
Topic: Religious beliefs on bitcoin - page 18. (Read 22398 times)

Activity: 2156
Merit: 1393
You lead and I'll watch you walk away.
May 31, 2013, 12:13:27 PM
^^^ this. Or as Ravi Zacharius once asked of moral relativism: Is anything "Wrong?"

There is no good versus evil, no right versus wrong, except as we perceive it within whatever social structures we accept. Was it OK for your god to rape the 13 year old, Mary, to give birth to himself? Apparently during that time period, it was condoned. Today it is not, even though this is one of the foundation events for a religion that espouses "absolute morals".

I wish people would stop playing so fast & loose.  Religion's link with morality is only incidental, the connection is similar to "life produces shit":  Sure, though not all the time & shitting is not what life's all about.  You don't need to reach for hot-button topics like "OMFG!  Mary waz 13!  Unrape tha loli!!11!," that's nonsense -- that age was the norm at the time.  Ether the world was pedo paradise, or ... non-event.  There are much less loaded examples, though.  Just take this great God-troll:

Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.” - Genisis 22

Ethics are a feeble human construct, an attempt at ruleset without extrinsic references or even a stated goal, Faith bulldozes over them & doesn't even say "whoops.".  

On a side note, there's a Godelian gray zone:  Acts which are neither illegal, immoral, nor even specifically against the tenets of any faith.  Farting in a crowded theater is one such act brought up by Burgess.  It's not illegal or immoral, and nevertheless wrong Huh

This reminds me of a friends funny story: his mother had cancer and got a colostomy (a plastic bag is glued to your stomach and waste goes in the bag). The mother couldn't stand this new pastor that took over for the old one at her church that she knew for years. Sunday morning the new pastor would stand at the exit after the sermon and shake everyone's hand as they left (the old pastor didn't do that). This made leaving the church very slow as people would stop to talk. He said his mother would poke a pin into the bag right as she got to the pastor to shake his hand releasing the gas inside and refused to let go of his hand for a long time. This happened every Sunday for a month. The new pastor stopped greeting everyone at the door.

True story.
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Activity: 560
Merit: 500
May 31, 2013, 12:10:35 PM
I was a post-atheist, progressive, Taoist, channelling, divining, manifesting OOB junky and was delivered in one day.

If you were a Taoist, channeling, divining, and manifesting (no idea what OOB is), then you were never an atheist. You simply exchanged one brand of bullshit for another.

I smiled at this but it's probably a No True Scotsman fallacy. I would rather say he wasn't a skeptic.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
May 31, 2013, 12:08:19 PM
The Red Sea was parted to make a point as much as safe passage. I think this God can make his will known without the say-so  & stamp of approval from some old fogies.
Edit:  And just to shame you: "Then said Jesus unto him, Except you see signs and wonders, you will not believe." John 4:48, KJV

So now you think you know the mind of your god?
Fortunately for you he doesn't exist, there was no exodus, and if the Red Sea parted it could only have been from natural events.

I tried answering you once, in detail, a few pages ago.  You've ignored it.  Reply to that post, and I'll see what I can do Smiley
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
May 31, 2013, 12:03:55 PM
I'm confused. You're describing relative morality, where sometimes murder is OK. I'm looking for your examples of absolute morality.
Now you're just being ridiculous, of course there is a separation between murdering someone, and sentencing someone to death because they have murdered.

There is a difference because murder is a relative moral. I am still awaiting your absolute moral.

The whole use of the word moral is a religious shell game. People use it as a weapon; those with morals know what is right and those without do not. Of course that is complete horseshit.

Your god, if he did exist, would be the most capriciously violent and vengeful being in the universe yet somehow he's great to worship because "might makes right" for you, whether the lich you worship is actually "evil" or not. It doesn't matter if he's a vile bastard to you, and that is twisted. Along your line of reasoning, if inside your mythology Satan had cast God out of Heaven you'd follow Satan just as gladly, as long as people sang songs calling Satan's torture of others "love".

