
Topic: Revelation Prophecies: Global Citizens? NWO? JADE HELM 15= UWEX 16? CERN? - page 40. (Read 121543 times)

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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: President Obama Renames Mt. McKinley

Article: Mount McKinley to be Renamed Denali: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

(more info on the link)

1. Denali Means ‘the High One’ or ‘Great One’ in the Native Alaskan Language

2. The Peak Was Named After President McKinley By a Prospector in the Late 1800s

3. Alaskans Have Been Fighting for the Name Change for Several Decades

4. Representatives From Ohio, McKinley’s Home State, Have Opposed the Move

5. The Name Change Comes as Obama Heads to Alaska for a 3-Day Visit

For the flat-earthers: "...Obama will become the first president to travel to the Arctic Circle during his Alaskan trip."
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
"The Pacific ocean is now boiling because of so much radiation from Fukushima Nuclear power plant catastrophe."

That was 2013, it's now 2015 and the hot water has spread out into a warm patch that's birthed a foul smelling, toxic, radioactive monster. All this while the Fukushima plant continues to pump out radioactivity at an ever increasing pace.

Thanks again for the link.

Walruses by the thousands forced ashore by melting sea ice

"Walruses by the thousands are being forced to congregate on a remote barrier island near Point Lay, Alaska, because the Arctic sea ice they typically use is melting.

Ten years ago, Alaskan natives in Point Lay were used to seeing a handful at most come to shore each year, but now the walruses are coming en masse almost annually.

Last year, a record 30,000 walruses were forced ashore. It’s too soon to say if this year’s “haul out” will be more, as it is ongoing, but it is the third earliest of the seven that have occurred in the past nine years, according to data from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It began about August 20 on the barrier island along Kasegaluk Lagoon, locals told photojournalist Gary Braasch of Portland, Oregon.

“We’ve seen rising temperatures, both sea surface and air temperatures in the Arctic, probably twice as fast here as anywhere else in the lower latitude,” Jim MacCracken, a wildlife biologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, said in a Friday media conference call....."
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1038
"The Pacific ocean is now boiling because of so much radiation from Fukushima Nuclear power plant catastrophe."

That was 2013, it's now 2015 and the hot water has spread out into a warm patch that's birthed a foul smelling, toxic, radioactive monster. All this while the Fukushima plant continues to pump out radioactivity at an ever increasing pace.
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1038


Rumor has it the Fukushima quake was triggered by HAARP and the emergency generators in the reactors were infected with the stuxnet virus. No reactor in the world uses plutonium for very good reasons so why did they pack theirs full of it?

This is looking more and more like an engineered environmental catastrophe.

Israel nukes did it.


The disinformation surrounding Fukushima is thicker than slime from the blob, I gave up trying to research it a while back. However, I'm aware of a little gem that discredits the nuke created tsunami theory. The HAARP triggered earthquake fits the bill for me.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
"It has been called “The Blob,” a gigantic patch of abnormally warm water sitting in the Northeast Pacific Ocean for months. And now, The Blob may have helped midwife a record-breaking bloom of algae stretching from Southern California all the way north to Alaska."

What they don't tell you is that radiation from Fukushima is what's incubating this sucker.

Thanks for the link. I really would not want to be living in California. They're telling them they can have a 9.2 earthquake at any time, and they got fukushima radiation floating towards them, which is getting into their fish... yuck.

"When north coast fishermen set their nets on June 9 in anticipation of a good fishing season, they got more than they bargained for – and less. Along with Nass River sockeye, their nets pulled up thick blankets of slime. It was originally thought to be marine algae, but the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) has determined the slime to be a “goo” of  phytoplankton. It’s believed to have been caused by unusually warm ocean temperatures in the northern Pacific Ocean."

This radiation fulled Japanese monster is already attacking the coastline.

Kind of a nice symmetrical karmic dynamic to this

Rumor has it the Fukushima quake was triggered by HAARP and the emergency generators in the reactors were infected with the stuxnet virus. No rector in the world uses plutonium for very good reasons so why did they pack theirs full of it?

