lookin neat. whats your stake weight? I'm quarreling with my wallet again because it's not staking the whole wallet, only a lil bit of it (like 2/3) right now.
Also if you are holding 1 million or more vidz join our channel on slack: https://vidztoken.slack.com/messages/whaleclub/details/
yeah, I just dont get why this is dithering so hard. monitoring my weight/total wallet amount ratio between 10 - 95% > time to earn reward fluctuates between minutes and 10+ hours
I split my wallet into several addresses, maybe I do have to hold all vidz in one address for staking properly?
thats kinda strange
just found staking_with_multiple_addresses_in_qt_wallet ($rdd) > https://www.reddit.com/r/reddCoin/comments/2mp7i3/staking_with_multiple_addresses_in_qt_wallet/
when I get this right, I have to merge all addresses to one again to stake properly in full throttle