Meanwhile you deem atheists amoral because you believe they don't follow any of the "moral laws" in your book of rules. Again, horseshit. We don't need a book to tell us not to kill people, not to steal from others, etc.
Morals are not created by those using the moral system (first point), God is still good(second point), and empathy is not a valid source of morality(third point). I suppose I could take three paragraphs to say what I just said, but that would be a waste of space.

What is a waste is your bothering to answer as you have. Simply concede or maybe just don't answer at all. I can say red is green but that doesn't make it so. You don't provide any evidence or argument but simply state a position. That is your concession on these points.

So multiple people get together and decide what is moral? Like the German government?

They are more commonly known as "laws" but yes, bad law is created every day and governments (and their citizens) allow it to happen for all kinds of reasons. Fortunately other clan/government groups decided other "morals," other law, should prevail.

The rest of your argument is "the ten commandments are bad, your morals are bad". The ten commandments are good, a 10th grade could not create a better 10 commandments, and moral relativism = utilitarianism, both are evil, an 10th grader could make a better ideology than moral relativism.

I didn't think you'd give up this easily.

The Code of Hammurabi, which came well before the bible, was carved into stone to preserve it longer. You'd think a god would know that, eh? I love that people claim prophecy and omnipotence for this god and the dude can't even stop his "revelation" for a second to say, "oh yeah, before I forget, papyrus might not be a good idea to record this. Try stone."
The choice of writing material is a human one,. God shows a clear preference for stone in the creation of the ten commandments. The amount of effort put forth by the Jews in their preservation of the Torah is quite incredible, stone sounds fun, until you realize the practical limitations of it. You need a good source of well hewn stone, you need enough stone to write the Torah, and finally you need more effort to record in stone than papyrus.

The law of God was meant to be used by the people, and stone is not very practical.

Well, I suppose I should be happy you even tried to argue your point, thin as it is. Why would the choice of writing material be any more a human choice than the words written? The argument sounds pretty arbitrary. You'd be better off just saying "faith has no need of logic" and leave it there.

18 If someone has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, 19 his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town. 20 They shall say to the elders, “This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a glutton and a drunkard.” 21 Then all the men of his town are to stone him to death. You must purge the evil from among you. All Israel will hear of it and be afraid.
This is not being simply naughty, this is flat out rebellion by the child. And do not assume young child either, glutton and drunkard are listed as well.
Furthermore this passage is more a protection to the child, in that the child must be taken to the elders of the city to determine whether of not the child's rebellion deserve death, I would imagine this was not a common occurrence. This is not a commandment to stone all rebellious children. Due to the patriarchal system, this stops the parents from simply stoning the child.

Well, I must say I wasn't expecting you to condone child abuse. One would think I'd know better by now. At least your values can serve as a warning to others to steer a wide course around religion.

Slavery Slavery in the context of the bible is very widely misunderstood. First, when you say slavery, everyone get's the image of the enslavement of the Africans, however man-stealing in the bible is clearly punishable by death. I imagine this would have been a counter-cultural thing to say.

Exodus 20:16: “Whoever steals a man and sells him, and anyone found in possession of him, shall be put to death.

Slavery was allowable in the bible, such as in the repayment of debts or captives in war. However all slaves were granted freedom in the year of jubilee, every 49 or 50 years (at regular intervals of time, if a slave was captured 10 years from the year of jubilee, they were granted freedom 10 years later). Furthermore, all hebrew slave were to be let free 7 years after their enslavement.

What seems to be misunderstood is that slavery is a bad idea but your god condones it. Period.

In what context is slavery good? If it was "right" back then and "wrong" now then it is another example or moral relativism, or that your god was wrong, take your pick.

I don't know if I'll ever understand when christians answer the question of slavery nearly the same every time by saying, "slavery is wrong but god did allow it for 10 or 20 or maybe 50 years per slave anyway." It's as if you don't even listen to yourself speak.

