
Topic: Revelation Prophecies: Global Citizens? NWO? JADE HELM 15= UWEX 16? CERN? - page 19. (Read 121543 times)

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Video: Scientists at Large Hadron Collider hope to make contact with PARALLEL UNIVERSE in days

"We ARE living in the Days of Noah!!!
The staggeringly complex LHC ‘atom smasher’ at the CERN centre in Geneva, Switzerland, will be fired up to its highest energy levels ever in a bid to detect - or even create - miniature black holes.
If successful a completely new universe will be revealed – rewriting not only the physics books but the philosophy books too.
It is even possible that gravity from our own universe may ‘leak’ into this parallel universe, scientists at the LHC say.:
CERN: The Tool Used By The NWO To Try and Kill God - Part 1:
CERN: Part 2 - The Tool used by the NWO to try and kill God:
Tune in and listen to the full 3-hour HD unedited broadcast originally aired live on our website (10.22.15) here:"

Scientists at Large Hadron Collider hope to make contact with PARALLEL UNIVERSE in days

"The staggeringly complex LHC ‘atom smasher’ at the CERN centre in Geneva, Switzerland, will be fired up to its highest energy levels ever in a bid to detect - or even create - miniature black holes.

If successful a completely new universe will be revealed – rewriting not only the physics books but the philosophy books too.

It is even possible that gravity from our own universe may ‘leak’ into this parallel universe, scientists at the LHC say.

The experiment is sure to inflame alarmist critics of the LHC, many of whom initially warned the high energy particle collider would spell the end of our universe with the creation a black hole of its own....."

ISIS militants trick mother into ‘eating her kidnapped son’
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: United Nations Deems Rachel's Tomb & Cave of Patriarchs as Muslim Sites

UNESCO Passes Arab Resolution: Cave of Patriarchs 'Islamic'

"Rachel's Tomb, Cave of the Patriarchs now listed as Muslim sites, Israel condemned over Temple Mount 'aggression.'

UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) passed a resolution Wednesday listing the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hevron and Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem as Muslim sites.

The resolution - which passed with 26 in favor, six voted against, and 25 abstentions - condemned Israel for archaeological excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem and particularly near the Temple Mount....."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
In a video I've linked to before, they talk about the collider in TX. They say they got told them couldn't make it, but they did it anyway. From all I know now, I believe it's possible that it is still running.

It has 3 times the power of CERN in Switzerland, and isn't being talked about.

"The SSC's planned collision energy of 2 x 20 = 40 TeV was roughly three times that of the 2 x 6.5 = 13 TeV (as of June 2015) of its European counterpart, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva.[21]" Superconducting Super Collider
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
BEAST SYSTEM UPDATE: Visa Already Testing EMV Biometrics In Africa

"October 22, 2015

Just the other day I told you about MasterCard and Wells Fargo Bank wanting to add biometrics to EMV technology worldwide (BEAST SYSTEM UPDATE: Biometrics Being Added To Credit Cards For Security), but it appears Visa has already begun testing the new technology in Africa. Apparently they began testing September 15, 2015 exactly one month before the EMV  credit card changeover here in the U.S. Now might be a good time to start looking into living off of the grid if you haven’t already done so....."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Government Implements Illegal “Gag Order” On National Weather Service And NOAA Employees

Government Implements Illegal “Gag Order” On National Weather Service And NOAA Employees

"Dane Wigington

 The power structure is beginning to panic as the public wakes up to the criminal climate engineering insanity. The growing police state is completely out of control and becoming unimaginably blatant with their actions. In recent weeks Washington has placed "gag orders" on the following agency employees, "The National Weather Service", the "National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration", and the "US Department of Commerce". This is a massive red flag that should trigger alarm bells everywhere.

Bill Hopkins, the executive president for the National Weather Service employees organization (NWSEO) said this:

    “As a taxpayer, I find it highly disturbing that a government agency continues to push gag orders to hide how they operate. This is the work of the American government, owned by the American public, and should be open to the American public.”

Jeff Ruch, the executive director "PEER" (Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility) said this about the "gag orders".

