
Topic: Reddit’s science forum banned climate deniers. - page 166. (Read 636443 times)

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386

OK, I finally got off my ass and started studying this thing.  I've always been of the opinion that human activity is certainly impacting CO2 ratios and probably is making some contribution to global tempertures, but in scientific and engineering terms this is not a very meaningful thing.  Magnitudes are everything.  I've also long been of the opinion that the environmentalist side is leveraging things to achieve semi-non-related objectives (just as I have that there are special interests on the other side as well.)  But until I study things I won't know how much.

Not many people actually study it, and few of those succeed in understanding.  The deck is stacked, and not just for political reasons.  It's basically difficult for the human mind to take a random walk data pattern, separate the underlying trends, and then not fall prey to thinking he can essentially use linear projection to predict the future.    I think at that level it's a similar problem to predicting the stock market.  It is fundamentally chaotic behavior.

Don't forget basic meteorology, 101 style college level.  99% of the people talking like they know climate don't even know weather.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

OK, I finally got off my ass and started studying this thing.  I've always been of the opinion that human activity is certainly impacting CO2 ratios and probably is making some contribution to global tempertures, but in scientific and engineering terms this is not a very meaningful thing.  Magnitudes are everything.  I've also long been of the opinion that the environmentalist side is leveraging things to achieve semi-non-related objectives (just as I have that there are special interests on the other side as well.)  But until I study things I won't know how much.

One of the early stops in my likely protracted journey, 'climategate'.  Much has been written about it, but this just happens to be on an open tab right now. science this is a Nuremberg level crime.  Any serious scientist would have to completely throw out anything related to the IPCC, relegate it as an organization to the trash can, and ignore the work of almost everyone who has ever had anything to do with it.

'climate scientist' should become a clown-ass label along with any of the many other pseudo-sciences.  When I hear the term 'consensus' among 'scientists' I'll henceforward have to try hard not to vomit.

It's indicative of a very sad state of the world that the mainstream was able to paper this thing over.  I know that most people don't like science much, but if there was ever an egregious instance of scientific fraud that no one should be able to ignore this would be it.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386

Global warming could make your pollen allergies a lot worse

It’s notoriously difficult to make people care about climate change. ....

So the global warming that hasn't happened in 20 years has some effects that haven't happened?
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Global warming could make your pollen allergies a lot worse

It’s notoriously difficult to make people care about climate change. It’s a big, slow moving, long term problem that can rarely compete with everyday concerns — and it certainly doesn’t help matters that most people have a difficult time distinguishing between climate change and their everyday weather.

But according to a new study, global warming is something that a large minority of us should care about a great deal indeed — because a large minority of us have allergies. In particular, 20 percent of people are allergic to pollen from various types of grasses. And the new paper, just out in PLOS One, suggests for the first time that in a warmer world with higher atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, those particular kinds of allergies could get a heck of a lot worse.

Grass pollen allergies are a serious health issue. “Peaks in atmospheric grass pollen have been directly correlated to ambulance calls by patients under respiratory stress and ER visits for asthma and wheeze,” notes the new study, conducted by researchers at Harvard and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386

Climate Scientists Suffering From “Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder” Because No One Takes Their Predictions Seriously…

Lise Van Susteren, a forensic psychiatrist based in Washington, D.C. — and co-author of the National Wildlife Federation’s report — calls this emotional reaction “pre-traumatic stress disorder,” a term she coined to describe the mental anguish that results from preparing for the worst, before it actually happens.

This problem of pre-traumatic stress disorder is not new, it has been around a time.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Climate Scientists Suffering From “Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder” Because No One Takes Their Predictions Seriously…

Two years ago, Camille Parmesan, a professor at Plymouth University and the University of Texas at Austin, became so “professionally depressed” that she questioned abandoning her research in climate change entirely.

Parmesan has a pretty serious stake in the field. In 2007, she shared a Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore for her work as a lead author of the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In 2009, The Atlantic named her one of 27 “Brave Thinkers” for her work on the impacts of climate change on species around the globe. Barack Obama and Mark Zuckerberg were also on the list. [...]

“In the U.S., [climate change] isn’t well-supported by the funding system, and when I give public talks in the U.S., I have to devote the first half of the talk to [the topic] that climate change is really happening,” says Parmesan, now a professor at Plymouth University in England.