I'd rather hear a christian say, "yeah, slavery is a pretty big fuck up in the bible. What can I say? I believe in god but I also believe he wasn't perfect, or maybe he was and the bible was just a manmade guideline for life in the medieval world."  The strict adherence to such absurd illogic as perfection simply turns an educated populace away from your cause, and the world's populace is experiencing a massive education boost with access to the internet.

Christians also never point out "the catches" with releasing slaves, like one's own daughter given to slavery couldn't be released, or if a slave had a family they weren't released.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
May 31, 2013, 11:52:47 AM
^^^ this. Or as Ravi Zacharius once asked of moral relativism: Is anything "Wrong?"

There is no good versus evil, no right versus wrong, except as we perceive it within whatever social structures we accept. Was it OK for your god to rape the 13 year old, Mary, to give birth to himself? Apparently during that time period, it was condoned. Today it is not, even though this is one of the foundation events for a religion that espouses "absolute morals".

I wish people would stop playing so fast & loose.  Religion's link with morality is only incidental, the connection is similar to "life produces shit":  Sure, though not all the time & shitting is not what life's all about.  You don't need to reach for hot-button topics like "OMFG!  Mary waz 13!  Unrape tha loli!!11!," that's nonsense -- that age was the norm at the time.  Ether the world was pedo paradise, or ... non-event.  There are much less loaded examples, though.  Just take this great God-troll:

Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.” - Genisis 22

Ethics are a feeble human construct, an attempt at ruleset without extrinsic references or even a stated goal, Faith bulldozes over them & doesn't even say "whoops.".  

On a side note, there's a Godelian gray zone:  Acts which are neither illegal, immoral, nor even specifically against the tenets of any faith.  Farting in a crowded theater is one such act brought up by Burgess.  It's not illegal or immoral, and nevertheless wrong Huh

Activity: 1148
Merit: 1001
May 31, 2013, 11:36:48 AM
How dare anyone imply that someone who abused you should seek forgiveness not from you, but from BLANK.

"Forgiveness" is an area that I think many of Christians get wrong. I actually don't think we should offer forgiveness to anyone unless they ask.  The Bible says to be "ready to forgive."  My abuser never did ask me for forgiveness.  So I put him in the hand of God to deal with him.  I felt very sad for his soul.  I cried for him because I knew that if he did not repent, or ask for forgiveness, he was doomed for destruction.  I prayed that he would change.  The reason I had a change of heart was because I was willing to forgive at that point (before then I wanted revenge and was filled with hate)  Looking back now I can see that God was very patient with him.  Perhaps he had a chance, or two, or three, before he was "accidentally" killed in a freak accident.  I am not sure.  It is tragic, really.

full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
Capitalism is the crisis.
May 31, 2013, 11:19:15 AM

Also, I use the Bible as my moral compass as well when my own selfish desires get in the way of what really is the right thing to do.  

I don't want it to appear I'm picking on you. I'm just replying to what you post. However, you most certainly do NOT use the bible as a moral compass. It plainly tells you not to seek wealth, yet you've admitted to investing in bitcoin to make money. I hope you make a killing, but your god doesn't. I'm just curious why you say one thing and do another. It seems to be a common trait among the religious, who also claim their book of rules is "absolute". Curious, indeed.

This will sound weird to you but after praying about it, we felt like God wanted us to invest in Bitcoin.  Still not sure why.  We have not really made much yet (A little but we bought in when it was on the rise and our average price is about $120 for the relatively small amount we have), but maybe God wanted us to buy just so I would log in to this message board and share with someone on here my story?  Who knows really.  So, I disagree with you in that.  The Bible is my compass.  God is my pilot. I try as best as I can to listen to Him.  I don't always do as good of a job of doing that as I should, unfortunately.  He is patient with me, thankfully.  

I still do not understand why you think God does not want us to be wealthy?  Greed is bad.  Selfishness is bad.  But there were many wealthy people in the Bible that did great things.  So I just don't get it.