    “The National Weather Service is about the last place where national security-style secrecy rules need to be enforced,” Ruch noted that the broad scope of the gag orders put much of what goes on inside the agency under wraps.  “Everyone is free to talk about the weather except for the people working inside the National Weather Service. Go figure.”

Some time ago I personally spoke to an NOAA scientist that said "we all know it is going on (climate engineering) but we are afraid to speak out, we have no first amendment protection". The new "gag order" is a further muzzling of the NWS and NOAA. It is likely there are many in the National Weather Service and NOAA that have had enough of lying about what is really going on in our skies.

 Massive atmospheric aerosol spraying assaults are constant around the globe. Almost all meteorologists have so far denied the all too obvious ongoing climate engineering operations.

Other weather agencies and personnel have also been actively engaged in public deception. What did BBC "meteorologist" Ian Fergusson say about the picture below?

     "When rain, ice crystals or snow falls but evaporates before reaching the ground, it's a (natural) phenomenon called 'virga' or 'fallstreak'."

 The so called "experts" are naming jet aircraft sprayed aerosol clouds as if they are produced by nature.

A report from PEER contains the following statement:

    This summer, the National Weather Service began requiring a signed confidentiality agreement (Exhibit I) from NWSEO participants along with all participants on the OWA teams. These agreements purport to bind NWSEO representatives from communicating with its members, members of Congress or any other person regarding agency plans and how they are determined. These agreements also do not contain terms allowing reports of actual or impending law or rule violations, gross mismanagement, waste or abuse.

The PEER report continued with this:

    The National Weather Service, NOAA and Commerce are presently implementing and enforcing nondisclosure agreements which violate the law.

We are officially living in an Orwellian police state where any who dare to try and tell the truth are dealt with severely. Forcing the employees of "national" weather and climate agencies to sign "confidentiality agreements is extremely alarming (with unimaginable potential consequences), but not surprising given what we know about the cataclysms being caused by the rapidly growing climate engineering elephant in the room. The decimation and mortality that has already been inflicted on our biosphere and all life from global geoengineering is so immense it could never be calculated. The weather warfare insanity is finally becoming all but impossible to hide, the recent "gag orders" are a sign of true desperation on the part of the power structure. Now more than ever we must all keep up our pace in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering.
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
United Nations Exposes Chemtrails Weather Modification causing Climate Change

Video: The United Nations Exposes Chemtrails: 100% PROOF, We Are Being Poisoned

"By now everyone has witnessed streaks of white trailing across the sky, stretching from horizon to horizon, ultimately turning the skies into a murky haze. We can no longer ignore the fact that our skies are being heavily polluted with aluminium, barium, lead, arsenic, chromium, cadmium, selenium, and silver. All of which attribute to a host of health problems including: neurological effects, heart damage, eyesight issues, reproduction failures, immune system damage, gastrointestinal disorders, damaged kidney, damaged liver, hormonal problems, and more.

The truth is the government is spraying deadly chemtrails in hopes of population reduction. Furthermore they have been known to use chemtrails as biological testing agents on the populace; all while claiming they are nothing more than mere vapor.

We’ll now we have 100% undeniable evidence that chemtrails exist. The video below is of Rosalind Peterson, the president of Agriculture Defence Coalition. In it she address the United Nations on chemtrails, geoengineering, and weather modification (HAARP).

If you were a skeptic before, I can assure you, that you will not be after hearing what she (the video below) has to say to the people in power ( via )."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Radiation Sensors in Major U.S. Cities Turned Off By EPA

"Environmental Protection Agency officials confirmed 99 of 135 beta-radiation sensors in its RadNet system—which monitors in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico—aren’t working and have been turned off. Officials blame electromagnetic interference from sources such as cellphone towers and said efforts to resolve the problem have been unsuccessful

Nuclear Disaster Threatens Millions In The Heart Of The USA!

