Хотелось бы задать более важные вопросы. 1) Вчера на сайте сказали о завершении публичной продажи токенов,значит ли это что баунти компания закрыта? 2) Если не закрыта,то какого числа будет крайний подсчет? 20 числа или завтра,а 20 свободный день?
На твои более важные вопросы есть ответ в первом посте данной темы, для особо ленивых цитирую "ICO+Bounty стартовало 21 июля, закончится 20 августа. Баунти-пул 3,400,000 tokens($127,500)!" Достаточно понятно изложено или ещё по буквам изложить?
и второй момент,мой вопрос приурочен к данному закрепу в официальной группе в телеграмме.
Welcome to the Official One Game (OGT) Telegram.
Due to the current market conditions and for the good of our supporters, we have paused the token sale and delayed the listing of OGT on an exchange. A further announcement will be made in the end of the month, and anyone who already purchased OGT will be contacted 1-on-1 by then.
Please still work on the KYC if you are interested in supporting the project and we will process your application and inform you in the earliest time when OGT is available for purchase again. If you have other inquiries please email to
[email protected]Register in Avatar Wallet:
https://m.one.game/💸 Token Rush has launched! Play Token Rush and rush to collect OGT! Competition Rules:
From August 7th to August 20th, 66,666 OGT will be won by the top 20% of users each week. Of these, 6,666 were allocated to the top 10, 10,000 to the top 50, and 50,000 were shared by all. Within each tier, the tokens will be allocated based on the number of points proportionately. The winners are announced on every Tuesday.
🚀 What is One Game?
One Game is a decentralized virtual world powered by Deepbrain Chain’s AI computing platform. One Game provides a set of easy to use, yet powerful tools, to allow anyone to create their own virtual world. In this world, the game participant is the ultimate owner, creator, and arbiter.
One Game is not a single game, but a platform on which any player can create their own games. Professional developers may use our developer tools to create thrilling gaming experiences.
One Game introduces a decentralized and self-evolving world of infinite variability governed by creators, gamers, and players based on a set of
consensus protocols that reward and incentivize the contributing actors. By applying the theory of genetic combination and selection, the AI and varied elements within the platform will cross breed and evolve over time. As a radical paradigm shift, the participants in One Game control their
own reality in an infinite, self-evolving game.
Avatar Wallet (Play Token Rush, Complete KYC and Contribute in Crowdsale):
http://one.game/Bitcointalk Post:
https://medium.com/@one_gameWhite Paper:
http://one.game/whitepaper_en.pdfThe Project’s Investors and Partners include:
- Deepbrain Chain Foundation
- Loopring Foundation
- Litecoin Cash Foundation
- CollinStar
- Hello Capital
- Horman Capital
- Youbi Capital
- Flag.VC
The company behind the project is a game company of more than 5 years history. We have very good relationships with all the app stores (Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon), and the earlier products of Mokuni were featured in different app stores multiple times, and had received 10 millions of downloads.
If you have any question about the bounty program, please reply in
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/onegame-project-1-june-20-jule-presale-contributed-over-1mln-closed-4412455, send private messages to the manager @bountyX4 or email to
[email protected]Тут написано о приостановки публичной продажи,обычно,когда приостанавливается публичная продажа,приостанавливается баунти компания. По данному вопросу есть ответ на первой странице? Или вы лично спросили у кого то из команды?