That said, as for your posts about the Old Testament rules, such as clothing, marrying a rapist, etc.  I sometimes wonder about those things too. I just know that culturally women were treated as property back then.  If a women was no longer a virgin, she was not allowed to marry (She was considered used property) so perhaps it was God intervening to cause her to at least have a family? Perhaps a merciful action based on the cruel society that they were living in at the time?  I am just speculating here. As a woman I should be thanking God that I was not born during that time in history!  And God had rules to set the Israelites apart from others at the time.  There was the laws on the clothing, the food (kosher) and various other things some of which was can analyze that there was some benefit, but others might make us scratch our heads and wonder.  

"DIY destroy what distorts you"
Reject it and grow out of it. Could not be simpler. I goddamn expect better out of you, and as a rule, I think less of people who have yet to escape their theist chains once they have the key in their hand, as you do now.
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
Capitalism is the crisis.
May 31, 2013, 11:12:38 AM
BitChick, men often make for efficient abusers, they are trained from an early age to be so, and to consider women to be property. The most damning aspect of patriarchy and rape culture is forcing us  to feel shame about everthing, and mitigate that shame with penance to an Omni Man.
For any woman to be manipulated into worshiping a man is, to put it lightly, an abominable travesty. How dare anyone imply that someone who abused you should seek forgiveness not from you, but from BLANK.

To thank god you were not born in an era that produced your moral compass is an indication of a conflict. You realize this. This cannot be tolerated. The bastards need smashing, theyre the same bastards back then as now.

Do you think youre an exception to all these distinct MANGOD systems? You cannot be duped? NO. Unacceptable. You must grow out of this insane culture of self destruction.
You bought btc because you objectively realize it is more valuble than the toilet paper the fed stuffs us with.
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
May 31, 2013, 11:10:07 AM
The Red Sea was parted to make a point as much as safe passage. I think this God can make his will known without the say-so  & stamp of approval from some old fogies.
Edit:  And just to shame you: "Then said Jesus unto him, Except you see signs and wonders, you will not believe." John 4:48, KJV

So now you think you know the mind of your god?
Fortunately for you he doesn't exist, there was no exodus, and if the Red Sea parted it could only have been from natural events.
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
May 31, 2013, 10:59:30 AM
No, the way it was done in the OT was that if someone had a message with a prophecy from God to declare, they would stand before the elders of that time and deliver it. The scribes would record and notarize it. That way, if it came true, it would be on the record who said it, and further attention would be paid to the other things they said. There was extremely little tolerance for false prophets, so such was rarely attempted. This is why we have the books of the prophets.

This sounds like it was more in line with mining bitcoins. If a "prophet" went on a lucky streak with his guesses then earned more street cred.

I like how you say "little tolerance for false prophets" yet according to you there was an entire system setup to record delusional rants. "Now serving Prophet #1,036,666. Step up and state your vision, please." What an interesting 9 to 5 that must have been for the scribe.
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Activity: 560
Merit: 500
May 31, 2013, 10:44:53 AM
I have read/studied the bible from cover to cover and believe in it firmly...

So you believe in unicorns and a flood that we understand through science couldn't possibly have happened as described? You believe in talking snakes, talking donkeys? You believe females were formed form dirt? You believe Lot's wife suddenly turned into a pillar of salt? You believe in fire-breathing animals? You believe a human lived inside a fish for 3 days at sea? Firmly?

I hope you don't mind if I disregard whatever else you may firmly believe in...
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
May 31, 2013, 10:36:47 AM
^^^ this. Or as Ravi Zacharius once asked of moral relativism: Is anything "Wrong?"

There is no good versus evil, no right versus wrong, except as we perceive it within whatever social structures we accept. Was it OK for your god to rape the 13 year old, Mary, to give birth to himself? Apparently during that time period, it was condoned. Today it is not, even though this is one of the foundation events for a religion that espouses "absolute morals".
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
May 31, 2013, 10:32:45 AM
How does one know what truth really is?

