Watford. If we look at the statistics of the match where Man United controlled the ball up to 68% and managed to take a kick up to 22 times.
This proves the Man United players did not work hard when facing Watford, Man United players should show their motivation to be able to win
the game, considering that Man United need a lot of points to fight for 4th place. But they threw away the opportunity when they faced Watford,
and that's a very disappointing thing especially for his supporters. If we look at Man United's performance against Watford, I am increasingly pessimistic
that they will be able to compete for the 4th position. Looks like Man United have to prepare not to play in the Champions League next season,
if they don't improve their form soon in the remaining games of the season.
Not only did they not take Watford seriously, Man United had problems with teamwork. Most Man United players are very selfish when they
enter the penalty box, they will force a kick, although there are other players whose positions are vacant. So we can see when facing Watford,
Man United's shot reached 22 times, but only 3 times towards goal. If Man United does not change their playing style, it will be difficult to win.
Whereas in March Man United will face strong teams, such as Man City, Tottenham and Liverpool. Not to mention that Man United will face Atletico
in the second leg of the Champions League. Man United should have won against a weak team like Watford and didn't throw away points by failing
to win against Watford. Now Man United have to prepare to drop a lot of points going into March, having to face 4 very tough match, I predict that
from the 4 matches played by Man United in March, maybe only one match was won by Man United.