This is looking more and more like an engineered environmental catastrophe.

Israel nukes did it.

Activity: 2212
Merit: 1038
"It has been called “The Blob,” a gigantic patch of abnormally warm water sitting in the Northeast Pacific Ocean for months. And now, The Blob may have helped midwife a record-breaking bloom of algae stretching from Southern California all the way north to Alaska."

What they don't tell you is that radiation from Fukushima is what's incubating this sucker.

Thanks for the link. I really would not want to be living in California. They're telling them they can have a 9.2 earthquake at any time, and they got fukushima radiation floating towards them, which is getting into their fish... yuck.

"When north coast fishermen set their nets on June 9 in anticipation of a good fishing season, they got more than they bargained for – and less. Along with Nass River sockeye, their nets pulled up thick blankets of slime. It was originally thought to be marine algae, but the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) has determined the slime to be a “goo” of  phytoplankton. It’s believed to have been caused by unusually warm ocean temperatures in the northern Pacific Ocean."

This radiation fulled Japanese monster is already attacking the coastline.

Kind of a nice symmetrical karmic dynamic to this

Rumor has it the Fukushima quake was triggered by HAARP and the emergency generators in the reactors were infected with the stuxnet virus. No reactor in the world uses plutonium for very good reasons so why did they pack theirs full of it?

This is looking more and more like an engineered environmental catastrophe.
Activity: 1834
Merit: 1019
"It has been called “The Blob,” a gigantic patch of abnormally warm water sitting in the Northeast Pacific Ocean for months. And now, The Blob may have helped midwife a record-breaking bloom of algae stretching from Southern California all the way north to Alaska."

What they don't tell you is that radiation from Fukushima is what's incubating this sucker.

Thanks for the link. I really would not want to be living in California. They're telling them they can have a 9.2 earthquake at any time, and they got fukushima radiation floating towards them, which is getting into their fish... yuck.

"When north coast fishermen set their nets on June 9 in anticipation of a good fishing season, they got more than they bargained for – and less. Along with Nass River sockeye, their nets pulled up thick blankets of slime. It was originally thought to be marine algae, but the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) has determined the slime to be a “goo” of  phytoplankton. It’s believed to have been caused by unusually warm ocean temperatures in the northern Pacific Ocean."

This radiation fulled Japanese monster is already attacking the coastline.

Kind of a nice symmetrical karmic dynamic to this
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1038
"It has been called “The Blob,” a gigantic patch of abnormally warm water sitting in the Northeast Pacific Ocean for months. And now, The Blob may have helped midwife a record-breaking bloom of algae stretching from Southern California all the way north to Alaska."

What they don't tell you is that radiation from Fukushima is what's incubating this sucker.

Thanks for the link. I really would not want to be living in California. They're telling them they can have a 9.2 earthquake at any time, and they got fukushima radiation floating towards them, which is getting into their fish... yuck.

"When north coast fishermen set their nets on June 9 in anticipation of a good fishing season, they got more than they bargained for – and less. Along with Nass River sockeye, their nets pulled up thick blankets of slime. It was originally thought to be marine algae, but the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) has determined the slime to be a “goo” of  phytoplankton. It’s believed to have been caused by unusually warm ocean temperatures in the northern Pacific Ocean."

This radiation fulled Japanese monster is already attacking the coastline.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Hell - Lazarus & The Rich Man

Great video discussing the biblical terms for hell, all 4 of them, and why they don't mean the same thing, and why there is no hell. Also talks about why the day of judgement may not be the only day of judgement, so people who don't believe in Jesus before dying, may have another chance to confess He is Lord later on. Whether or not you believe in it, I think it's worth giving it a listen.

We are to study the bible, and this is a form of studying, listening to others' ideas and debating them.

2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
"It has been called “The Blob,” a gigantic patch of abnormally warm water sitting in the Northeast Pacific Ocean for months. And now, The Blob may have helped midwife a record-breaking bloom of algae stretching from Southern California all the way north to Alaska."