A good start would be to ignore any religious text except the rule that is at the heart of them all, to treat others the way you want to be treated. From there, understand that through science most truths of our shared reality can be measured. Or disregard that and just repeat, "Gawd musta dun did it!" any time you have trouble understanding something.

We are in a world that is getting to a point where there is almost no belief in absolute truth at all.  Everything is becoming more relative.

Can you imagine why that may be the case, knowing that human understanding of the universe continually increases?

I personally believe in absolute truth and that my foundation is the Bible.

The universe doesn't care what you believe. You either are seeking measurable truths about it or chalking it up to magic.

Also, it is wrong to try to shelter myself, or my children, from things that are not wholesome?  

If you're going to keep unwholesome things away from children be sure to keep the bible ata  safe distance. It's filled with wanton violence, cruelty, war, dismemberment, rape and sodomy. You may want to let them turn 18 before letting them out of their cages, just to be safe.
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1001
May 31, 2013, 10:22:12 AM

Also, I use the Bible as my moral compass as well when my own selfish desires get in the way of what really is the right thing to do.  

I don't want it to appear I'm picking on you. I'm just replying to what you post. However, you most certainly do NOT use the bible as a moral compass. It plainly tells you not to seek wealth, yet you've admitted to investing in bitcoin to make money. I hope you make a killing, but your god doesn't. I'm just curious why you say one thing and do another. It seems to be a common trait among the religious, who also claim their book of rules is "absolute". Curious, indeed.

This will sound weird to you but after praying about it, we felt like God wanted us to invest in Bitcoin.  Still not sure why.  We have not really made much yet (A little but we bought in when it was on the rise and our average price is about $120 for the relatively small amount we have), but maybe God wanted us to buy just so I would log in to this message board and share with someone on here my story?  Who knows really.  So, I disagree with you in that.  The Bible is my compass.  God is my pilot. I try as best as I can to listen to Him.  I don't always do as good of a job of doing that as I should, unfortunately.  He is patient with me, thankfully.  

I still do not understand why you think God does not want us to be wealthy?  Greed is bad.  Selfishness is bad.  But there were many wealthy people in the Bible that did great things.  So I just don't get it.

That said, as for your posts about the Old Testament rules, such as clothing, marrying a rapist, etc.  I sometimes wonder about those things too. I just know that culturally women were treated as property back then.  If a women was no longer a virgin, she was not allowed to marry (She was considered used property) so perhaps it was God intervening to cause her to at least have a family? Perhaps a merciful action based on the cruel society that they were living in at the time?  I am just speculating here. As a woman I should be thanking God that I was not born during that time in history!  And God had rules to set the Israelites apart from others at the time.  There was the laws on the clothing, the food (kosher) and various other things some of which was can analyze that there was some benefit, but others might make us scratch our heads and wonder.  
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
May 31, 2013, 10:17:08 AM
Or, "you err, knowing not the scriptures, nor the power of God."

Ah, the ever-faithful and often used christian fallback.
"You don't understand the bible" or "You're using the wrong translation". It covers a whole lot of delusion for you without you needing to fire nary a brain cell.

Atheists understand your bible and your god delusion. It is why we are atheists, and why we need to constantly inform christians of the passages in their own book of rules.

"Atheists: Teaching Christians The Bible, Since 325AD"
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Activity: 560
Merit: 500
May 31, 2013, 10:07:20 AM
Just like one can believe in Christ, but not obey him. We see a lot of that. To paraphrase: "Even Satan and his demons believe, and they tremble."

Since your god has not yet destroyed your boogeyman, he either cannot or doesn't want to, or theoretically plans quite publicly to do so when Revelation says he will. There is no reason for satan to fear anything until the well-publicized event takes place. Satan, if he existed, would be perceptive enough to understand this, as should most anyone of even average intelligence. There is no trembling in hell, only non-stop keg parties and great rock concerts.
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1001
May 31, 2013, 10:03:36 AM

I questioned why he had allowed me to go through some horrible things as a very young child.  One day I cried out to Him for help and he showed me that he pained by the abuse too.

