
Topic: Reddit’s science forum banned climate deniers. - page 167. (Read 636443 times)

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

U.S. Fish And Wildlife Services: Ebola ‘Direct Consequence’ Of Man-made Climate Change

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service posted on its website an article that claims Ebola is a “direct consequence” of man-made climate change.
The article also stated that the virus specifically threatens conservation efforts focused on ape and monkey populations in Africa, including Guinea, one of the countries experiencing an Ebola outbreak and where the U.S.-run Chimpanzee Conservation Center is located.

“The larger conservation connection, however, is perhaps less obvious: Ebola appears to be a direct consequence of deforestation and human disturbance,” the article stated.

“Outbreaks are linked to long dry seasons (a consequence of deforestation and climate change), during which there is scarcity of food in the forest and all the animals, including fruit bats, feed on the same remaining fruit trees, usually fig trees,” it added.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386

NASA: Climate Change Is Responsible for Record Antarctic Sea Ice

“The planet as a whole is doing what was expected in terms of warming. Sea ice as a whole is decreasing as expected, but just like with global warming, not every location with sea ice will have a downward trend in ice extent,” said Claire Parkinson of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.

The growth of sea ice is not evidence against the effects of climate change but rather the consequence of it.

I still remember when NASA used to inspire me... Until 0bama' green diseased peons took over.

Actually, isn't this a tautology, rather than any style of cause and effect?

They added an answer on top, bottom, left, right, front and back to the concept of "Global Warming", in this dimension and any supposed parallel ones.

Tautology 3D?

Well, what's actually interesting about climate, given that these liars are losing it?

Acidification of oceans?Huh
Polar bears?
Ancient whale migration patterns.
Upper atmosphere IR outflow.
CERN Cloud study.
Drunk tree rings.
Case study, mass hysteria concerning climate.

But when anonymous fools on the Internet have to tell NASA to STFU, or lecture them on tautology, we got problems.

Given that the Governmints want to convince people that their tax dollars are going to roll the oceans back, though....
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

NASA: Climate Change Is Responsible for Record Antarctic Sea Ice

“The planet as a whole is doing what was expected in terms of warming. Sea ice as a whole is decreasing as expected, but just like with global warming, not every location with sea ice will have a downward trend in ice extent,” said Claire Parkinson of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.

The growth of sea ice is not evidence against the effects of climate change but rather the consequence of it.

I still remember when NASA used to inspire me... Until 0bama' green diseased peons took over.

Actually, isn't this a tautology, rather than any style of cause and effect?

They added an answer on top, bottom, left, right, front and back to the concept of "Global Warming", in this dimension and any supposed parallel ones.

Tautology 3D?

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386

NASA: Climate Change Is Responsible for Record Antarctic Sea Ice

“The planet as a whole is doing what was expected in terms of warming. Sea ice as a whole is decreasing as expected, but just like with global warming, not every location with sea ice will have a downward trend in ice extent,” said Claire Parkinson of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.

The growth of sea ice is not evidence against the effects of climate change but rather the consequence of it.

I still remember when NASA used to inspire me... Until 0bama' green diseased peons took over.

Actually, isn't this a tautology, rather than any style of cause and effect?
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

NASA: Climate Change Is Responsible for Record Antarctic Sea Ice

Antarctic sea ice is seeing a rapid period of growth this year, but that doesn’t mean the Poles are safe from climate change, says NASA.

NASA reported the ice measurements to be at 7.78 million square miles (20.14 million square kilometers), a day after it exceeded the extent of 20 million square kilometers (7.72 million square miles).

“The planet as a whole is doing what was expected in terms of warming. Sea ice as a whole is decreasing as expected, but just like with global warming, not every location with sea ice will have a downward trend in ice extent,” said Claire Parkinson of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.

The growth of sea ice is not evidence against the effects of climate change but rather the consequence of it.

I still remember when NASA used to inspire me... Until 0bama' green diseased peons took over.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386

"I come in peace"...

Well AFTER ALL....

