Its a clear intention to destroy your account.Who would do business with someone who has 200 negative trust points ?
And to your question why you get it so often ?Because you are not their buddy.
Would you be their buddy they wouldn't tagg you even if you would have been catched with full evidence.
Good examples are Bruno and some escrows who tried selling their accounts and got nothing for it with the explanation they don't deserve to be tagged.
BUT YOU DESERVE TO BE TAGGED since you are not their buddy.
Also suchmoon bought herself in june 2018 a legendary account which is a known fact.Have you seen her getting a tagg or the bought account ?No ?Why ?
Btw you didn't get 4 taggs but 6.You are moving to the worst scammer parts.
You can also ask these faggots because thats what they are why they don't tagg real scammers and their projects like Eric Gu and Zengold,Metaverse ?Attacking these kind of projects they fear.
As escrow i would recommend Ognasty.
Very good service and his rates are also very good.