Parmesan certainly isn’t the first to experience some sort of climate-change blues. From depression to substance abuse to suicide and post-traumatic stress disorder, growing bodies of research in the relatively new field of psychology of global warming suggest that climate change will take a pretty heavy toll on the human psyche as storms become more destructive and droughts more prolonged. For your everyday environmentalist, the emotional stress suffered by a rapidly changing Earth can result in some pretty substantial anxieties. [...]

“I don’t know of a single scientist that’s not having an emotional reaction to what is being lost,” Parmesan is quoted saying in the National Wildlife Federation’s 2012 report, “The Psychological Effects of Global Warming on the United States: And Why the U.S. Mental Health Care System is Not Adequately Prepared.” “It’s gotten to be so depressing that I’m not sure I’m going to go back to this particular site again,” she says, referring to an ocean reef she has studied since 2002, “because I just know I’m going to see more and more of it dead, and bleached, and covered with brown algae.”

Lise Van Susteren, a forensic psychiatrist based in Washington, D.C. — and co-author of the National Wildlife Federation’s report — calls this emotional reaction “pre-traumatic stress disorder,” a term she coined to describe the mental anguish that results from preparing for the worst, before it actually happens.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
Indeed it doesn't look good for a community when in a scientific discussion one of the parts is being censored. I acknowledge many were posting pointless, non peer reviews pieces of informations, but it's true that it was becoming quite boring to always see the same discussions over and over again in every thread.

Sure, but the "boring, repetitive" part comes from a dogmatic, religious approach to the dialectic.  I will grant that a scientific approach can also be boring sometimes terribly so.  

But religious thinking of environmentalists, masquerading as a scientific discussion, can easily and quickly be uncovered with a few questions of the right sort.   And that's if it's not immediately obvious by emotion laden arguments.

"Billions will die!"
"The sea will rise 80 meters!"
"Urgent action is needed Now!"
"The Koch brothers..."

At this time, the Reddit threads on climate science are not climate science.  They are propanganda in large part, often with Far Left funding and or motivations.

For actual unbiased discussions on climate science go here.
hero member
Activity: 924
Merit: 1000
Indeed it doesn't look good for a community when in a scientific discussion one of the parts is being censored. I acknowledge many were posting pointless, non peer reviews pieces of informations, but it's true that it was becoming quite boring to always see the same discussions over and over again in every thread.
Activity: 1204
Merit: 1002
Gresham's Lawyer

Solution To Saving Earth From Global Warming: Meditation To “Love Away The Carbon Dioxide”…

This meditation came to me a week ago in meditation. I often let my consciousness and breath follow my spine up and down. Recently I learned a figure 8 breathing visualization from Kate Sutherland which helps to ground oneself.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, eyes closed and your attention on your breath. Sitting or lying down works too, but standing is the easiest way to start.

Inhale slowly and bring your awareness to your heart.

Exhale slowly and imagine your breath is traveling the front of your body and entering to the center of the Earth.

Inhale slowly and imagine you are drawing up energy from the center of the Earth, up the back of your body, and into your heart.

Exhale slowly and imagine that your breath is going from your heart up the front of your body as high as it can go – to the stars, heaven, the sun – whatever works for you.

Inhale slowly and imagine you are drawing energy down from the sky, down the back of your body and into your heart.

Continue breathing the same shape. Next time you exhale, imagine your breath is travelling down to the earth, to the reserves of oil and coal and gas. Imagine a protective sheet of shimmering light around them so they stay in the ground. See all the wells and pumps disappear from the reserves.

Inhale slowly and imagine you are drawing energy up from the Earth, into your heart.

Exhale slowly and imagine your breath is going from your heart up towards the sky, to the atmosphere. Visualize that you can see the carbon dioxide molecules (one carbon, 2 oxygen) and you are touching them gently, loving them and letting them transform into oxygen and carbon.

Inhale back to your heart, bringing the carbon atoms with you.

Exhale and imagine you are bringing your breath and the carbon atoms down down to the center of the Earth. Return the carbon. Smoothly pet tight the mines, the drilling holes.

Inhale up to your heart. Exhale up to the atmosphere. Love away the carbon dioxide.

Inhaling to my heart would require some serious experimental surgery.
Usually I use my lungs for that, and leave my heart for blood.

Maybe they skipped this step in the howto?
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

British Minister: Global Warming “Pause” Result Of Government Climate Change Regulations…

Government environmental measures may already have helped to slow down global warming, an energy minister has claimed.