The list of things caused by Global Warming is quite extensive-

 Acne , agricultural land increase , Afghan poppies destroyed , Africa devastated,  Africa in conflict, African aid threatened, African summer frost , aggressive weeds , air pressure changes , airport malaria , Agulhas current , Alaska reshaped, moves , allergy season longer , alligators in the Thames , Alps melting , Amazon a desert , American dream end , amphibians breeding earlier (or not) , anaphylactic reactions to bee stings , ancient forests dramatically changed , animals head for the hills, animals shrink , Antarctic grass flourishes , Antarctic ice grows , Antarctic ice shrinks , Antarctic sea life at risk,   anxiety treatment , algal blooms , archaeological sites threatened , Arab Spring , Arctic bogs melt , Arctic in bloom , Arctic ice free , Arctic ice melt faster , Arctic lakes disappear , Arctic tundra to burn , Arctic warming (not), Atlantic less salty , Atlantic more salty,   atmospheric circulation modified , attack of the killer jellyfish , avalanches reduced , avalanches increased , Baghdad snow , Bahrain under water , bananas grow , barbarisation , beer shortage , beetle infestation , bet for $10,000,  better beer, big melt faster, billion dollar research projects , billion homeless , billions face risk , billions of deaths , bird distributions change , bird loss accelerating , birds shrinking , bird strikes , bird visitors drop , birds confused , birds decline (Wales) , birds driven north , birds return early , bittern boom ends , blackbirds stop singing , blackbirds threatened , Black Hawk down , blood contaminated , blue mussels return , bluetongue , brain eating amoebae , brains shrink , bridge collapse (Minneapolis), Britain one big city , Britain Siberian , brothels struggle , brown Ireland , bubonic plague , budget increases , Buddhist temple threatened , building collapse , building season extension , bushfires , business opportunities , business risks,  butterflies move north, camel deaths , cancer deaths in England,cannibalism, cannibalism again , caterpillar biomass shift, cave paintings threatened , childhood insomnia, Cholera , circumcision in decline , cirrus disappearance , civil unrest , cloud increase , coast beauty spots lost , cockroach migration,  coffee threatened , cold climate creatures survive , cold spells (Australia) , cold wave (India) , computer models , conferences , conflict , conflict with Russia , consumers foot the bill , coral bleaching, coral fish suffer , coral reefs dying , coral reefs grow, coral reefs shrink , coral reefs twilight, Cabbage Shortage , cost of trillions , cougar attacks, crabgrass menace,  cradle of civilisation threatened , creatures move uphill, crime increase , crocodile sex, crops devastated , crumbling roads, buildings and sewage systems , curriculum change , cyclones (Australia),   danger to kid's health , Darfur , Dartford Warbler plague , death rate increase (US) , deaths to reach 6 million, Dengue hemorrhagic fever , depression , desert advance , desert retreat , destruction of the environment , disappearance of coastal cities, disasters , diseases move from animals to humans , diseases move north , dog disease , Dolomites collapse , dozen deadly diseases , drought,   ducks and geese decline , dust bowl in the corn belt , early marriages , early spring , earlier pollen season , Earth biodiversity crisis , Earth dying , Earth even hotter , Earth light dimming , Earth lopsided, Earth melting , Earth morbid fever , Earth on fast track , Earth past point of no return , Earth slowing down , Earth spins faster, Earth to explode,Earth's poles shift, earth upside down , earthquakes , earthquakes redux , earthquakes redux 2 , Egypt revolt , El Niño intensification , end of the world as we know it , erosion , emerging infections, encephalitis, English villages lost , equality threatened , Europe simultaneously baking and freezing,  eutrophication , evolution accelerating , expansion of university climate groups,

extinctions (human , civilisation,  logic , Inuit , smallest butterfly , cod, ladybirds , pikas , polar bears,   possums , walrus,   toads , plants , salmon , trout , wild flowers , woodlice , a million species , half of all animal and plant species, mountain species , not polar bears , barrier reef , leaches , salamanders , tropical insects)

