Every major retailer I’ve talked to denies any involvement with this shitcoin. with a 70k ICO I highly doubt there’s any truth to anything here. Time will tell.
Dickie D
EDIT: Correction, they are directly affiliated it seems:
https://www.equities.com/news/pro-the-new-digital-currency-solves-the-biggest-problem-bitcoin-cantThis seems to be a coincidence that trolls are capitalizing on. Kevin Harrington is working with the iPN. However, I dont believe IPN has anything to do with ProCurrency. The coin for IPN doesnt seem to have released yet and will likely be called ProCoin.
Neither the IPN website nor ProCurrencies website make mention of one another at any point.
Please, someone provide evidence to prove me wrong here if I am misunderstanding things.
"Every major retailer I’ve talked to denies any involvement with this shitcoin."
"Every major retailer I’ve talked to denies any involvement with this shitcoin."
"Every major retailer I’ve talked to denies any involvement with this shitcoin."
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http://www.equities.com/disclaimerDickie D.