Go lose 6 years without internet, then come back 2029 you will know the answer
I'd like you to take a look at this webpage:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XY_problemBeyond this, I don't think there is anything anybody else can do here to help him.
agree. this person is leading us down the hallway of the xy problem...
it's a trap don't fall for it. trying to help an xy problem can be a wasted effort. until the person starts asking the right question, which is X, not Y.
Dude im not trying to fool around, it was mistake revealing the adress because before that noone had problems with me trying to recover it.. I can send the picture i have hwich im sure i miss something and i know im hard to understand but what i can do, we speak different languages by any means.. And this is why i asked about the merkle root
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I copy it from the pictures i have, dating from back then and it's possible the zeros the be copied as 8, if anyone wants to sent then the whole pictures tell me, my brain true is not in tact as it was, but given the things that happened i can accept that my brain is fkked up, but after surviving the hell im at least not crazy.