experts muzzled , extreme changes to California , fading fall foliage , fainting , famine, farmers benefit , farmers go under , farm output boost , fashion disaster , fever , figurehead sacked , fir cone bonanza , fish bigger , fish catches drop , fish downsize,  fish catches rise , fish deaf, fish get lost , fish head north , fish stocks at risk , fish stocks decline , five million illnesses, flames stoked , flesh eating disease , flood patterns change , floods,  floods of beaches and cities , flood of migrants, flood preparation for crisis , Florida economic decline , flowers in peril , fog (more) in San Francisco , fog (less) in San Francisco , food poisoning, food prices rise , food prices soar , food security threat (SA), football team migration , footpath erosion, forest decline , forest expansion , frog with extra heads , frostbite , frost damage increased , frosts , fungi fruitful , fungi invasion , games change , Garden of Eden wilts , geese decline in Hampshire , genetic diversity decline, gene pools slashed , giant oysters invade,  giant pythons invade , giant squid migrate , gingerbread houses collapse , glacial earthquakes , glacial retreat,  glacial growth , glacier grows (California) , glacier wrapped , global cooling , global dimming, glowing clouds , golf course to drown , golf Masters wrecked , grandstanding , grasslands wetter , Great Barrier Reef 95% dead , Great Lakes drop , great tits cope , greening of the North , Grey whales lose weight , Gulf Stream failure , habitat loss , haggis threatened , Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome,  harmful algae , harvest increase , harvest shrinkage , hay fever epidemic , health affected , health of children harmed, health risks, heart disease, heart attacks and strokes (Australia), heat waves, hibernation affected,   hibernation ends too soon, hibernation ends too late, high court debates, HIV epidemic, homeless 50 million, hornets, horses shrink, human development faces unprecedented reversal, human fertility reduced, human health risk , human race oblivion , hurricanes , hurricane reduction , hurricanes fewer , hurricanes not , hydropower problems , hyperthermia deaths , ice age , ice sheet growth , ice sheet shrinkage, icebergs , illegal immigration , illness and death , inclement weather , India drowning , infrastructure failure (Canada) , industry threatened , infectious diseases,  inflation in China , insect explosion, insurance premium rises , Inuit displacement , Inuit poisoned , Inuit suing , invasion of cats , invasion of crabgrass , invasion of herons , invasion of jellyfish , invasion of king crabs , invasion of midges,  island disappears , islands sinking , itchier poison ivy , jellyfish explosion , jets fall from sky , jet stream drifts north , Kew Gardens taxed , kidney stones , kidney stones again , killer cornflakes , killing us , kitten boom , koalas under threat , krill decline , lake and stream productivity decline, lake empties , lake shrinking and growing , landslides , landslides of ice at 140 mph , lawsuits increase, lawsuit successful,  lawyers' income increased (surprise surprise!) , lawyers want more , legionnaires' surge , lives saved , Loch Ness monster dead , Locust plagues suppressed , Longer wprk breaks , Lopsided Earth , lush growth in rain forests,   Malaria,   mammoth dung melt , mango harvest fails , Maple production advanced , Maple syrup shortage , marine diseases, marine food chain decimated, Meaching (end of the world) , Mediterranean rises , megacryometeors , Melanoma , Melanoma decline , meteors from space , methane emissions from plants , methane burps, methane runaway , melting permafrost , Middle Kingdom convulses , migration , migration difficult (birds) , migratory birds huge losses , microbes to decompose soil carbon more rapidly , minorities hit, monkeys on the move , Mont Blanc grows, monuments imperiled, moose dying, more bad air days,   more research needed, mortality increased, mountain (Everest) shrinking,  mountaineers fears,  mountains break up , mountains green and flowering,   mountains taller , mortality lower , murder higher ,  Myanmar cyclone , narwhals at risk , National security implications , native wildlife overwhelmed , natural disasters  quadruple , new islands , next ice age , NFL threatened, Nile delta damaged , noctilucent clouds , no effect in India, Northwest Passage opened, nuclear plants bloom, oaks dying , oaks move north,  ocean acidification , ocean acidification faster , ocean dead zones unleashed , ocean deserts expand , ocean waves speed up , oceans noisier , opera house to be destroyed , outdoor hockey threatened,   ozone repair slowed, ozone rise , Pacific dead zone , penguin chicks frozen, personal carbon rationing, pest outbreaks , pests increase, phenology shifts , plankton blooms , plankton destabilised , plants lose protein , plants march north, plants move uphill,  polar bears aggressive , polar bears cannibalistic, polar bears deaf,   polar bears drowning,   polar bears eating themselves,   polar tours scrapped , popcorn rise , porpoise astray , profits collapse, prostitution, psychiatric illness,   puffin decline,  radars taken out , railroad tracks deformed , rainfall increase , rape wave , refugees , reindeer endangered , release of ancient frozen viruses , resorts disappear , rice threatened, rice yields crash,  rift on Capitol Hill , rioting and nuclear war, Rise and Fall of Rome,    river flow impacted , rivers raised , roads wear out , robins rampant,   rocky peaks crack apart , roof of the world a desert, rooftop bars , Ross river disease , ruins ruined,  Russia under pressure , salinity reduction , salinity increase , Salmonella,  Salmon Decline,  satellites accelerate , school closures , sea level rise , sea level rise faster , seals mating more , sewer bills rise , severe thunderstorms , sex change, sexual promiscuity , shark attacks , sharks booming , sharks moving north , sheep shrink , shop closures , short-nosed dogs endangered , shrinking ponds, shrinking shrine , ski resorts threatened , skin cancer , slow death, smaller brains , smog , snowfall increase , snowfall heavy,   soaring food prices, societal collapse , soil change , songbirds change eating habits , sour grapes , space problem , spectacular orchids , spiders invade Scotland , squid aggressive giants , squid population explosion , squid tamed , squirrels reproduce earlier , stingray invasion , storms wetter , stormwater drains stressed , street crime to increase, subsidence , suicide , swordfish in the Baltic , Tabasco tragedy , taxes , tectonic plate movement , teenage drinking , terrorism , threat to peace , ticks move northward (Sweden) , tides rise , tigers eat people , tomatoes rot , tornado outbreak , tourism increase , trade barriers, trade winds weakened , traffic jams , transportation threatened , tree foliage increase (UK),   tree growth slowed , trees in trouble , trees less colourful , trees more colourful , trees lush , tropics expansion , tropopause raised , truffle shortage, truffles down , turtles crash , Turbulence in air travel , turtle feminised , turtles lay earlier , UFO sightings , UK coastal impact , UK Katrina , uprooted - 6 million , Vampire bats , Vampire moths , Venice flooded , violin decline , volcanic eruptions , volcanic eruptions redux , Iceland volcano eruption,   walrus pups orphaned , walrus stampede , war , war between US and Canada , wars over water , wars sparked , wars threaten billions , wasps , water bills double , water scarcity (20% of increase), water stress , weather out of its mind , weather patterns awry , Western aid cancelled out,  West Nile fever , whales lose weight , whales move north , whales wiped out , wheat yields crushed in Australia , wildfires, wind shift , wind reduced,  wine - harm to Australian industry , wine industry damage (California),   wine industry disaster (France),  wine - more English   wine industry disaster (US),  wine - more English , wine -  England too hot , wine -German boon , wine - no more French ,  wine passé (Napa) , wine stronger , winters in Britain colder , winter in Britain dead , witchcraft executions , wolves eat more moose , wolves eat less, workers laid off , World at war , World War 4 , World bankruptcy , World in crisis , World in flames , Yellow fever.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

