look at all these fools somehow associating a coins btc value to its worth.
if you wanted a pump and dump coin you should be investing in something that mines in the first few weeks then turns proof of stake.
everyone crying about the price has no idea what it takes to create a long lasting market.
"getting listed on multiple exchanges" is a bad thing now? wtf? did it hurt btc ltc and doge to get listed on multiple exchanges? no because their communities werent butthurt crybabies.
what determines whether potcoin is a success is very clear, and very simple. whether or not marijuana dispensaries accept potcoin as payment. there you have it now get to work and stop whining about exchanges. Getting listed on multiple exchanges is a good thing in every case. If your coin dies off it was going to die regardless. How has that slow and steady approach worked for bitcoin? oh thats right its volatile as fuck! Steady decline for 40 hours after a huge pump it must be mintpals fault for listing the coin on a premiere exchange! Maybe you shouldnt have a blog if you haven't a clue. "flappycoin the next dogecoin" give me a break
1.) Doge is worth next to nothing now so great example there.
2.) Most coins cannot be readily converted to fiat directly so yeah, in the early stages (like now) the value is universally being related in terms of how much btc xyz coin is worth. No one cares if you like that trend or not that's just how it is.
3.) Potcoin doesn't necessarily need to be accepted by dispensaries to flourish. It has a reasonably sized community of hardcore fans. However, if they ever want to see it used for you know like, actual financial transactions, which is the reason a COIN gets created, then yes they need to appeal to the wider public and that in turn means they need to show a modicum of stability.
4.) Doge and LTC are fairly mature coins. If you read what I wrote rather than skimming two sentences you would know that I'm suggesting that too many exchanges TOO EARLY is the problem. If a coin has been around 5 freaking years like bitcoin has then by all means, go ahead and add it to every exchange on the planet. But when a coin is barely 3 months old, it's stupid and crippling.