See more at:

The MO state provides free radon test kits. Call 1-866-628-9891 or order it online"

Radiation Sensors in Major U.S. Cities Turned Off Because They Don’t Work
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Ladies: Study Says You Might Be Putting Glyphosate-Tainted Tampons in Your Vagina

"I admit I chose this title on purpose to catch your attention, but now that I have it, have you ever considered that the majority of cotton (in the U.S. anyway) is genetically modified, and as such, it might be tainted with cancer-causing, endocrine-disrupting, infertility-promoting glyphosate?

Well, a new study at the University of La Plata found just that: 85% of cotton products like gauze, cotton balls, swabs, pads, wipes, etc. tested positive for glyphosate. Another 62% tested positive for its environmental metabolite AMPA, which has been found to potentially be 1,000 times more toxic in the body. Gauze samples tested positive 100% of the time.

Let's get down to brass tacks, as they say. While all of these things are used on places like cuts, or to clean your ears or even wipe your baby's bottom, when it comes to feminine "protection" products, they are placed in a highly sensitive mucous membrane area near a woman's cervix and her reproductive organs for hours at a time. How often is a potentially harmful chemical seeping into your body this way, ladies?

And we wonder why infertility is on the rise in this country. Unless these products explicitly state they are made from organic cotton, it's a safe bet to assume they are genetically modified. Because over 90% of the cotton here is GMO, if this study is any indication, its very likely tainted with glyphosate!

It's such a common sense connection, and yet, until I read about this study, I will admit to you I hadn't really considered it. The study also found that 90% of the residents tested positive for glyphosate in their urine even though none of the people tested had direct contact with Roundup products.

Of course, you'll probably never hear about this in the media here, in the country where corporations and lobbyists run everything and where Monsanto, whose #1 best-selling product Roundup with the key ingredient glyphosate, has its world headquarters stationed...


Glyphosate poisoning

They found glyphosate in cotton, gauze, swabs, wipes and pads of La Plata

"The study was conducted by researchers at the University of La Plata (UNLP). Another study found the presence of the herbicide in the urine of 90% of the residents of Mar del Plata

"85 percent of all samples tested positive for glyphosate and 62 percent for AMPA, which is the environmental metabolite, but in the case of cotton and gauze the figure was one hundred percent, "he told the Telam agency on Dr. Damian Marino, one of the members of the Socio-Environmental Interaction Multidisciplinary Space (EMISA) UNLP who conducted the research.
In July another study found glyphosate in the urine of 90% of the inhabitants of Buenos Aires district of General Pueyrredón, including the residents of Mar del Plata was known. "We did a test with urine samples from people living in urban areas and others are in rural areas, thinking that we would find different results and did not happen: the two populations had glyphosate or its metabolite, ie what is generated in the body when the glyphosate is metabolized, "said Silvana Buján concerning the Bios Civil Association, author of the study.

What caught the attention of researchers is that none of the citizens who participated in the study had had direct contact with glyphosate. "This outcome was a revelation to us, we began to research and what we found is that most of our processed foods contain some soy either lecithin, flour or protein. Moreover, water and soil, while not sprayed with glyphosate, which are by rain, "said Buján.

One comment from the video:

"I didn't think this applied to me until I realized my girlfriend has a vagina. I hate everything."
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Oct 2015 Mass Animal Deaths! Dolphins, Turtles, Sea lions, Fish & Deer among "Mysterious" Casualties

"Residents React to Fish Kill in Panama City: Residents React to Fish Kill in Panama City
Dolphins, turtles and sea lions appear dead in Mexico Beach: Dolphins, turtles and sea lions appear dead in Mexico Beach
Kachemak sea otter deaths under investigation; Authorities seek public’s help: Kachemak sea otter deaths under investigation; Authorities seek public’s help
Up to 1,000 Idaho deer dead from bluetongue outbreak: Up to 1,000 Idaho deer dead from bluetongue outbreak
About 600,000 chickens die in fattening cycle by heat wave in the country: About 600,000 chickens die in fattening cycle by heat wave in the country
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
City Streets To Be Blanketed With WiFi Connected “Smart Pavement”

"By Kevin Samson

Awareness continues to increase surrounding the health dangers of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) emanating from our daily gadgets, as well as from the rise of the Smart Grid.  For example, a prominent neuroscientist went on record in a lecture to the medical community itself where he exposed the many health risks as well as an industry-wide attempt by telecom to cover up the negative consequences. A world-renown biochemist is seeking to abolish WiFi in schools. And a British ER physician has made it her mission to educate people about what steps they can take to minimize exposure and damage to WiFi. A slew of peer-review scientific studies support the warnings of these experts.