"I come in peace"...

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386

World Bank Chief: “Climate Change Is Like Ebola”…

World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim has compared climate change to Ebola, suggesting that inaction on both is “killing people”.

Speaking at the World Bank’s annual meeting with the International Monetary Fund, Kim said
"Look, Ebola is stealing all the thunder.  But we've got a crisis, too.  What about Climate Change?"

Kim continued, shouting on the street outside the 5 star hotel he was staying at.  

"Nobody's returning our calls, everybody's on the Ebola bandwagon."  

He jumped out in the middle of the street, a car screeching to a halt, almost ramming him.   Foaming at the mouth he limped over to the driver side and screamed at the guy "We need to Save the Planet!"

Our reporter pulled his winter overcoat tighter, and interviewed the driver at the next stop light.  The man said "I left him where he fell over in the mud chattering 'the planet's got a fever.' "   Our reporter stuck the microphone in the driver's side window, just as the driver hurriedly was closing it to keep the cold wind and snow out.  "Did he say anything else?  Do you have anything else to tell us?"

The man thought for a moment, then said "Yeah.  He had these weird corkscrew type light bulbs or something in his hands.  Tried to give me one but I refused.  Said they'd Save the Planet.  Maybe I should have took him.  He's gonna freeze back there in the snow."
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1002

World Bank Chief: “Climate Change Is Like Ebola”… we made it.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

World Bank Chief: “Climate Change Is Like Ebola”…

World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim has compared climate change to Ebola, suggesting that inaction on both is “killing people”.

Speaking at the World Bank’s annual meeting with the International Monetary Fund, Kim said that the Bank’s work on climate change was informing its response to the deadly disease, which has killed over 4,000 people mainly in West Africa.

“Ebola and climate change have a few things in common. Most importantly, we are running out of time to find solutions to both,” he said.

“Also, until very recently, the plans to fight them were either non-existent or inadequate. And, inaction is literally killing people – one because of the rapid spread of a deadly virus, the other from the poisoning of the atmosphere and the oceans.

“And finally, perhaps most critically from our point of view, resolving these problems is essential to development, whether from the perspective of human suffering, economic growth, or public health.”

Breaking News: 97% Of CDC Scientists Believe Deniers Spreading Ebola. Should Be Dealt With On Sight With Silver Bullets And FDA/USDA/BLM Approved Voodoo Doll

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
Climate change has become an international issue....
Yep.  We need to keep it one even though there's been no warming for 18 years, so we changed the term to "climate change" from "global warming".   "Climate change" probably has a couple years to go before we wear it out.  Meanwhile there's lots of money to be made.  Just be sure to not listen to any of those Deniers who tells you there's nothing going on.  The fact the climate has been stable for 18 years is a small problem, yes.  Best thing to do is start talking about the children, or the pet poodles, or the polar bears.  The effects of climate change on pet poodles?  Why, how do we know whether to shave their hair short or long?  With the climate changing that makes it hard.  It's all the fault of that evil Exxon.  And those frackers, too.

