
Topic: Revelation Prophecies: Global Citizens? NWO? JADE HELM 15= UWEX 16? CERN? - page 32. (Read 121543 times)

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9/23 is coming up. It's the 266th day in the year, and the pope is the 266th pope. 266 days is the gestation period of a human embryo from conception to birth. Though the pope arrives on the night of the 22nd, he meets with the President on the 23rd. Does this mean they are birthing something with their meeting?

We shall see in the long run. I don't think many will see in the short run. But I am sure things that are said and agreed to, are kicking things off in a direction we don't want to be going in.

If you would like to see the pope's schedule, click here: Schedule: 2015 Apostolic Journey of Pope Francis to the United States of America

If you would like to watch the pope live, click here: Papal Visit 2015 - Live Coverage

In general, the pope will be talking to Obama on the 23rd, the 266th day of the year, then he will address the congress on the 24th. I wonder why he's talking to congress.... hmm... he'll fly to NYC that afternoon, and have a prayer session at St. Patrick's Cathedral that night.

That same day, the 24th, there may be a bunch of people meeting up to "take back" the country. They are supposed to be meeting that day. We don't know how many will show up or if anything will happen with that, but nothing will happen until they meet that day, so at any point after they meet, something could happen.

Then on the 25th, the pope will go to the UN and then the One World Trade Center and have a one world religious ceremony - "Multi-religious service at 9/11 Memorial and Museum, World Trade Center"

The bible predicts a one world religion.

The bible tells us Christians to come out and be separate.

2 Corinthians 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
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Video: WARNING ! FBI now arresting people for Retweeting I$I$ Tweets !

The FBI Says Retweets Are Endorsements

Remember when people put that “RTs ≠ endorsements” disclaimer in their Twitter bios, like that would offer some form of protection from the being associated with what they retweeted? Well, a retweet can be seen as an endorsement. It can also apparently be used as evidence that you’re trying to join ISIS.

22-year-old Queens resident Ali Saleh was arrested this week following an FBI investigation into his attempts to join ISIS. According to the complaint against him, Saleh began tweeting his plans in 2013. Saleh’s retweets came up repeatedly in the complaint as cause for arrest. Many of the specific examples given are time Saleh retweeted others from his various Twitter accounts:....The FBI has been using retweets as evidence against Twitter-happy ISIS wannabes in other cases, as well. This summer a 17-year-old Virginia resident was arrested after regularly retweeting fawning statements about ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. So this is a tactic.

Plenty of people retweet pro-ISIS tweets for other reasons; to draw attention to how prevalent they are, for instance, or to ridicule them. People retweet horrible shit all the time and it’s not cause for arrests: Lots of people started retweeting Dzhokhar Tsarnaev after they found his Twitter account after the Boston bombing, but these were more “Look! I found this guy!” gestures than a sudden surge of simpatico intentions.

The police can’t arrest someone for retweeting ISIS unless they have evidence that the intent behind the tweets signified someone acting with criminal intent. But if that’s the case, they seem to have no trouble making the assumption that a retweet is an unambiguous endorsement.

In other words, maybe cool it on ironic retweets of state enemies. ...

Queens man arrested for attempting to join ISIS, posting ‘I am ready to die’ on Twitter: authorities

" The feds have arrested a 22-year-old Queens man who allegedly aspired to join ISIS and ranted "I am ready to die" on Twitter, authorities said Thursday.

Ali Saleh has been openly tweeting his twisted intentions since 2013 while making several attempts to get to ISIS battlefields in Syria, FBI special agent Bret Luhmann stated in a complaint unsealed in Brooklyn Federal Court.

"I'm ready to die (for ISIS) . . . prison is nothing," Saleh stated, retweeting a message that was posted by another user.

Saleh, a U.S. citizen who claimed he has family in Yemen, booked a seat on a flight from Kennedy Airport to Istanbul last year but did not get on the plane.

Two days later he tried to get on planes at Newark Liberty Airport and Philadelphia International Airport but was denied boarding, according to court papers. He told agents in Philadelphia that his parents would be upset if they knew he was trying to travel to Yemen...."
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Video: Urgent! Netanyahu Emergency Meeting With Putin Now!!!