So what happens when your entire city becomes one giant WiFi signal?

Telecom giant Virgin Media has been given the green light to begin doing just that.  Coverage will be enabled by “discreet street furniture” and the “UK’s first Smart Pavement.”

The pilot will begin with a focus on the center of the town of Chesham, UK where all 21,000 residents and businesses can use the network. The Chiltern District Council has joined forces and is touting the increased connectivity at massively increased speeds up to 166Mbps – 7X the average in the UK....."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
The Big Bang theory says everything should be random in our universe. But scientists found out that there is a gigantic X in the universe of hot and cold radiation, that marks the center of the universe. The earth is in the middle of it. Yes the earth is in the center of the universe and most scientists don't want you to know. It was labeled the "axis of evil" because it goes against what we're supposed to think of the universe and our place in it.

Video: Scientist know the Earth is at the center of the Universe Part 2

13 more things: The axis of evil

Magazine issue 2724 published 5 September 2009

"WHAT would you do if you found a mysterious and controversial pattern in the radiation left over from the big bang? In 2005, Kate Land and João Magueijo at Imperial College London faced just such a conundrum. What they did next was a PR master stroke: they called their discovery the cosmic “axis of evil“.

What exactly had they seen? Instead of finding hot and cold spots randomly spattered across the sky as they expected, the pair’s analysis showed that the spots in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) appeared to be aligned in one particular direction through space.

The apparent alignment is “evil” because it undermines what we thought we knew about the early universe. Modern cosmology is built on the assumption that the universe is essentially the same in whichever direction we look. If the cosmic radiation has a preferred direction, that assumption may have to go – along with our best theories about cosmic history.

This disaster might be averted if we can show that the axis arises from some oddity in the way our telescopes and satellites observe the radiation. A nearby supercluster of galaxies could also save the day: its gravitational pull might be enough to distort the radiation into the anomalous form seen.

Nobody knows for sure. We are dealing with the limits of our capabilities, says Michael Longo of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. “All observations beyond our galaxy are obscured by the disc of the Milky Way,” he points out, so we need to be careful how we interpret them...."

Shocker! Does the Universe Revolve Around Earth?

"WASHINGTON - A new documentary, "The Principle," is so controversial that scientists and even people featured in the movie are condemning it before they've had a chance to see it.

The film chops away at some of the most sacred cows of modern science: that Earth is nothing special and sprang into being by accident.

It delves into the latest scientific findings to present what its makers believe is solid evidence the whole universe revolves around Earth and its Milky Way galaxy.

Physics professor John Hartnett, with Australia's University of Adelaide, studied the locations of some 400,000 galaxies from the 2005 Sloan Digital Sky Survey and was astounded to see a surprising form and pattern in how they're arrayed, all with Earth at the center.

"As if the galaxies preferred to lie at some periodic spacing out from the Earth," Hartnett explains in the documentary

"This is sort of like saying that our galaxy is somewhere near the center of the universe, and when you look at the galaxies arrayed all around us, they're on sort of like gigantic shells," he added.

Bob Sungenis, executive producer of "The Principle," told CBN News why such a discovery is so upsetting to atheists and those who believe Earth and mankind are nothing special or central.

"If you're a believer in the Big Bang, you believe that there's going to be this smooth explosion that's not going to have any distinguishing features. It's not going to have any center," Sungenis said. "So if you find center in that big mass, then that means somebody had to make it that way. There's a designer behind it."..."
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Video: 7.3 Earthquake Strikes Vanuatu No threat of Tsunami

Vanuatu earthquake: Powerful 7.3-magnitude earthquake strikes Pacific Ocean

"A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 has struck the Pacific Ocean near the island nation of Vanuatu, seismologists say. (more)

The earthquake, at 8:52 a.m. local time on Wednesday, was centered about 46 kilometers (29 miles) northeast of Port-Olry, or about 339 kilometers (211 miles) north-northwest of Port-Vila, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. It struck about 117 kilometers (72 miles) deep, making it a fairly deep earthquake.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said there was no threat of a destructive Pacific-wide tsunami.

