Urgent call – need to listen to this call… - (MUST see - There's a transcript if you click on the page)
( I stumbled upon this call… listened to it this morning… things are moving and shaking… please listen, as it sounds like it is time to stand up, folks… “best I can tell, they (military) are waiting for one of two things… for the majority of Americans to say they’ve had enough, or someone in a civil authority, somewhere on the soil, to say we’ve had enough… and of course we cannot get a majority of Americans to agree on anything other than who won American Idol… ” Boy, that’s some truth right there… /dt )
UPDATE 1: There is a massive amount of money being allocated to stop Thomas’ effort. The disrespectful background ‘noise’ was from trolls and will be controlled in the future. ~J
UPDATE 2: Want to understand what is really behind the refugee crisis? Read on!
Tom begins to speak at about seven minutes. I’d advise moving the cursor forward to that point. I also suggest you follow along by reading as you listen to the conversation. I think it will hasten your understanding of our present situation.
This is IT, people. Nothing more to say! It’s now time for action. Ge the word out and if you can make plans to get to West Virginia.
Our good Reader, to whom I offer my deepest thanks for helping with all of Tom’s calls, has transcribed the last night’s call, working all day on getting this to you. I believe there may be more transcription to come, because near the end of the audio Tom makes a closing statement. ~J
PS I added the boldface print
Thomas Deegan Conference Call 9-14-2015. Part 1: Notes Transcribed from link below:
http://hudok.info/files/3914/4230/5599/Conference_Call_wi_Thomas_9_14_15_64kbps.mp3(Please forgive any errors or omissions, SP).
Steve Gronka – Host
Thomas Deegan
Steve Gronka (SG): The call commenced with an opening prayer.
SG: Sean, can you provide us with an opening statement on the purpose of this call and how it relates to the militias?
(click to read on....)
"...TD: What I am going to tell you is happening on an international level. The entire world is under a threat of conquest right now – so there are no rules, there are no laws. Everyone is vying for territory and control of custody of the Cestui que Vie Accounts. accounts. That is why you see refugees going to other places. They are being transferred to other territories. This is what’s happening. When the Pope leaves the UN it’s done. After that you will have a very hard time getting your country back.
So we are on a very limited time-span here. Documents are being drawn for the entire nation. The soil needs to be maintained and controlled. That is the only way to do it — through the Doctrine of Conquest. It can be done on paper, but if they can test us on the soil you have to be able to maintain it. I think that is why a lot of you are here right now — is so we can control the soil of this country — and that is every state.
Each person on this Earth at birth is worth $50,000 in gold and that is paid for out of the Vatican. Every refugee you see being transferred is worth $50,000 in gold. That is put up under a bond that is hypothicated 20 -40- 1000 times into a Cestui que Vie account. That is what they are going after — the territory and the Cestui que Vie account. (What is Cestui que Vie?
Because it is a Cestui que Vie account they cannot actually kill you. It has to be done indirect. So you are going to start seeing natural disasters. You are going to see biological and chemical weapons. So it is not from a natural cause. This is what they have to do to get the payout on the insurance policy and get the Cestui que Vie Tust accounts...."