Dick, your a racist, mlm is a scam? Some have been around for over 140 years, and there still going. That's longer than Americas fiat currency. A scam is social security. You just have to be sociable and have friends to do well in a mlm. Ouch, guess the truth hurts. Jamie Diamond said bitcoin was a scam just six weeks ago. Took them a few years and lots of scam posts to get where they are today.Is bitcoin a scam DICK? He carries more credibility than you do. Common sense tells you it as a threat to the banking system. It is. And then we have DICK or DickDTurner. Who is IPro a threat to DICK. Some crypto trying to catch up with IPro and paying you to trash them? Dont expect you will let us in on that. Every post you have made is to trash a crypto you dont seem to know much about , and one you haven't lost a dime on. Why so rabid when we know you dont really give a shit about people. Since trashing IPro is the only reason you post you must be working for another crypto. Who's paying you DICK or are you just mad they wont let you into their circle jerk. I'll figure it out in time, you might as well just tell us. Common sense tells us you are a DICK, DickDTurner. Friday must be payday.
LOL!!!!!!! No one pays me!!!!!!! OH your so dumb. You have VERY VERY selective hearing apparently.... I only trash iPro by choice. Its the biggest shittiest target aim at.
Dickie D.
Bruh have you even seen the links that he points on his video those links are very outdated or wrong lol
The first website with publicity and the second with wrong information or outdated information
https://i.imgur.com/wiVPKNb.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/6M25K4K.pngAlso on the video he says that there isn't any presence of the company outside of the US witch is totally wrong lmfao still watching btw
The links I posted are backlinks to rank
nothing is outdated, it's my experience with ipro network/ipn/proc/pro currency. At the beginning of this co, it was all US bc another crypto co pulled out of the US so everyone followed the leadership, some who were given corp positions, to ipn. Besides the Asian team that Danny and Bishop circumvented from me which I referenced in the video, where else is there significant volume coming from and where did it begin besides the US? Btw, my Asian partners just picked this up from the Asian leader I referenced in the video about what they're pitching to the group out there this is translated from Japanese thru google but I'm sure ull get the picture
IPRO project investment
First, 8400 yuan ... two months after the two days issued 12,000 yuan
Second, 10,500 yuan ... two and a half days after the two days issued 15,000 yuan
Third, 21,000 yuan ... two and a half days after the two days issued 30,000 yuan
Fourth, 42,000 yuan ... two and a half days after the two days issued 60,000 yuan
Fifth, 63,000 yuan ... two months after the two days issued 90,000 yuan
Sixth, 84,000 yuan ... two and a half days after the start of 120,000 yuan
Seventh, 105,000 yuan ... two and a half days after the two days issued 150,000 yuan
Eighth, 210000 yuan ... two months after the two days issued 300,000 yuan
Ninth, 420000 yuan ... two and a half days after the start of 600,000 yuan
Tenth, 630000 yuan ... two months after the two days issued 900,000 yuan
The amount of investment 8400,10500,12600,14700,16800,18900,21000 ... by your own ideal of the best choice,
If anyone wants to know, this is my experience w ipn...