If he ever tells you why he allowed for your abuse to happen despite it paining him, and what his plan with all that was, please let us know.

Good question.  I think the fact that I felt God

show me that He was sad

OK, OK.  You are right.  Using "fact" was a poor choice of words on my part.  My bad!

In a scientific way there is no way to say that it was a "fact." I guess it is just that having had a heart enraged with hate and anger for my abuser being changed to one where I literally cried tears of compassion for him and prayed for him instead felt like a miraculous "fact" in my life.  I think that is why we can get into heated arguments over these things.  It feels like a fact to me based on how I have changed.  

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Activity: 560
Merit: 500
May 31, 2013, 09:53:31 AM
bible says that in the last of times we will live in a world domined by just one "country" that will be the New World Order, they will use things like the micro chip in your hand or your head for use medical supply "the mark of the beast" and we will have just one wolrd wide currency.
Believe what you want.

The bible also says:
"11 If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, 12 you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity."
Deuteronomy 25:11-12

This medieval goat herder's social primer has no place in the modern world. It served a purpose for a time but is now worthless. Move on.
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Activity: 560
Merit: 500
May 31, 2013, 09:33:10 AM
Now, if you're referring to Bush putting the US in Iraq, I don't know any Christians that honestly thought that was a good idea. It really didn't follow with 9/11, it seemed to follow Bush Sr. At any rate, they say that the chemical WMDs that had been there ended up in Syria (which fits), so it might not have been completely baseless.

If you had any credibility before now, it's gone...

Bush said, "This crusade, this war on terrorism is going to take a while."

There are many articles about the rise of Christian fundamentalism in the U.S. military.
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
May 31, 2013, 09:21:39 AM
Where does our sense of compassion come from? 

Evolved social empathy.

Also, I use the Bible as my moral compass as well when my own selfish desires get in the way of what really is the right thing to do. 

I don't want it to appear I'm picking on you. I'm just replying to what you post. However, you most certainly do NOT use the bible as a moral compass. It plainly tells you not to seek wealth, yet you've admitted to investing in bitcoin to make money. I hope you make a killing, but your god doesn't. I'm just curious why you say one thing and do another. It seems to be a common trait among the religious, who also claim their book of rules is "absolute". Curious, indeed.

The Bible says "There is a way that seems right to a man but it leads to death."   That is why I need to read the Bible and make sure I am not just making up my own ideas of what right an wrong are.   

The bible also says not to wear clothing of mixed fabrics such as wool and linen. The bible says it is OK to sell one's own children into slavery. The bible says women who are raped must marry the rapist. Are these also incorporated into your "moral compass"?

The more I listen to Him, the more compassionate I can become.  The more loving I can be.  The more I can care about others, regardless of their beliefs, be it atheist, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, etc.  I don't have to agree with people that think differently than I do, but I  need to love them and try to show them that God loves them too.  The difficulty is that in "loving" them, I often feel a compelling sense of showing them that they are on a destructive path.

The problem of course is that religious people don't stop at simply "showing us we're on a destructive path." The next move is to legislate and the next to war over these values. Religion feigns love while seeking totalitarianism.

So it is a problem for sure.  How to love without offending.  How to care without coming across as pushy, arrogant?  Should we just let others choose their own path without doing anything at all?  It seems that is what most people want us to do.  "Live and let live."  But is that the "moral" thing?  Is that the right thing? 

It is incredibly annoying to have religious proselytizing however I have more respect for those who do. If one is going to claim to live by a book of rules then one should do so, and proselytizing is advised your particular rule book. But so is wearing a cover over one's head (females only of course) - do you follow this law or ignore your god's commands here as well?
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