“Based on all available data, there is no tsunami threat because the earthquake is located too deep inside the Earth,” the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said in a bulletin.

There was no immediate word on damage or casualties."

I was thinking about bidding on one of those outdated, U.S. submarines that they put up for auction now and again. I would sail it to the Cooke Islands, and set it up as a place to live in. Then I would be safe from a lot of various "high tides."

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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: 7.3 Earthquake Strikes Vanuatu No threat of Tsunami

Vanuatu earthquake: Powerful 7.3-magnitude earthquake strikes Pacific Ocean

"A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 has struck the Pacific Ocean near the island nation of Vanuatu, seismologists say. (more)

The earthquake, at 8:52 a.m. local time on Wednesday, was centered about 46 kilometers (29 miles) northeast of Port-Olry, or about 339 kilometers (211 miles) north-northwest of Port-Vila, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. It struck about 117 kilometers (72 miles) deep, making it a fairly deep earthquake.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said there was no threat of a destructive Pacific-wide tsunami.

“Based on all available data, there is no tsunami threat because the earthquake is located too deep inside the Earth,” the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said in a bulletin.

There was no immediate word on damage or casualties."
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Activity: 504
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I'm not going to post this whole thing, the point is he was probably on drugs. Sorcery in the bible = Pharma/Drugs

South Carolina man decapitates 2-week-old puppy in front of girlfriend and her two kids: reports

"He had come home high on drugs and "beheaded several puppies" beforehand, his girlfriend, Tarsha Hankinson said, according to KRON4."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
I'm sure we'll be hearing more about how the Lord didn't make the universe, and the belief in religion is a defect that needs to be "fixed" which is why we have the story about using magnets to make people not believe in God, and this one:

HISTORIC DISCOVERY: Physicists 'PROVE' God DIDN'T create the Universe

"A TEAM of scientists have made what may turn out to be the most important discovery in HISTORY – how the universe came into being from nothing.

The colossal question has troubled religions, philosophers and scientists since the dawn of time but now a Canadian team believe they have solved the riddle.

And the findings are so conclusive they even challenge the need for religion, or at least an omnipotent creator – the basis of all world religions.

Scientists have long known that miniscule particles, called virtual particles, come into existence from nothing all the time.

But a team led by Prof Mir Faizal, at the Dept of Physics and Astronomy, at the University of Waterloo, in Ontario, Canada, has successfully applied the theory to the very creation of existence itself.

He said: “Virtual particles contain a very small amount of energy and exist for a very small amount of time.

“However what was difficult to explain was how did such a small amount of energy give rise to a big universe like ours?”

Enter 'inflation' theory.

Prof Mir used some mind-boggling mathematics and two recent theories:

• The Minimum Length Scale – a measurement so infinitesimally small that space and time cease to exist.

• Doubly Special Relativity – which takes advantage of the massive energies available just after the birth of the universe.

Under Inflation Theory the tiny energies and lifespan of the virtual particle become infinitely magnified, resulting in our 13.8 Billion-year-old universe.

Just to make things more complicated Dr Mir says we have been looking at the question ‘how did the universe come from nothing?’ all wrong.

According to the extraordinary findings, the question is irrelevant because the universe STILL is nothing.

Dr Mir said: “Something did not come from nothing. The universe still is nothing, it’s just more elegantly ordered nothing.”

He added that the negative gravitational energy of the universe and the positive matter energy of the universe basically balanced out and created a zero sum.

Asked if the remarkable findings and the convincing if complex solution removed the need for a God figure to kick start the universe Dr Mir said: “If by God you mean a supernatural super man who breaks his own laws then yes he’s done for, you just don’t need him.

“But if you mean God as a great mathematician, then yes!”

What Prof. Mir was referring to is known as inflation. According to inflation the total positive energy in the form of matter exactly balances the negative energy in form of gravity, such that the total energy of our universe is still zero.