Netanyahu visits Putin amid concerns about Russian involvement in Syria

"(CNN)With Russia apparently beefing up its military presence in Syria, some countries are getting nervous about what could happen -- including, perhaps, Israel....."
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Video: Thomas David Deegan's Address Coverage and Call to Act

People leaving this corporation known as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An interesting view. Remember, there is a plan for these people to try to come together in West Virginia later this week.

The original video: Rule of Law W Va Live Stream 7 24 15
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Monstrous Wolf-fish raises fears about Fukushima nuclear disaster

"Japanese fishermen were left reeling after hauling in a colossal catch not far from the site of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster...The sea beast was caught over a week ago, and has prompted questions about the impact that the 2011 Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster had on surrounding marine life.

Giant catfish were discovered near the site of a nuclear disaster at Chernobyl in Russia last year.

Wolf-fish typically only grow up to 112cm and weigh 15kg but the one caught by Mr Hirasaka  was over two metres long.

The terrifying creature has been identified as one of the largest wolf-fish ever recorded."

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Video: Vatican Flag And Palestine Flag To Be Raised At United Nations

The Twin Flags Of Vatican City And Palestine To Be Raised Over UN For Pope Francis Visit

"EDITOR’S NOTE: In May of 2015, Pope Francis signed a treaty formally recognizing the enemies of Israel, the mythical state of Palestine. This week, when he arrives to take over the United Nations, the twin flags of both Vatican City and Palestine will be raised in symbolic conquest for the first time in the 70 year history of the UN. Wait just a minute! Did someone say “70 years”? Just ask the prophets Jeremiah and Daniel about the importance of the number 70 in fulfilling Bible prophecy. Catholics and Muslims, conquering the world in the name of their end times god. Things are about to get very interesting.

UNITED NATIONS –  A United Nations official confirms that the flag of Vatican City will be raised for the first time outside U.N headquarters the morning of Pope Francis’ first visit. It is a turnaround for the Vatican, whose U.N. ambassador has said it had “no intention” of raising the flag before the pope arrives Sept. 25...."
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Video: Zero Risk of Terrorism from Refugees? ISIS Plans to Unleash the Plague and Cause the "Black Death"

"Published on Sep 20, 2015

The Black Death arrived in Europe by sea in October 1347 when 12 Genoese trading ships docked at the Sicilian port of Messina after a long journey through the Black Sea. The people who gathered on the docks to greet the ships were met with a horrifying surprise: Most of the sailors aboard the ships were dead, and those who were still alive were gravely ill. They were overcome with fever, unable to keep food down and delirious from pain. Strangest of all, they were covered in mysterious black boils that oozed blood and pus and gave their illness its name: the “Black Death.” The Sicilian authorities hastily ordered the fleet of “death ships” out of the harbor, but it was too late: Over the next five years, the mysterious Black Death would kill more than 20 million people in Europe–almost one-third of the continent’s population.
Israel under attack since Rosh Hoshanah, Heat, Sandstorms, Floods and now ROCKETS!
Any chance to kill Iran Nuke DEal in Congress is DONE! Permanent Nuke deal here to stay."

Last bid to kill Iran nuclear deal blocked in Senate
EXCLUSIVE: Islamic State could unleash the plague and cause the BLACK DEATH 2
Israeli airstrikes target Hamas after rocket attacks
Clashes as Israeli soldiers storm Al-Aqsa compound
Sand Storm Still Suffocating Until Rosh Hashanah
US Military Admits It "Misplaced" Black Plague Samples

Video: Time Magazine: "Death To America" Chants Doesn't Mean Iran Wants To Kill Americans
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Video: ALERT! DHS and FEMA Have Created a National Patient Tracking System

DHS/FEMA have created a national patient tracking system

"DHS's "If You See Something Say Something" program has created a nation of spies!

Don't try and use anything other than a government approved ID at a hospital or clinic or you'll be arrested:

Blanca Borrego and her two daughters had been sitting in the waiting room of the Northeast Women's Healthcare clinic in Atascocita, Texas for nearly two hours.