Baroness Sandip Verma said the rate of warming might have decreased, which could support the effectiveness of green policies.

Her comments came as Viscount Ridley, a Conservative peer and critic of government efforts to stop temperature rises, questioned her on when warming would start again.

He told peers at question time in the House of Lords: ‘The fifth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change has confirmed in the same words that there has been a hiatus in global warming for at least the last 15 years.’

And he asked Lady Verma: ‘Would you give us the opinion of your scientific advisers as to when this hiatus is likely to end?’

Lady Verma told him: ‘You raise a couple of issues that we would dispute in a longer debate, but what we do recognise is that there a change in weather patterns happening across the globe, that climate change is occurring.

‘It may have slowed down, but that is a good thing. It could well be that some of the measures we are taking today is helping that to occur.’
For Labour, Baroness Bryony Worthington said the fifth report would be published on Friday.

In April, the IPCC said it is ’95 per cent’ certain that climate change is man made, but still could not explain why the world has barely got any hotter in the last 15 years.

Yeah right...

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Huffington Post: Halloween Causes Climate Change

Is there anything that doesn’t cause climate change these days? Your car, your clothes, your exhale, your mere existence is ruining the planet, according to the “Green” army. Well, add one more thing to the list – Halloween.

Yes, kids dressing up as their favorite Walking Dead character and begging for candy is killing the planet, you monster!

How, you ask? Simple: some candy uses palm oil, and the creation of palm oil is bad for the environment. At least according to the Huffington Post.

In a post under their “Generation Change” banner, Diana Donion, Director of Center for Food Safety’s Cool Foods Campaign, authors a piece entitled, “Trick or Treat? The Frightening Climate Costs of Halloween Candy.”

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Solution To Saving Earth From Global Warming: Meditation To “Love Away The Carbon Dioxide”…

This meditation came to me a week ago in meditation. I often let my consciousness and breath follow my spine up and down. Recently I learned a figure 8 breathing visualization from Kate Sutherland which helps to ground oneself.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, eyes closed and your attention on your breath. Sitting or lying down works too, but standing is the easiest way to start.

Inhale slowly and bring your awareness to your heart.

Exhale slowly and imagine your breath is traveling the front of your body and entering to the center of the Earth.

Inhale slowly and imagine you are drawing up energy from the center of the Earth, up the back of your body, and into your heart.

Exhale slowly and imagine that your breath is going from your heart up the front of your body as high as it can go – to the stars, heaven, the sun – whatever works for you.

Inhale slowly and imagine you are drawing energy down from the sky, down the back of your body and into your heart.

Continue breathing the same shape. Next time you exhale, imagine your breath is travelling down to the earth, to the reserves of oil and coal and gas. Imagine a protective sheet of shimmering light around them so they stay in the ground. See all the wells and pumps disappear from the reserves.

Inhale slowly and imagine you are drawing energy up from the Earth, into your heart.

Exhale slowly and imagine your breath is going from your heart up towards the sky, to the atmosphere. Visualize that you can see the carbon dioxide molecules (one carbon, 2 oxygen) and you are touching them gently, loving them and letting them transform into oxygen and carbon.

Inhale back to your heart, bringing the carbon atoms with you.

Exhale and imagine you are bringing your breath and the carbon atoms down down to the center of the Earth. Return the carbon. Smoothly pet tight the mines, the drilling holes.

Inhale up to your heart. Exhale up to the atmosphere. Love away the carbon dioxide.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386

Professor: ‘Terminate Industrial Civilization’ To Save Earth From Global Warming

Mankind is doomed unless we immediately de-industrialize and slash carbon dioxide emissions, according to Guy McPherson, emeritus professor from the University of Arizona.

McPherson appeared on Paul Henry’s New Zealand-based talk program to warn that global warming was “irreversible” and the only way to stop it is to “terminate industrial civilization.”

“I think there’s ample chance we can save the living planet, but not our species. …....

...he should terminate his personal part of the species, himself.  Think of the carbon wasted by people reading his crazyland talk!
That's not me talking! Fix your quotes!
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever

Professor: ‘Terminate Industrial Civilization’ To Save Earth From Global Warming

Mankind is doomed unless we immediately de-industrialize and slash carbon dioxide emissions, according to Guy McPherson, emeritus professor from the University of Arizona.