Prof. Mir - who also works on the Large Hardron Collider at CERN in Switzerland - further explained that by "nothing" he only meant absence of energy, and not the absence of laws of physics...."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Antibiotic-resistant pathogens are now airborne, thanks to CAFO factory farms

"(NaturalNews) Next time you are on a road trip and the kids all yell "What's that smell?" you may be in the danger zone. In a sobering and eye-opening study, scientists explained why driving by cattle yards may not just be problematic because of the foul odor. The study, entitled "Antibiotics, Bacteria, and Antibiotic Resistance Genes: Aerial Transport from Cattle Feed Yards via Particulate Matter," was released on January 22, 2015.

For this new study, environmental researchers at Texas Tech University set out to determine whether these antibiotics, bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes were airborne....."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Walmart Bomb Threat Temporarily Closes Stores In Seven States

Montgomery Wal-Mart Bomb Threat Could Be Connected to Cases in Other States

"Managers at the Chantilly Parkway Wal-Mart answered the threatening call from a man who demanded money.  "He said he had a gun. Told her to bring the money to him at a certain location in the store and if she didnt's he was going to shoot her," said Sheriff D.T. Marshall.

A few minutes later, he called back. "He called and told her there was a bomb threat in the store," said Marshall.

The same scene has played out at stores in seven states from Arizona to Rhode Island. Each time the caller claimed there was a bomb in the building and demanded that money be wired overseas. Management at one Wal-Mart in Rhode Island were so convinced the threat was serious, they wired the caller $10,000 before letting police inside to sweep for a bomb that was not there...."

Video: Conroe Texas: Bizarre circumstances surround Walmart Evacuation

Conroe Walmart evacuated Sunday night, reason unknown

"The Walmart and the sur rounding shopping center on North Loop 336 West in Conroe was evacuated late Sunday evening.

At the scene, police cars lined the center’s perimeter, and cars were not allowed to enter the parking lot once all shoppers and employees were evacuated.

The area remained blocked off and secured for approximately two hours, and was cleared by 11 p.m. Sunday night.

The Conroe Police Depart ment has declined to tell The Courier why the area was evacuated as of press time.

More information will be added as it becomes available."


"Just after 7:30 Sunday evening Conroe Police received a call from Walmart on North Loop 336 in Conroe regarding a bomb threat and a device that was discovered.  Conroe Police and fire responded along with the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office. The store was evacuated and parking lot closed. Conroe Police the contacted the Montgomery County Fire Marshal’s Office Bomb Unit to respond. The bomb unit suited up and made entry to inspect a knapsack found near the self serve check-out stand.

As they were doing that Gary Davis and his girlfriend Madeleine rode through the Lowes parking lot adjoining the Walmart lot. It was then they saw the POLICE LINE tape across the driveway. Montgomery County Police Reporter, Scott Engle was standing at that location shooting video of the scene when they approached. They inquired about what was happening. When they were told, Davis commented, “Oh I hope it is not my backpack, it’s orange and black.” Conroe Police were alerted about the incident and conversation and responded to meet with them near the Lowes lot. Davis was detained along with his girlfriend,

Snider stated they live on the eastside of Conroe and were in the store earlier on Sunday. As usual when they come in, she said Davis has his backpack and leaves it at the front of the store so he would not be accused of stealing anything. On their Sunday trip they bought a bicycle for each of them. Just prior to checking out, Snider received a call that her teenage son who had been staying in Nebraska with his father and had run away over a month earlier had been located. In their excitement of the news and the haste to leave the store, Davis forgot his backpack.

Snider said when they returned home they realized they had forgotten the backpack and called the store, not once but twice. She stated the store had even called them back to verify it was there. This information had never been revealed by Walmart to police.

It is still undetermined how a call to Walmart for a missing backpack was interpreted as a device and causing the notification to police.

Inside the pack was a can of bicycle tire inflator and some miscellaneous tools and a cell phone charger.

Close to 11:30m as investigators talked with Davis and Snider they were able top verify their story. They were both released.

