If you do extra work that is not necessary you will not get extra money, in fact you get less here.
And that is what I was saying.
It is 'supposed' to equate about 5% yearly mint rates.
If you keep a wallet open constantly it will not even come close to that.
If this is on purpose, then the devs are shooting themselves in the foot as nobody will keep the network
active constantly but just sporadically to unlock for minting then close it again.
So, considering it is not behaving how it should, me and others have chalked it down as a bug.
The dev's don't seem to take credit for it , nor explain it since I have brought it up to them 4 times now over the past year.
"Shrug" don't really care though. I'm not actively trading this turkey since the last pump. It's on a dead spiral from what I've seen.
Good luck to ya'll.