Started playing exactly 20 days ago, with daily activity and just missing out 1~2 days, now making:
[Production: 11.20 gold/min = 672 gold/h = 67 satoshis/h] and increased Captcha to: [Captcha Timer 36min] with the next update costing 30k gold and bringing in: [Production: 16.80 gold/min = 1008 gold/h = 100 satoshis/h]...
So yes, i can understand why v1.x is considered to be slow and not at all helpful, if you were "just looking for a new faucet", with these amounts it is however well in what RCE games offer (real cash economy), because those never pay anything the first few months, that you play with daily activity and with 0 investments, tho some of them will already allow making a single euro/dollar after that.
What is especially troublesome is: 1800~ satoshis per hour is all you can ever make? ... And you have to spend (supposedly) half a year of active playing before reaching such amount? (both rhetorical questions)
After making a list of faucets (just 62 entries so far) i can already tell there are a good bunch that pay more than that on average & per hour, without grinding months over months on upgrades (link to that list will be provided as soon as signature accepts links).
In this regard, i welcome the new version 2.0, especially the 2d RPG graphic will make a big difference (and i REALLY like it), what makes me worry are the "tiers" on the new PvP system (player vs player... even if indirect), how will those work?
Also, what will happen with shareholders? Will they get back their money (original purchase price) or instead get something else?
Some possible thoughts:
Example A
Tier 1: people who paid for premium membership
Tier 2: those that play actively on a daily basis
Tier 3: the idler of the bunch (not playing actively at least every week)
Example B
Tier 1: Ranks 1-100
Tier 2: Ranks 101-200
Tier 3: Ranks 201-300
Both examples look terrible to me, after seeing the calculation on revenue VS what each player gets, shown here with a sample calculation: to a spreadsheet above, in case it allows me to post it, else request it by PM)
Regardless of the v2.0 arrival, i will go on playing the game, even if it all just resets and the whole time was wasted.
Would also like to make a donation, but that is kinda impossible without money, in case i can do something else - have a lot of time on my hands, just no skill at anything worthwhile and will be gone for a week starting from tomorrow (1 of 2 planned vacations this year).
Would especially be interested in helping with the development, but like i said: only have a basic understanding of programming & mark-up languages, why i had to learn a lot (just point me in the direction
As for the thread: started reading it from page 80 onwards (beginning of may), as it would probably take a day to go through the whole thing.