I'll post more tomorrow. I'm on my tablet so it's hard to type freely.
Some researched the name Jade Helm. Now I know, it's a bland name, not very unique. But it is interesting....
First, the conspiracy theory is that Jade Helm will go longer than Sept 15th. That at some point it will turn into martial law and keep going, then they kill Christians, those who won't take the mark for sure, kill people who believe in the constitution, and put people in the FEMA camps until they take the mark, get vaccinated, or mind controlled into taling the mark or whatever. They're thepries, so no exacts on these things.
If look at it from a Christian perspective and if the theories are correct, then this is pure evil, the antichrist, the devil, demonic forces, fallen angels etc. They want to get Christians to take the mark and be damned. They want to torture them. Those who refuse to take the mark will probably be killed shortly.
Now there is a game called diablo 3, of course diablo is devil....
A creature in the game, the withdoctor, is trying to get the Jade Helm. Check it out.
http://www.stevequayle.com/index.php?s=33&d=1354"Now, a star has fallen from the heavens—a grim omen that heralds the End of Days. Sanctuary’s frightened inhabitants are turning to abandoned legends and prophecies for answers. They have no hope against a full onslaught from the Burning Hells. The heroes of the past are gone or dead."
Satan was called the morning star and fell from the heavens.
"The Witch Doctor is the character that uses the Jade Helm. Again, from their website:
He weaves the power of the spirits of the Unformed Land, summoning creatures from beyond the grave. He summons frightful undead, vermin, and other creatures for protection and offense, uses destructive poison, acid, and fire attacks, powers spells and summons with Mana, a slow-accruing but deep well of energy.
Though witch doctors make use of a variety of weaponry, they boast several one-of-a-kind pieces of equipment. Mojos are fragile talismans held in the off-hand; instead of being used directly as weapons, they aid witch doctors in warding off the wrong dark forces…and calling out to the right ones. Witch doctors have also been known to carry enchanted ceremonial daggers.Unlike common knives, these blades are honed towards one purpose – human sacrifice – and so they are well-suited to ending lives. (bold emphasis mine)
When you reach level 70, you collect the armor items needed to be the Jade Harvester. These are jade armor items, and the last "coveted" item to collect is the Jade helm (the helmet), which gives wisdom. The Jade Helm is actually called "Jade Harvester's Wisdom."
Here is the description of the Jade Harvester, from the website:
"Every umbaru knows of Tukam, the Jade Harvester. The witch doctor became famous for adorning himself in armor he carved himself from green jade, which he believed heightened his sagacity (wisdom) and his connection with the spirits."
Once you have managed to get the Jade Helm, apparently, you also get the helm for the Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent, and from what I gather, from reading the forums, most players go from there to playing with the Quetzalcoatl, so it would seem to me that the Jade Helm is more of a stepping stone to the "Quetz" which seems to be considered by players to be the bigger/better prize. "
Satan was also seen as a serpent in the garden of eden.