What they don't tell you is that radiation from Fukushima is what's incubating this sucker.

Thanks for the link. I really would not want to be living in California. They're telling them they can have a 9.2 earthquake at any time, and they got fukushima radiation floating towards them, which is getting into their fish... yuck.
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1038
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION SCUMBAGS ! Trauma based mind controlling you out of your money !

He swears a bit, but then it gets into the actual commercial, which is way too creepy to be shown as a commercial on family time tv. It is serious fear-porn as people would say trying to get you to donate to save the world from heart disease.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Radiation Expert: Horrific health toll from Fukushima

"Radiation Expert: Horrific health toll from Fukushima “Impossible not to be moved by scale of deaths and suffering” — Thousands to die of cancer and that’s just the tip of the iceberg Number of dead babies significantly increased in many areas of Japan — Government actions unconscionable ..."

"Dr Ian Fairlie, radiation biology expert educated at Princeton Univ. who has worked for the UK government and European Parliament (pdf), Aug 2015 (emphasis added): … the human toll from Fukushima is horrendous: 2,000 Japanese people have died from the evacuations and another 5,000 are expected to die from future cancers… Recently, Dr Alfred Körblein from Nuremburg in Germany noticed a 15% drop (statistically speaking, highly significant) in the numbers of live births in Fukushima Prefecture in December 2011… He also observed a (statistically significant) 20% increase in the infant mortality rate in 2012… The official widely-observed policy is that small amounts of radiation are harmless: scientifically speaking this is untenable… the Japanese Government is  attempting to increase the public limit for radiation in Japan from 1 mSv to 20 mSv per year… This is not only unscientific, it is alsounconscionable… In sum, the health toll from the Fukushima nuclear disaster ishorrendous… The Fukushima accident is still not over and its ill-effects will linger for a long time into the future. However we can say now that the nuclear disaster at Fukushima delivered a huge blow to Japan and its people… It is impossible not to be moved by the scale of Fukushima’s toll in terms of deaths, suicides, mental ill-health and human suffering. Fukushima’s effect on Japan is similar to Chernobyl’s massive blow…"

Dr. Ian Fairlie's PDF doc
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Dedicated to Popcorn, who doesn't believe the bible has any scientific info in it.

Is the Astronomy in the Book of Job Scientifically Consistent?

Yesterday I posted a number of scientific consistencies found in the Old Testament. While I think there are good reasons why God might not reveal advanced scientific details in Scripture, I do expect God’s Word to be scientifically consistent with the world we experience. One interesting scientific consistency seems to exist in the ancient book of Job. I am obviously not a scientist or astronomer, so I’ll try to provide links to the references you might use to further investigate these claims. As you may remember, Job was extremely wealthy and had a large family. Tragedy struck and Job lost his wealth, his children and his wife. Job eventually began to accuse God of being unjust and unkind. In response to Job’s complaining, God challenged Job’s authority and power relative to His own. God asked the following series of questions to demonstrate Job’s comparative weakness:

Job 38:31-32 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? Or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?

The text refers to three constellations, Pleiades, Orion and Arcturus (the fourth, Mazzaroth, is still unknown to us). In the first part of the verse, God challenged Job’s ability to “bind the sweet influences of Pleiades.” It’s as if He was saying, “Hey Job, you think you can keep Pleiades together? Well, I can!” As it turns out, the Pleiades (also known as the Seven Sisters) is an open star cluster in the constellation of Taurus. It is classified as an open cluster because it is a group of hundreds of stars formed from the same cosmic cloud. They are approximately the same age and have roughly the same chemical composition. Most importantly, they are bound to one another by mutual gravitational attraction. Isabel Lewis of the United States Naval Observatory (quoted by Phillip L. Knox in Wonder Worlds) said, “Astronomers have identified 250 stars as actual members of this group, all sharing in a common motion and drifting through space in the same direction.” Lewis said they are “journeying onward together through the immensity of space.” Dr. Robert J. Trumpler (quoted in the same book) said, “Over 25,000 individual measures of the Pleiades stars are now available, and their study led to the important discovery that the whole cluster is moving in a southeasterly direction. The Pleiades stars may thus be compared to a swarm of birds, flying together to a distant goal. This leaves no doubt that the Pleiades are not a temporary or accidental agglomeration of stars, but a system in which the stars are bound together by a close kinship.” From our perspective on Earth, the Pleiades will not change in appearance; these stars are marching together in formation toward the same destination, bound in unison, just as God described them.