When Borrego arrived at the clinic the staff told her they needed to update her file and, after she filled out some paperwork, they asked for an ID.

Borrego, an undocumented immigrant handed the staff a fake driver's license. The staff contacted the police who were waiting for her in the examination room!

Borrego's daughter saw Harris County Sheriff's deputies march her mother out of the clinic and say...

“We're going to take her downtown, she presented a form of false identification,” Borrego's daughter recalled the deputy saying. He said their mother's bond would probably be around $20,000, and added, "She's going to get deported."

“They took her into that examination room solely for the purpose of being arrested,”  Attorney Clarissa Guajardo told the Houston Press. “I just have a very hard time with that. I think it's a violation of HIPAA laws.”

Doctor's staff tricked undocumented immigrant into arrest...

There was no reason to ask for the photo ID in the first place, according to Guajardo....."

Video: Eiffel Tower Evacuated After Suspect Spotted with Backback

"The alarm was raised after a man with a 'large backpack' was seen ascending the famous attraction in Paris.

Anti-terror police supported by a helicopter could be seen at the Eiffel Towers after the terror alert happened at 9am.

A police source assisting with the evacuation of the tower said: "There's been a report of a man with a rucksack."

The tower has frequently been threatened by terrorist groups, including al-Qaeda and Islamic State (ISIS).

A police cordon was formed around the tower and tourists who had been queuing to get inside were moved to the banks of the nearby River Seine.

Security surrounding the Eiffel Tower has been stepped up since the Paris terror attacks in January.

The three-day spate of attacks, which included the Charlie Hebdo massacre, left 20 people dead.

Read More:"

Video: Heads Up! FBI Ramps Up Biometrics Catalogue to Track EVERYONE In America

"In the last few years, FBI has been dramatically expanding its biometrics programs, whether by adding face recognition to its vast Next Generation Identification (NGI) database or pushing out mobile biometrics capabilities for “time-critical situations” through its Repository for Individuals of Special Concern (RISC). But two new developments—both introduced with next to no media attention—will impact far more every-day Americans than anything the FBI has done on biometrics in the past.

FBI Combines Civil and Criminal Fingerprints into One Fully Searchable Database

Being a job seeker isn’t a crime. But the FBI has made a big change in how it deals with fingerprints that might make it seem that way. For the first time, fingerprints and biographical information sent to the FBI for a background check will be stored and searched right along with fingerprints taken for criminal purposes.

The change, which the FBI revealed quietly in a February 2015 Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA), means that if you ever have your fingerprints taken for licensing or for a background check, they will most likely end up living indefinitely in the FBI’s NGI database. They’ll be searched thousands of times a day by law enforcement agencies across the country—even if your prints didn’t match any criminal records when they were first submitted to the system.

Read More:"
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Video: Arizona: Sniper labeled Domestic Terrorist but what about...?

In Paper War, Flood of Liens Is the Weapon

"MINNEAPOLIS — One of the first inklings Sheriff Richard Stanek had that something was wrong came with a call from the mortgage company handling his refinancing.

“It must be a mistake,” he said, when the loan officer told him that someone had placed liens totaling more than $25 million on his house and on other properties he owned.

But as Sheriff Stanek soon learned, the liens, legal claims on property to secure the payment of a debt, were just the earliest salvos in a war of paper, waged by a couple who had lost their home to foreclosure in 2009 — a tactic that, with the spread of an anti-government ideology known as the “sovereign citizen” movement, is being employed more frequently as a way to retaliate against perceived injustices....."
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Video: USGS Caught Deleting Yellowstone Seismic Events, Hiding Any Major Quake Activity

"Published on Sep 19, 2015
The United States Geological Survey has been caught DELETING massive earthquake data from Yellowstone National Park / Super Volcano seismograph readings."
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Video: Vicki Gardner and How Three County Lakes Will Meet In A Masonic Ritual

The one he points to had 34 downvotes and only 4 upvotes, by the time I checked it was 48 downvotes and still only 4 upvotes. No one believes this story.

