Further, with the near admission of puppetry used in this thread, I would question your claim of lack of involvement in this thread, and this one...
Well sure, there are lots of similarities in the way people use language and words and phrases, but the odds of someone using the same very unique phrases or spelling errors is astronomical and the more similarities we see the more likely it becomes that one and the other are the same and I've spotted a lot of alts like this. Basically, we all know that you're QS but there's obviously no smoking gun so you're going to try hide behind that. It's like knowing someone committed a crime because it has all the hallmarks of that person and they were spotted at the scene of the crime and have the motive, but there's no DNA evidence to seal the case and certainly not enough to stand up in court so they go free on a technicality.
BTW, I always had an inkling you two were one and the same as you just start to see these things when you spend so much time on the board, but it was all but confirmed for me when I noticed both you and QS reporting posts with the exact same phrasing. The odds of that happening between two random people is very rare and obviously not something someone else can mimic. QS also does a certain thing on all of his accounts as do you which I'm not going to give away because it's an easy habit to change but it's always the first thing I look for when I see one account that has all the hallmarks of QS. I honestly don't know whether you just see this board as too lucrative to leave it alone and do your best to try rank up an account to maximise earning potential here from whatever avenues you can, or there's something more sinister going on and you've always been trying to build up to a long con or something. I'm sure many others here wouldn't have given a shit about any other accounts you had and you could have easy rebuilt your reputation over time but the way you behaved and tried to take anyone and everyone down just because they had someone you didn't like on their trust list turned a lot of people against you and makes me not trust you at all and that's why most people here are unforgiving of you.
Yes, he is, and that's the point: if you're not an American English native speaker its a bit harder to judge what phrases and misspellings are common versus uncommon.
Most people have words they get wrong frequently even if they're native English speakers, and especially just turn of phrases and mannerisms that you pick up over time. It's actually hard for people to register themselves but others often notice it and over time things start to stick out even more.
i dunno, the evidence seems really flimsy to me.
It's really not just the words though, it's the overall behaviour amongst other things. Users who sign up here and head straight to Meta and and get involved in forum politics always stand out as likely being alts and often people blatantly having knowledge of things that you would only know from being here a while sets alarm bells off. The words and phrases are just another piece of strong evidence, but yes, one or two similarities wouldn't mean much but when you put it all together it becomes pretty compelling. I wasn't even aware of the things that have just been presented in this thread but I always suspected they were the same just from other things I observed. Sure, probably technically not enough to condemn someone over but I'd bet a bollock they're the same.
Well it's pretty obvious. Money and probably trust. It's also not that hard to rank up if you know what to do and where to fish for merits, much like mday was doing, and PN7 is doing pretty well in the merit and rank stakes. Sure, it takes a bit of time and effort but the outcome can be very rewarding, especially if you can get on a high-paying campaign and I'm sure he has his eyes set on the holy grail that is Chipmixer.
The people who he's attacked seemingly give a shit. I don't really care either either and let him have that account for all I care, but I don't blame them for attacking him any chance they get either because that's exactly what QS did and he launched a pretty merciless attack on anyone who he felt wronged him and they're seemingly returning the favour and unwilling to let it go like he did.
I would just say move on to both sides but I don't think either will be wiling to do so so this sort of tit-for-tat will likely continue on for ever.