The next section of the verse describes the Orion constellation. God once again challenged Job, this time to “loose the bands of Orion.” God was referencing the “belt” of Orion; the three stars forming the linear “band” at Orion’s waist. God appeared to be challenging Job in just the opposite way he had in the first portion of the verse. Rather than bind the Pleiades, God challenged Job to loosen Orion. It’s as if He was saying, “Hey Job, you think you can loosen Orion’s belt? Well, I can!” Orion’s belt is formed by two stars (Alnilam, and Mintaka) and one star cluster (Alnitak). Alnitak is actually a triple star system at the eastern edge of Orion’s belt. These stars (along with all the other stars forming Orion) are not gravitationally bound like those in Pleiades. Instead, the stars of Orion’s belt are heading in different directions. Garrett P. Serviss, a noted astronomer, wrote about the bands of Orion in his book, Curiosities of the Sky: “The great figure of Orion appears to be more lasting, not because its stars are physically connected, but because of their great distance, which renders their movements too deliberate to be exactly ascertained. Two of the greatest of its stars, Betelgeuse and Rigel, possess, as far as has been ascertained, no perceptible motion across the line of sight, but there is a little movement perceptible in the ‘Belt.’ At the present time this consists of an almost perfect straight line, a row of second-magnitude stars about equally spaced and of the most striking beauty. In the course of time, however, the two right-hand stars, Mintaka and Alnilam (how fine are these Arabic star names!) will approach each other and form a naked-eye double, but the third, Alnita, will drift away eastward, so that the ‘Belt’ will no longer exist.” Unlike the Pleaides clusters, the stars in the band of Orion do not share a common trajectory. In the course of time, Orion’s belt will be loosened just as God told Job.

In the last section of the verse, God described Arcturus, one of the brightest stars in the night sky. God challenged Job to “guide Arcturus with his sons.” With this challenge, God appeared to be saying, “Hey Job, you think you can direct Arcturus anywhere you want? Well, I can!” While Arcturus certainly appeared in antiquity to be a single star, in 1971 astronomers discovered there were 52 additional stars connected directionally with Arcturus (known now as the Arcturus stream). Interestingly, God described Arcturus as having “sons” and Charles Burckhalter, of the Chabot Observatory, (again quoted in Wonder Worlds) said “these stars are a law unto themselves.” Serviss added, “Arcturus is one of the greatest suns in the universe, is a runaway whose speed of flight is 257 miles per second. Arcturus, we have every reason to believe, possesses thousands of times the mass of our sun… Our sun is traveling only 12 ½ miles a second, but Arcturus is traveling 257 miles a second…” Burckhalter affirmed this description of Arcturus, saying, “This high velocity places Arcturus in that very small class of stars that apparently are a law unto themselves. He is an outsider, a visitor, a stranger within the gates; to speak plainly, Arcturus is a runaway. Newton gives the velocity of a star under control as not more than 25 miles a second, and Arcturus is going 257 miles a second. Therefore, combined attraction of all the stars we know cannot stop him or even turn him in his path.” Arcturus and “his sons” are on a course all their own. Only God has the power to guide them, just as described in the ancient book of Job.