There were a few more earthquakes in Chile, one within the hour was a 6.2.

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Urgent call – need to listen to this call… - (MUST see - There's a transcript if you click on the page)

( I stumbled upon this call…  listened to it this morning…  things are moving and shaking…  please listen, as it sounds like it is time to stand up, folks… “best I can tell, they (military) are waiting for one of two things…  for the majority of Americans to say they’ve had enough, or someone in a civil authority, somewhere on the soil, to say we’ve had enough…  and of course we cannot get a majority of Americans to agree on anything other than who won American Idol… ”  Boy, that’s some truth right there… /dt )

UPDATE 1: There is a massive amount of money being allocated to stop Thomas’ effort. The disrespectful background ‘noise’ was from trolls and will be controlled in the future. ~J

UPDATE 2: Want to understand what is really behind the refugee crisis? Read on!

Tom begins to speak at about seven minutes. I’d advise moving the cursor forward to that point. I also suggest you follow along by reading  as you listen to the conversation. I think it will hasten your understanding of our present situation.

This is IT, people. Nothing more to say! It’s now time for action. Ge the word out and if you can make plans to get to West Virginia.

Our good Reader, to whom I offer my deepest thanks for helping with all of Tom’s calls, has transcribed the last night’s call, working all day on getting this to you. I believe there may be more transcription to come, because near the end of the audio Tom makes a closing statement. ~J

PS I added the boldface print

Thomas Deegan Conference Call 9-14-2015. Part 1: Notes Transcribed from link below:
(Please forgive any errors or omissions, SP).

Steve Gronka – Host
Thomas Deegan

Steve Gronka (SG): The call commenced with an opening prayer.

SG: Sean, can you provide us with an opening statement on the purpose of this call and how it relates to the militias?
(click to read on....)

"...TD: What I am going to tell you is happening on an international level. The entire world is under a threat of conquest right now – so there are no rules, there are no laws. Everyone is vying for territory and control of custody of the Cestui que Vie Accounts. accounts. That is why you see refugees going to other places. They are being transferred to other territories. This is what’s happening. When the Pope leaves the UN it’s done. After that you will have a very hard time getting your country back.

So we are on a very limited time-span here. Documents are being drawn for the entire nation. The soil needs to be maintained and controlled. That is the only way to do it — through the Doctrine of Conquest. It can be done on paper, but if they can test us on the soil you have to be able to maintain it. I think that is why a lot of you are here right now — is so we can control the soil of this country — and that is every state.

Each person on this Earth at birth is worth $50,000 in gold and that is paid for out of the Vatican. Every refugee you see being transferred is worth $50,000 in gold. That is put up under a bond that is hypothicated 20 -40- 1000 times into a Cestui que Vie account. That is what they are going after — the territory and the Cestui que Vie account. (What is Cestui que Vie?

Because it is a Cestui que Vie account they cannot actually kill you. It has to be done indirect. So you are going to start seeing natural disasters. You are going to see biological and chemical weapons. So it is not from a natural cause. This is what they have to do to get the payout on the insurance policy and get the Cestui que Vie Tust accounts...."
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Video: Barack Obama brings David Cameron mind control NUDGE UNITS to the White House !

Barack Obama to bring Whitehall's 'nudge' theory to the White House

"...The President signed an executive order directing the federal government to make use of “behavioural science” to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of government programmes. The goal, he said, was to adopt the insights brought through nudge to bring the US government “into the 21st century in a wide range of ways”...."

The nudge unit – has it worked so far?

The rise of nudge – the unit helping politicians to fathom human behaviour

How the NDAA Allows US Gov to Use Propaganda Against Americans
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Someone asked if this was related to the Chile earthquakes. I dunno, but it looks like it could be a part of Project Blue Beam.

ABC News: Mysterious Iridescent 'End of Times' Cloud Phenomenon Spotted in Costa Rica

"...Though users on social media have various theories on what caused the light formation, including aliens or UFOs, experts said the stunning view was caused by a rare weather phenomenon called "cloud iridescence."..."

