You were wrong before. Haven't you ever heard of sluts, who do it for pleasure, or to see who is the alpha-slut among them? Barter isn't money. Yet lots of prostitutes do it for gratuities rather than money. If there wasn't any money, prostitution would go right on as before.
Women don't have sex with sleazy men for nothing (that's what prostitution is, in case you didn't know). So, you're wrong.
I never said anything about alphas... if she wants to have sex for free, it's because she approves of that man, therefore it's not prostitution.
Nobody does something for nothing except by accident. The pay might be gratification in some way. But it doesn't have to be money.
Men and women were messing around long before money was even invented. So, they invented a new word, prostitution, when people started doing it for money.
Are we playing a semantics game? Or are we talking about illegitimate sexual intercourse?
I'm very clear: not an alpha male, but a sleazy man.