Point in case? OP is an idiot and a liar about being a scientist.
1. O2 supply going down is irrelevant.
2. Dynamics of atmosphere and temperature of Venus is completely different than Earth.
3. Machines that don't run solely on electricity are degrading our atmosphere? Who sez?
1) Not irrelevant, ever thought that the pollution coming from us may speed up that process?
2) Venus's atmosphere is largely composed of Carbon Dioxide, a gas in which we are exceedingly good at polluting our world with, hence cars, factories, and the like, and which leads to increased global warming.
3) If they don't run on electricity, then they must run on something else right? Water is out of the equation, so that leaves gasoline...
1) No, pollution from man does not change the O2 concenteration. This is a ridiculous assertion. CO2 is a low energy state molecule, O2 fairly high. O2 dynamically engages in many, many chemical reactions in both directions.
2) Venus's atmosphere characteristics are largely created by the sulfer dioxide cloud cover in the upper stratosphere of the planet.
3) Most electricity is the product of burning fossil fuels. You seem to think that can be ignored and that "electricity is good and carbon fuels are bad."
1) Entirely wrong, http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2008/aug/13/carbonemissions.climatechange
2) It's because Venus lacks a magnetic field, and it can't shield itself from brute force of the sun's harmful rays
3) Electricity is most often generated at a power station by electromechanical generators, primarily driven by heat engines fueled by chemical combustion or nuclear fission but also by other means such as the kinetic energy of flowing water and wind. Other energy sources include solar photovoltaics and geothermal power.
I suggest you go study more on the matter at hand.
isnt venus slightly closer to the sun too?
Go to school kid. Mercury is closest to the sun, yet not as hot as Venus.
i think we are on earth here.. at least i am
You made this comment, " lmfao isnt venus slightly closer to the sun too? ", which obviously meant that you belive Venus being closer to the Sun is what makes is so hot, and then I proved you wrong in stating that Venu's being closer to the Sun isn't the primary reason for it being so hot, since it's hotter than Mercury, which is the closest planet to the sun.
Again, go back to school.