McPherson appeared on Paul Henry’s New Zealand-based talk program to warn that global warming was “irreversible” and the only way to stop it is to “terminate industrial civilization.”

“I think there’s ample chance we can save the living planet, but not our species. …....

...he should terminate his personal part of the species, himself.  Think of the carbon wasted by people reading his crazyland talk!
That's not me talking! Fix your quotes!
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386

Professor: ‘Terminate Industrial Civilization’ To Save Earth From Global Warming

Mankind is doomed unless we immediately de-industrialize and slash carbon dioxide emissions, according to Guy McPherson, emeritus professor from the University of Arizona.

McPherson appeared on Paul Henry’s New Zealand-based talk program to warn that global warming was “irreversible” and the only way to stop it is to “terminate industrial civilization.”

“I think there’s ample chance we can save the living planet, but not our species. …....

...he should terminate his personal part of the species, himself.  Think of the carbon wasted by people reading his crazyland talk!
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever

Professor: ‘Terminate Industrial Civilization’ To Save Earth From Global Warming

Mankind is doomed unless we immediately de-industrialize and slash carbon dioxide emissions, according to Guy McPherson, emeritus professor from the University of Arizona.

McPherson appeared on Paul Henry’s New Zealand-based talk program to warn that global warming was “irreversible” and the only way to stop it is to “terminate industrial civilization.”

“I think there’s ample chance we can save the living planet, but not our species. … Some people think that this whole thing is about us,” McPherson told the Paul Henry Show. “We just showed up… I don’t think this is about us, I think it’s about the living planet.”

“The only way to stop runaway climate change is to terminate industrial civilization,” he said. “The evidence is clear on that front and it is in the refereed journal literature.”

Those people always ask others to stop living. They never lead and die by example. I mean no internet video skype connection between Arizona and NZ? He had to fly all the way to NZ for a TV show about saving the planet? That makes sense.... Roll Eyes

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Professor: ‘Terminate Industrial Civilization’ To Save Earth From Global Warming

Mankind is doomed unless we immediately de-industrialize and slash carbon dioxide emissions, according to Guy McPherson, emeritus professor from the University of Arizona.

McPherson appeared on Paul Henry’s New Zealand-based talk program to warn that global warming was “irreversible” and the only way to stop it is to “terminate industrial civilization.”

“I think there’s ample chance we can save the living planet, but not our species. … Some people think that this whole thing is about us,” McPherson told the Paul Henry Show. “We just showed up… I don’t think this is about us, I think it’s about the living planet.”

“The only way to stop runaway climate change is to terminate industrial civilization,” he said. “The evidence is clear on that front and it is in the refereed journal literature.”

Those people always ask others to stop living. They never lead and die by example. I mean no internet video skype connection between Arizona and NZ? He had to fly all the way to NZ for a TV show about saving the planet? That makes sense.... Roll Eyes

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Goats Are “Shrinking” Because Of Climate Change . . .

Goats are shrinking as a result of climate change, researchers have claimed.

They say Alpine goats now weigh about 25 per cent less than animals of the same age in the 1980s.

Researchers say it is a stark indication of how quickly climate change can affect animals.

They appear to be shrinking in size as they react to changes in climate, according to new research from Durham University.

The researchers studied the impacts of changes in temperature on the body size of Alpine Chamois, a species of mountain goat, over the past 30 years.

To their surprise, they discovered that young Chamois now weigh about 25 per cent less than animals of the same age in the 1980s.

In recent years, decreases in body size have been identified in a variety of animal species, and have frequently been linked to the changing climate.

Activity: 2212
Merit: 1038

U.S. Fish And Wildlife Services: Ebola ‘Direct Consequence’ Of Man-made Climate Change

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service posted on its website an article that claims Ebola is a “direct consequence” of man-made climate change.
The article also stated that the virus specifically threatens conservation efforts focused on ape and monkey populations in Africa, including Guinea, one of the countries experiencing an Ebola outbreak and where the U.S.-run Chimpanzee Conservation Center is located.

“The larger conservation connection, however, is perhaps less obvious: Ebola appears to be a direct consequence of deforestation and human disturbance,” the article stated.

“Outbreaks are linked to long dry seasons (a consequence of deforestation and climate change), during which there is scarcity of food in the forest and all the animals, including fruit bats, feed on the same remaining fruit trees, usually fig trees,” it added.

Maybe they're spraying it at night letting the wind carry it as the climate changes.
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