Not only this but, humans have declined in humanitarian qualities. How do we know? The way that many of the advancements have been made is to steal other peoples' prosperity by stealing their property through taxation and other methods... methods used to do stupid things like landing on the moon, making test-tube babies, carrying out heart transplants when it would be a whole lot more beneficial to heal the heart, and a whole lot of other stupid things that wouldn't have been dreamed of in the past.
Meanwhile, the people who have had their property stolen, live in tent cities and poverty, and their plight is barely reported on by the media.
The so-called advancement of mankind is disgusting when you look at the destruction some people do to other people just to advance themselves.
The moon landing is stupid? Going from earth to the Moon itself, one of greatest feats humanity has ever made? A testament to our spirit? Heart transplants? Giving people the chance to live some more? Or people who can't have children the opportunity to do so?
And so that you'll not comment: I agree with the taxation part. I'm not against you just because we're carrying a polemic here about some other topic.
Yet it is not a great feat in that it helped to bring poverty to Americans an people of many other nations. How did it do this? NASA is based on loans from banks. Banks operate through the debt-money Ponzi scheme. Ponzi's always screw the people at the bottom of the Ponzi.
Still, somehow we managed to get past the dome that covers this "flat" world and went beyond it.
Why are you trying to prove you are more devolved than you are?