I doubt it was God’s intention to teach Job astronomy in this passage. Instead, God wanted to challenge Job and remind him who had the power, authority and wisdom to control the fate of the universe. In a similar way, God wanted to remind Job who had the power to control Job’s fate and the wisdom to care for him, even when Job felt unloved. While it wasn’t God’s purpose to reveal hidden scientific truths to Job in an effort to demonstrate His Deity, the ancient text accurately describes the nature of these constellations and stars. Like other Old and New Testament passages, it is scientifically consistent, even if not scientifically exhaustive.

Scientific Consistency in the Bible Is More Important Than Scientific Revelation

"As a skeptic, I never personally expected the Biblical prophets (or Jesus Himself) to proclaim scientific truths still inaccessible (and unintelligible) to their audiences. As I read the Bible for the first time, its purpose seemed clear enough: Explain the nature of God, outline the fallen condition of man, and describe the overarching plan to reunite God to the rebellious beings originally created in His image. There are good reasons, in the context of the ancient audience described in the Bible, for God to limit any discussion of science. For this reason, I didn’t expect the Bible to be scientifically insightful or prophetic. I did, however, expect the Bible to be scientifically consistent. In other words, I expected the Biblical text to reflect the truth about the world around me, even if it didn’t explain minute scientific details to an audience clearly incapable of understanding such claims. Scientific consistency was far more important to me than scientific revelation......" (Check it out for more, this is becoming a long post)
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Update: Virginia police order BBC journalists to delete footage of suspected shooter's crash

"BBC reporters Franz Strasser and Tara McKelvey encountered a big obstacle in their coverage of a double slaying of journalists at a Virginia mall.

The two reporters were covering the manhunt of the suspected shooter when they were ordered to delete footage by police....."

BBC journalists covering Virginia shooting 'threatened by police,' forced to delete footage

" Two BBC journalists say they were threatened by Virginia police after filming the scene where gunman Bryce Williams crashed and shot himself on Wednesday. They say a cop threatened to confiscate their camera and car if they did not delete their footage.

White House reporter Tara McKelvey and videojournalist Fraz Strasser were among the first to arrive at the scene on I-66, where Bryce Williams – also known as Vester Flanagan – crashed his vehicle and shot himself hours after killing journalists Alison Parker and Adam Ward during a live news broadcast in Virginia.

Strasser tweeted that he and McKelvey were told the footage “could be evidence,” and that they were forced to delete it. He added that a cop by the name of Officer Clark threatened to tow their car because it was apparently illegally parked....."

Evidence of a hoax. So what's the deal here, because it's the state perpetrating this we're obliged to go along with it?

I had doubts the first day. Her "fiance" that people didn't know she had, and he's smiling on the news?

I lost my dog last year, and I had to take care of her, and bring her to the vet, and I cried and cried, I could not even think about doing anything else but lying in bed crying. How can these people think about going on air the day of.....and smiling.

The details the media is reporting keep changing and I saw the youtube/twitter video. The jig is up man.

Ran into this video today: Obama Attended UN ARMS TRADE TREATY Conference 2 DAYS BEFORE Virginia Shooting Hoax!

UN Gun Control Body Supported By Obama Sets Up Veto-Proof Framework

"Representatives attending the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) in Mexico this week have set up a structure for future conferences on gun control that include a veto-proof decision making process......"

2 days later the shooting happens and people are on tv asking for gun control.



First image is the news reporter on a trip in 2013, and the second one is her with her fiance (that image was uploaded 6 days ago - but wait he was only going out with her for half a year right? They didn't have time to have an anniversary, which would have meant a whole year.) Did she seriously wear the same outfit and same hat and take the same tube (notice the 'C' on the tube in both pics) on a couple years later?

Activity: 2212
Merit: 1038
Update: Virginia police order BBC journalists to delete footage of suspected shooter's crash

"BBC reporters Franz Strasser and Tara McKelvey encountered a big obstacle in their coverage of a double slaying of journalists at a Virginia mall.

The two reporters were covering the manhunt of the suspected shooter when they were ordered to delete footage by police....."

