Yes BFL cannot be blamed for people who want a refund in BTC paid - you can't use a purchase as a hedge against foreign exchanges. They can blame BFL for poor planning on their miner hardware deployment secondary to BFL's, uh how did you word it, "fallacious statement" - of which I believe you were responsible for later on in 2012. I have yet to see you apologize even once for the delays the BFL suffered, whether intentional or not. Can't you for just one time say you hurt people? Or does that admit to liability to be used in court?
So once again, you boil it down to what every other troll really trolls with. You basically have nothing else. "BFL is late."
Yep, BFL is late. I've apologized for it numerous times, and again, like Charlie, I am not your personal secretary. If you're so lazy or incompetent that you can't be bothered to find the myriad of threads where I've apologized for it, that's just too bad, you'll have to suck it up and drive on, little soldier.
I have hurt no one. If you've been hurt by bitcoin, in whatever fashion, you seriously need to re-examine your life and reassess your priorities. Putting yourself in a position where you can be hurt by an experimental currency and bleeding edge technology is not just stupid, it's completely irresponsible and you shouldn't be allowed near a computer, much less money. On top of that, the timeline for the ASICs was set and announced long, long before I came on board. As I've said, again in countless places, going forward if I have any say in the situation, BFL will not be announcing timelines beyond "When it's ready."
Come on, rebuke me with some of your SAT vocabulary. Please abstain from 4 letter words and profanity.
I love this, when a troll trots out this old saw. I rarely put profanity in my posts (It happens on occasion, but not often), but you're so blinded by your rage and butthurt that you envision profanity where there is none. Does my vocabulary threaten you somehow? Do you fail to understand the big words I use so you translate them into imaginary profanity, is that how that works? I've always been curious as to where the source of this particular trope originates, perhaps you can enlighten me.