Davis then had to put his backpack together as during the search by technicians they were forced to cut seams to verify there were no explosives.

The store reopened approximately 11:30pm."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Explosive: 7,000+ Americans Detained & Tortured At Chicago PD "Black Site"

I've posted about this before, but there was a new story out today, it was huge on reddit, but it is not trending on twitter, it's probably being censored so it won't show up as a trending hashtag.

Homan Square revealed: how Chicago police 'disappeared' 7,000 people

"Exclusive: Guardian lawsuit exposes fullest scale yet of detentions at off-the-books interrogation warehouse, while attorneys describe find-your-client chase across Chicago as ‘something from a Bond movie’

Police “disappeared” more than 7,000 people at an off-the-books interrogation warehouse in Chicago, nearly twice as many detentions as previously disclosed, the Guardian can now reveal.

From August 2004 to June 2015, nearly 6,000 of those held at the facility were black, which represents more than twice the proportion of the city’s population. But only 68 of those held were allowed access to attorneys or a public notice of their whereabouts, internal police records show.

The new disclosures, the result of an ongoing Guardian transparency lawsuit and investigation, provide the most detailed, full-scale portrait yet of the truth about Homan Square, a secretive facility that Chicago police have described as little more than a low-level narcotics crime outpost where the mayor has said police “follow all the rules”.

The police portrayals contrast sharply with those of Homan Square detainees and their lawyers, who insist that “if this could happen to someone, it could happen to anyone”. A 30-year-old man named Jose, for example, was one of the few detainees with an attorney present when he surrendered to police. He said officers at the warehouse questioned him even after his lawyer specifically told them he would not speak.

“The Fillmore and Homan boys,” Jose said, referring to police and the facility’s cross streets, “don’t play by the rules.”

According to an analysis of data disclosed to the Guardian in late September, police allowed lawyers access to Homan Square for only 0.94% of the 7,185 arrests logged over nearly 11 years. That percentage aligns with Chicago police’s broader practice of providing minimal access to attorneys during the crucial early interrogation stage, when an arrestee’s constitutional rights against self-incrimination are most vulnerable.

But Homan Square is unlike Chicago police precinct houses, according to lawyers who described a “find-your-client game” and experts who reviewed data from the latest tranche of arrestee records obtained by the Guardian.

    That place was and is scary. There's nothing about it that resembles a police station
    Attorney David Gaeger

“Not much shakes me in this business – baby murder, sex assault, I’ve done it all,” said David Gaeger, an attorney whose client was taken to Homan Square in 2011 after being arrested for marijuana. “That place was and is scary. It’s a scary place. There’s nothing about it that resembles a police station. It comes from a Bond movie or something.”

The narcotics, vice and anti-gang units operating out of Homan Square, on Chicago’s west side, take arrestees to the nondescript warehouse from all over the city: police data obtained by the Guardian and mapped against the city grid show that 53% of disclosed arrestees come from more than 2.5 miles away from the warehouse. No contemporaneous public record of someone’s presence at Homan Square is known to exist.

Nor are any booking records generated at Homan Square, as confirmed by a sworn deposition of a police researcher in late September, further preventing relatives or attorneys from finding someone taken there.

“The reality is, no one knows where that person is at Homan Square,” said Craig Futterman, a professor at the University of Chicago Law School who studies policing. “They’re disappeared at that point.”

A Chicago police spokesman did not respond to a list of questions for this article, including why the department had doubled its initial arrest disclosures without an explanation for the lag. “If lawyers have a client detained at Homan Square, just like any other facility, they are allowed to speak to and visit them,” the police claimed in a February statement....."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Something Weird Is Happening Across America! When You Find Out What You’ll Have a Desire To Prepare!

Something Strange Is Happening Across America—When You Find Out What You’ll Have a Deep Desire To Prepare!

"'Empty', that is the word to describe the countless malls, shopping centers, office buildings and other stores across America which are shutting their doors due to the economy diving, and all this is happening as our government continues to lie to the populace, stating that our economy is headed in the right direction. Meanwhile the debt clock strikes past midnight, and multiple economists are sounding the alarm to the masses.