BBC journalists covering Virginia shooting 'threatened by police,' forced to delete footage

" Two BBC journalists say they were threatened by Virginia police after filming the scene where gunman Bryce Williams crashed and shot himself on Wednesday. They say a cop threatened to confiscate their camera and car if they did not delete their footage.

White House reporter Tara McKelvey and videojournalist Fraz Strasser were among the first to arrive at the scene on I-66, where Bryce Williams – also known as Vester Flanagan – crashed his vehicle and shot himself hours after killing journalists Alison Parker and Adam Ward during a live news broadcast in Virginia.

Strasser tweeted that he and McKelvey were told the footage “could be evidence,” and that they were forced to delete it. He added that a cop by the name of Officer Clark threatened to tow their car because it was apparently illegally parked....."

Evidence of a hoax. So what's the deal here, because it's the state perpetrating this we're obliged to go along with it?

I had doubts the first day. Her "fiance" that people didn't know she had, and he's smiling on the news?

I lost my dog last year, and I had to take care of her, and bring her to the vet, and I cried and cried, I could not even think about doing anything else but lying in bed crying. How can these people think about going on air the day of.....and smiling.

The details the media is reporting keep changing and I saw the youtube/twitter video. The jig is up man.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Update: Virginia police order BBC journalists to delete footage of suspected shooter's crash

"BBC reporters Franz Strasser and Tara McKelvey encountered a big obstacle in their coverage of a double slaying of journalists at a Virginia mall.

The two reporters were covering the manhunt of the suspected shooter when they were ordered to delete footage by police....."

BBC journalists covering Virginia shooting 'threatened by police,' forced to delete footage

" Two BBC journalists say they were threatened by Virginia police after filming the scene where gunman Bryce Williams crashed and shot himself on Wednesday. They say a cop threatened to confiscate their camera and car if they did not delete their footage.

White House reporter Tara McKelvey and videojournalist Fraz Strasser were among the first to arrive at the scene on I-66, where Bryce Williams – also known as Vester Flanagan – crashed his vehicle and shot himself hours after killing journalists Alison Parker and Adam Ward during a live news broadcast in Virginia.

Strasser tweeted that he and McKelvey were told the footage “could be evidence,” and that they were forced to delete it. He added that a cop by the name of Officer Clark threatened to tow their car because it was apparently illegally parked....."

Evidence of a hoax. So what's the deal here, because it's the state perpetrating this we're obliged to go along with it?

I had doubts the first day. Her "fiance" that people didn't know she had, and he's smiling on the news?

I lost my dog last year, and I had to take care of her, and bring her to the vet, and I cried and cried, I could not even think about doing anything else but lying in bed crying. How can these people think about going on air the day of.....and smiling.

hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
This was from a while ago, but leads people to question if science really knows how old dinosaur bones are, if they can have this tissue inside.

Smithsonian Dinosaur Shocker - May 2006

Probing a 68-million-year-old T. rex, Mary Schweitzer stumbled upon astonishing signs of life that may radically change our view of the ancient beasts

"......Schweitzer, one of the first scientists to use the tools of modern cell biology to study dinosaurs, has upended the conventional wisdom by showing that some rock-hard fossils tens of millions of years old may have remnants of soft tissues hidden away in their interiors. “The reason it hasn’t been discovered before is no right-thinking paleontologist would do what Mary did with her specimens. We don’t go to all this effort to dig this stuff out of the ground to then destroy it in acid,” says dinosaur paleontologist Thomas Holtz Jr., of the University of Maryland. “It’s great science.” The observations could shed new light on how dinosaurs evolved and how their muscles and blood vessels worked. And the new findings might help settle a long-running debate about whether dinosaurs were warmblooded, coldblooded—or both.

Meanwhile, Schweitzer’s research has been hijacked by “young earth” creationists, who insist that dinosaur soft tissue couldn’t possibly survive millions of years. They claim her discoveries support their belief, based on their interpretation of Genesis, that the earth is only a few thousand years old. Of course, it’s not unusual for a paleontologist to differ with creationists......"

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