I think he just tries to convince himself
Its like the umpty-umpth time Ive seen this movie. Its getting boring. Warning, spoilers ahead:
- Obvious ponzi launches.
- Attracts hordes of fans/shills/sign beggars/ponzi pushers that post 'I have been paid, therefore its legit'
- People with common sense point out the obvious (duh, its a yet another ponzi)
- People who lack common sense or pretend to lack it, repeat ad nauseam "you cant prove its a ponzi" and come up with the most creative and outrageous explanations for how it could work. This is actually pretty neat for any scammer, dont bother writing an explanation for how you generate impossible profits, people will fill in the blanks for you.
- Ponzi collapses and Kübler-Ross model sets in in at varying speeds for different people: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Many still seem stuck in phase 1.
And on to the next ponzi we go.
OK so you're most likely right. So we should concentrate in doing everything we can to get something back and then just forget about it and move one.
I have filled out MrTeal's questionnaire, signed the petition, called the Saskatoon police, will make a local US report, reported the fraud on Canada online fraud reporting place, contacted the newspaper, called the Digital Mining Store and left a message, come up with my own "ingenious insight into Jason predicament," and am now ready for all the profanity that is my due because of excess posting. Is there anything missing in the list? I haven't called D. Boyko or Dave Boyko from Saskatoon, but that's the only thing I won't do, so knock yourselves out if you want to do it, but remember there are innocent people out there.