Activity: 1512
Merit: 1000
WASHINGTON—In a worrying development that could have dire implications for the health of the planet, a report published Wednesday by the Environmental Protection Agency suggests that the number of climate change skeptics could reach catastrophic levels by the year 2020.

According to the agency’s findings, the rising quantity and concentration of individuals who willfully deny or downplay the ruinous impact of the ongoing climate crisis will no longer be manageable by the end of the decade, leading to disastrous consequences for global ecosystems that may well prove irreversible.,36521/

Maybe there's a remedy for common sense. TV doesn't seems to work any longer... Well, involving the army make sense now Smiley. Guantanamo will be stuffed with deniers, I guess.
full member
Activity: 189
Merit: 100
we are under warming since the last glacial age.

what is the new?
sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
Climate change has become an international issue, any country experiencing extreme climate change, there is too hot, some too cold, even snowing when scorching heat, this should be a concern citizen of the world, due to climate change has been thoroughly covers all continents in the world, its own climate change caused by human behavior towards nature, exploitation of natural resources led to massive balance becomes disturbed, as citizens of the world, we have to care about our world, start of our environment first, we keep our environment clean, respect privacy of others like do not smoke in any place, hopefully with the little things that can make our nature remain stable and can maintain the balance of nature ...  Grin
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386

With H bombs? Hydrogen is natural and green... So that's good yes?

Nation's Climatologists Exhibiting Strange Behavior (Season 1: Ep 5 on IFC)

For some reason, climatologists have been running around in an agitated state, waving their little arms and squawking about "global warming.",21009/

 Scientists say it may be too late to effectively combat climate change deniers and that humanity may simply have to learn to live with their negative effects.

WASHINGTON—In a worrying development that could have dire implications for the health of the planet, a report published Wednesday by the Environmental Protection Agency suggests that the number of climate change skeptics could reach catastrophic levels by the year 2020.

According to the agency’s findings, the rising quantity and concentration of individuals who willfully deny or downplay the ruinous impact of the ongoing climate crisis will no longer be manageable by the end of the decade, leading to disastrous consequences for global ecosystems that may well prove irreversible.,36521/
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Pentagon To Unveil Major Report On How Obama Admin Plans To Use Military To Combat “Climate Change”…

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel will deliver a speech on Monday that details the impact of climate change on the U.S. military and the Pentagon’s plan to fight it.

Hagel’s address at a meeting of defense ministers in Peru coincides with the release of a report that will lay out the Pentagon’s blueprint on how it will tackle climate change, the Associated Press reports.

Defense Department officials have long said that the impact of climate change is not a distant threat, but one felt now by U.S. operations across the world.

Still Monday’s report signals a shift by the Pentagon to a comprehensive effort to address climate change head on.


With H bombs? Hydrogen is natural and green... So that's good yes?

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Save The Earth, Prevent Global Warming…By Peeing In The Shower

You want to save the environment, right? Prevent global warming, save the world’s 13 Icelandic snow owls, that kind of thing.

Then you must pee in the shower. That’s the earnest message from a couple of students at England’s University of East Anglia, reports BBC News.

The two students, Debs Torr and Chris Dobson, theorize that their idea could “save enough water to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool 26 times.”

It’s also a pragmatic timesaver, The Daily Caller notes.

“We’ve done the math, and this project stands to have a phenomenal impact,” Dobson told the BBC.

I could be wrong but not having showers for people to pee in to did not save them from that little ice age back in the good old days. But what do I know... Roll Eyes

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386

“In 2014, what is the gravest threat to civilization right now?” Scarborough asked NBC foreign correspondent Ayman Mohyeldin.

“I would not say any of those. I would not say that radical Islam is the greatest threat to civilization today,” said Mohyeldin.

Radical Islam a great threat to civilization? 

Why, of course Ayman would not consider it so.  From his reporting with Al Jazeera, to his reporting in Gaza, to his background in Egypt, he's been really cozy with radical Islam. 

Why should he be worried about radical Islam?  He's still got his head.
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1002
thats a good one: Rising Temperatures Lead To A Higher Proportion Of Girls Being Born Than Boys

im pro HGW! Cheesy
hero member
Activity: 910
Merit: 1004
buy silver!
I'll make a prediction, it'll snow week before Halloween.(like it does every year)
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