16. Front End for the LTC chip is now stable. We’re starting the back end as soon as possible and we’re going to start pre-orders soon.
Where did the money come from for this development if compensation for batch 1 customers is maxed out?
No money for refunds. No money for proper compensation, much hand-wringing over how this the absolute best they can do aaaaaaaaaaaaand.....................here's our new scrypt miner! Getyer pre-orders in!
Using funds generated from pre-orders to develop new products while the customers that sent those funds in are taking a total bath, and BA is claiming they're absolutely maxed out, is just the latest evidence that the level of importance given to customers is just above that of a cockroach scuttling across the office floor, and only because a cockroach doesn't carry a wallet.
Anyone that pre-orders anything more complex than a pizza from these people after watching this unfold has a fucking brain tumor.....
And they deleted every single one of my ~300 posts on this thread. But, what else would you expect from a Romanian Scum Bucket.
all I know is that if you turn out to have been right about these people, the line of BA nut-huggers queuing up to suck your warhammer will be visible from the space station.....
here's an idea, instead of sinking customer funds into another product use the money those people paid to develop a product for their use -on a product for their use.
do what any R&D company does. Pursue multiple vectors on critical path components, so if that if one design or supplier shits out you don't end up butt-jamming your customers, while running all tra la la down the path on some other project funded with the money of the very same people that are getting screwed.
gee, tell us again how you've stretched yourselves to the limit to compensate for the delays that exist due to the fact that nobody apparently knows how to run a fucking project.