However, if he casinos rules states clearly that the use of VPNs is prohibited then you should not use it.
If your cuntry is ot restricted and there is nothing on the casino's terms regarding the use of VPNs then even if they lock your accunt, there is still a high chance you can recovr it by contacting the support and trying to explain to them what happened.
Yes, but you have to go a lot just to proved that you are not in the restricted country and not you want to use VPN for privacy. So if you are willing to go and make things complicated and you still don't know what's the take of the casino, then you might go with it.
However, the risk is still there, you will never know what the casinos might say in the end and it might not favor you, just saying. It's a lose-lose situation.
The funniest part about some people who use VPNs in casinos is that even though the casino allows them to use the VPN and they are using the VPN at the casino in order to maintain their privacy, they do KYC at the casino. So I wonder: has the person already done KYC at the casino, does the casino know the person's home address, does the casino know the person's real phone number, does the casino know the person's real name and does the casino have the person's real ID, so when the person is using the VPN at the casino where he has already done KYC, is he hiding from that? Nowadays with KYC it no longer makes sense to use VPN