Merging black holes responsible for mysterious flickering quasar

"Columbia researchers predict that a pair of converging supermassive black holes in the Virgo constellation will collide sooner than expected. Above, an artist’s conception of a merger.

Earlier this year, astronomers discovered what appeared to be a pair of supermassive black holes circling toward a collision so powerful it would send a burst of gravitational waves surging through the fabric of space-time itself...."
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I don't know if this is related to the Sept-October Navy warning, but it's interesting.

‘Computer issues’ ground all American Airlines planes at major US airports

" American Airlines has issued a ground stop for its entire fleet, citing computer issues at the hubs in Chicago, Dallas and Miami.

Airport computers are not allowing customers to check in, the airline confirmed. Passengers can still check in on their home computers or cell phones. "
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People have been taking drugs more recently in order to have spiritual experiences. These things are dangerous, because demonic forces are what you will encounter.

Video: DMT The "Spirit" Molecule DEBUNKED! Drugs & Sorcery Opening Spiritual Doorways in the Last Days

The word in Revelation that is usually transcribed as "sorcery" is actually the word pharmakeia, which means "the use of medicine, drugs or spells". So think about this in relation to the US prescribing so many drugs and vaccines, and the double digit deaths of holistic doctors, and those who use drugs used for spiritual experienced:

Revelation 18 (check out the whole section, but this bit in particular):

21 Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying,
“So will Babylon the great city be thrown down with violence,
    and will be found no more;
and the sound of harpists and musicians, of flute players and trumpeters,
    will be heard in you no more,
and a craftsman of any craft
    will be found in you no more,
and the sound of the mill
    will be heard in you no more,
and the light of a lamp
    will shine in you no more,
and the voice of bridegroom and bride
    will be heard in you no more,
for your merchants were the great ones of the earth,
    and all nations were deceived by your sorcery.
And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints,
    and of all who have been slain on earth.”

The video talks about absinthe too, which seems to let people talk to muses, etc (Demonic forces). Something I found interesting:

Absinthe is known as the "green fairy"

"Artemisia absinthium, a wild plant better known as grande wormwood." (link)

Remember wormwood in the bible?

Revelation 8:10 The third angel sounded, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of waters. 11 The name of the star is called Wormwood; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter.
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Video from January: 2 missing Nuclear Missiles and the history of the Exercise

An interesting video about the US "exercises" being held.

Video: 95,000 Russian troops in massive military drill

"95,000 Russian troops in massive military drill:

Russia on Monday launched its largest military exercises of the year, Centre-2015, involving some 95,000 soldiers including ground troops, navy and airforce units.

Russia has recently intensified snap checks of its military might, testing its capabilities from the Arctic to the Far East as relations with the West have plunged to a post-Cold War low over the Ukraine crisis.

Centre-2015 takes place at 20 sites across Russia's central military district, which reaches from the Volga River to the Ural mountains and Siberia in the east, while also including far northern Russia.

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Video: "Peace And Safety" United Nations Theme...

As the Jewish New Year begins, U.S. & world leaders keep saying the Iran deal will bring “peace & safety.” They repeat it like a mantra. Why, especially when Israelis don’t believe it?

"As we begin the Jewish New Year on Sunday evening, many Israelis — both Jews and Arabs — are anxious about what the coming year holds. And the Iran nuclear deal has only increased their concerns.

Why do President Obama, the U.N. Secretary General, and most leaders of the international community support the Iran agreement so strongly, while only 21% of the American people support it, and most Americans and Israelis see the deal as deeply flawed and dangerous?

This is the question I keep being asked in interviews, and it’s an important one.

The short answer is that most world leaders say the Iran deal is “historic” and support it because they are convinced it wil put the world on the path to “peace and safety.”

As you can see from the list of quotes I have compiled below, this is the language being used over and over again by American and foreign leaders — peace, safety, security, historic. Pundits and editorial writers are saying the same thing. They all repeat it like a mantra, that the deal will provide the world (and Israel) with unprecedented “peace and safety.”....."

1 Thessalonians 5:2 For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. 3 While they are saying, "Peace and safety!" then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape. 4 But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief
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