If you are so sure you are right then I have a simple challenge for you.
Pray one little prayer: "God if you are real, show yourself to me."
It sound simple, yet so many people I talk to are unwilling to do that one simple little thing.
What is the risk? If they are right there is nothing to lose in doing it and they can even tell me that they tried it and nothing happened. If they are wrong though? I guess that is where the difficulty is. They might have to admit that there is a God and that they do not have it all figured out. That is not even worth the risk of praying one little prayer so they laugh at me and say I am stupid and go on.
This is a great, simple concept. Pray for proof, and if you don't get it - well there obviously no God. But there's a problem. Say a person prays for proof - lightening doesn't strike, nothing noticeable happens, and they say "Ah Hah! I knew there was no God".
Then there was my case. I "believed" in God, but what had he done for me lately? Nothing. Then I got ill. Very Ill.
My family was told I had little chance of survival. Although I seldom if ever prayed for myself during this time, many prayer groups were called upon by my relatives. Miraculously, I recovered, only to get cancer a couple years later.
Same thing this time - I was near death in the hospital. I was 6'1" and weighed 110 lbs. But thanks again to the power of prayer I recovered.
Then it happened AGAIN - this time a major heart attack. Doctors said I only survived initially because of my coincidental proximity to an EMS unit when it happened. They told my family I had no chance of survival without stints, but I was too weak for the procedure. They had to wait for me to gain strength. I lost strength instead. The doctors said they had to try the procedure, but I'd almost certainly not survive it. Needless to say, I'm still here.
For me, God is just as much a reality as is the wooden desk I'm typing this message at. I can touch the desk, and pound it with my fist till it hurts. I can't even SEE God, much lest touch him. But God is no less a reality IMO.
Now back to the original quote. I challenge you to pray for proof of God, in a serious way. I'm pretty sure you won't get it that second, but I'd bet every bitcoin I have that you'll eventually get your proof