reasons expressed above.
Related, but on a different note, Bittrex just started allowing withdrawals. Cryptsy still in limbo.
You act as if BCT is the be all and end all of internet communication. Reddit and any other means would be better than BCT for them keeping people in the loop. Are you wholly incapable of checking in on the subreddit for potcoin? Is reddit blocked from your home or work pc? Would you prefer they send a messenger to your house with up to the minute news on what they had for breakfast?
You may think that everyone who is invested heavily in potcoin is or has to be as angry as you, that is not the case. Those of us that are sitting on large chunks of potcoin accept that things will happen or they will not, we also realize that we can do our part to help pot become whats capable of, rather than sitting on the couch and pissing and moaning because we aren't millionaires already. Your ranting and raving and throwing around fuck this and fuck that only serves to make you look juvenile and ignorant. Yes, I was not happy about the blockchain breakage with the transition because I saw it coming with the lack of testnet and beta testing of wallets prior to release, especially for as enormous an undertaking as an algo fork. Did I get all angry and demand peoples resignations and heads? NO. I did take the dev team to task and in response to me and others they have seeked to be more open and inclusive. What have you done? Nothing besides rant like a lunatic about things that are out of everyones control.
TLDR; Once more, go smoke a bowl, get laid and/or jack off, whatever you need to relax. All relevant exchanges will hopefully be back up soon and this party can get started. You can either sell off your coin and go hide under your bed, or you can chill the fuck out and let things happen as they will. Those who are willing to take the risk and wait will win, this is a time that is testing for weak hands, how strong are yours? And start paying attention to reddit, I have a feeling that the conversation will pick up there as the coin starts getting some interest.