To be frank, either something strange is happening across America or we are already living in the beginning of the next Great Depression.

The video below reveals what the government doesn’t want you to know about these closing centers and how bad things really are. Please don’t miss this critical report:

According to Off The Grid News Here are 16 companies that have closed stores or will before early 2015:

1. Office supply company Staples has announced plans to close 225 stores by 2015, which is about 15 percent of its chain. Staples already closed 40 stores last year. Industry analysts expect Staples’ main competitor, Office Depot, which bought OfficeMax last year, to announce its own round of store closings soon.

2. Radio Shack has announced plans to close 20 percent of its stores this year, which is as many as 1,100 stores. The company, which operates around 4,000 stores, reported that its sales fell by 19 percent last year.

3. Albertsons closed 26 stores in January and February according to Supermarket News. Analysts expect many more Albertsons could soon be shuttered because Albertsons owner hedge fund Cerberus Capital Management just bought Safeway Inc. Some Safeway stores could soon shut down as well.

4. Clothing retailer Abercrombie & Fitch is planning to close 220 stores by the end of 2015. The company is also planning to shut down an entire chain it owns, Gilly Hicks, which has 20 stores, 24/7 Wall Street reported.

5. Barnes & Nobles is planning to shut down one third of its stores in the next year: about 218 stores. The chain has already closed its iconic flagship store in New York City.

6. J.C. Penney is closing about 33 stores and laying off about 2,000 employees.

7. The Record newspaper in New Jersey reported that Toys R Us has plans to close 100 stores.

8. The Sweetbay Supermarket chain will close all 17 of the stores it operates in the Tampa Bay area, The Herald Tribune newspaper reported. Many of the stores might open as Winn-Dixie Stores. Sweetbay closed 33 stores in Florida last year.

9. The entire Loehmann’s chain of discount clothing stores in the New York City area shut down. Loehmann’s once operated 39 stores, The New York Times reported, and was considered an institution by generations of New Yorkers.

10. Industry analyst John Kernan told CNN that he expects Sears Holdings, which owns both Sears and Kmart, to close another 500 stores this year. Sears has already shut down its flagship store in Chicago.

11. Quiznos has filed for bankruptcy, USA Today reported, and could close many of its 2,100 stores.

12. Sbarro which operates pizza and Italian restaurants in malls, is planning to close 155 locations in the United States and Canada. That means nearly 20 percent of Sbarro’s will close. The chain operates around 800 outlets.

13. Ruby Tuesday announced plans to close 30 restaurants in January after its sales fell by 7.8 percent. The chain currently operates around 775 steakhouses across the US.

14. An unknown number of Red Lobster stores will be sold. The chain is in such bad shape that the parent company, Darden Restaurants Inc., had to issue a press release stating that the chain would not close. Instead Darden is planning to spin Red Lobster off into another company and sell some of its stores.

15. Ralph’s, a subsidiary of Kroger, has announced plans to close 15 supermarkets in Southern California within 60 days.

16. Safeway closed 72 Dominick’s grocery stores in the Chicago area last year.

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Video: IMF Makes a Huge Announcement About Their Goal For The World!

IMF Just Made a Huge Announcement That Will Change Everything in American When Implemented…

"The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is a powerful and manipulative globalist organization known for monitoring the financial health of more than 185 countries, establishing global money laws, and providing “bail-out’s” to nations. They have a lot of power and are capable of accomplishing tasks of unprecedented proportions.

On October 19th the IMF made one of their biggest announcements yet, an announcement so massive that it will greatly impact the pockets of all Americans when it comes to fruition. Here is the breaking report… "

“We can’t stand idly by as billions of tons of carbon pollution spew into the atmosphere. California has put a price on carbon, but these efforts mean little unless the world’s government and business leaders join us – and go even further,” said California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.


“Low carbon technologies are an element in the fight against worldwide climate change. With a price for carbon and a global carbon market, we promote investment in these climate friendly technologies. Many governments are already putting a price on carbon as part of their climate protection strategies. We should advance our effort along this path further so that we can actually reach our goal of maintaining the two degree upper limit,” said German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
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