
Topic: Revelation Prophecies: Global Citizens? NWO? JADE HELM 15= UWEX 16? CERN? - page 62. (Read 121543 times)

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This was on Australia's news as they tested a CERN machine there on 12/21/2012

Proof! Spiral Seen over Australia When CERN Was Tested!
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Activity: 504
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Seems like only yesterday, I had brought up CERN... oh it was. Wink
(Though technically it was this morning, I did sleep in between, lol)

Forsaken Pentaquark Particle Spotted at CERN

How shocking is it to see that something new, never before seen, a pentaquark, is coming from CERN today?

"An exotic particle made up of five quarks has been discovered a decade after experiments seemed to rule out its existence."

Let's look at the name PENTAquark. Penta means 5, so it's no surprise that it's name is PENTAquark. However, don't you find it a little bit odd that the satantic sign is a PENTAgram?

News Update on it (less than a min long)

Breaking CERN Discovers A Satanic Seal
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Cern letting loose Demons?

If you have a container of antimatter in Pennsylvania, and someone else had it in California, and you lose it in PA, it will be lost in CA -- "you lose containment in one place, containment in another place is going to be lost."

Great video on Cern and antimatter - mentions that everyone is affected by antimatter, it seems to be the spiritual sense we all have. Around 22:40, it sounds like, the more antimatter you have in your body, the more likely you are going to be affected by demonic forces. The less anti-matter, is the less likely you will be affected.

I would suggest watching the whole video, or at least from the 22:40 mark.

From a Christian perspective, I would say the Holy Spirit helps you to combat this antimatter, and asking forgiveness for sin, washes you clean. Just sinning, and not asking for forgiveness over time, leaves you vulnerable to antimatter and allows demonic forces in. If something were to break at Cern (and they are actually pushing the limits and trying to do more than they have before), and it gets out, it could be like Ghostbusters where the Keymaster and Gatekeeper get together.

CERN Update: Large Hadron Collider Resumes Smashing Protons After Briefly 'Chasing Clouds'

Cern, guarded by a statue of shiva, known as "the Destroyer", resumed its work.

“At present, 152 bunches of protons are circulating in each direction in the 27 kilometer machine, but the goal is to increase the number of protons over the next two weeks to close to 1,000 bunches per beam,” CERN said in a statement released Tuesday.

Notice that 2 weeks is probably before this month is out (it may be that high now), and they'll be having 1,000 protons at a time, shooting around non-stop.

LHC back in collision mode

"The LHC experiments will continue to collect data until the end of July. A new cleaning phase is then scheduled to allow the beam intensity to be increased even further by reducing the amount of space between the bunches by 50%."

Christians believe they found demon in CERN image

If you look at the actual picture, I think you can see more than just one....(I can see at least 5 possibles)

A youtube video from cern:

I would be really concerned for the Blood Moon this year, with this in mind. I would fast. It helps to keep them away, and Yom Kippur is a day of fasting.

Yom Kippur 2015 begins in the evening of Tuesday, September 22 and ends in the evening of Wednesday, September 23.

Blood moon - September 28, 2015

I can see something happening on the 28th, and God saying we should be fasting that day (to be protected). Keep this in mind, if you feel crazy thoughts, evil thoughts, temptations, turn to Jesus. God bless.

Matthew 11:15 He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Jade Helm 15 - Joint Assistant for Development and Execution - Homeland Eradication of Local Militants?

Even the name of the exercise, Jade Helm 15, the government has failed to explain, leaving it open to speculations, rumors and conspiracy theories. In fact, many sites, including Alex Jones' site Infowars, have now "revealed" that the name stands for "Joint Assistant for Development and Execution - Homeland Eradication of Local Militants" and of course 15 means 2015. The first part, Joint Assistant for Development and Execution, comes from a military document, and apparently is the name of a military planning software. The second part however, Homeland Eradication of Local Militants, is a lot harder to explain. The sites claiming that it is so, all link to this military document, but which has no mention of such.

Jade Helm vs America - Army Propaganda visits Texas, A Warning to all Free Citizens - Martial Law
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
I just heard some think that there is a planet behind Pluto, a 10th planet, also known as, planet X, or Lucifer's Hammer....

"Lucifer's Hammer is a post-apocalyptic science fiction novel by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, first published in 1977."

"The story details a comet impacting on Earth, an end to civilization, and the battle for the future. It encompasses the discovery of the comet, the Los Angeles social scene, and a cast of diverse characters whose fate is to be among the few who survive the massive cataclysm and the resulting tsunamis, plagues, famines, and battles among scavengers and cannibals."

"Immediately following the Hammer's impact, anticipating the coming ice age and the inevitable southward migration of survivors from Russia into Chinese territory, China launches a preemptive nuclear attack on major Russian cities. The Russians are able to respond in time and, with American assistance, China is effectively destroyed but Russia still suffers devastating losses. Within hours of the comet strike hundreds of millions are dead and much of the world is left in ruin. As the survivors contend with weeks of nonstop rain, flooding destroys practically every dam and levee, leaving the search for food a top survival priority. Civilization crumbles as people use the few remaining weapons to protect themselves from each other."

I find it interesting that people think a comet is coming, a rapture is coming, and this book discusses it (in a work of fiction), but they call it Lucifer's hammer. Also Thor had a hammer, and I wouldn't be surprised if Lucifer was worshiped as the god thor.

Notice the strange weather, and plagues, sounds biblical. Also mentioned are Russia and China, and they're anticipating a coming ice age???

Is a mini ICE AGE on the way? Scientists warn the sun will 'go to sleep'
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Supposedly hackers got a bit of video that shows a fake ISIS execution.

"A group of Russian hackers called Cyber Berkut have released a video showing a staged ISIS beheading, hacked from an electronic device from one of the staff of U.S. Senator John McCain.

The fake ISIS execution appears to take place inside a film studio and shows a ‘prisoner’ (played by an actor) going through the motions of being ‘executed’ in front of several video cameras.

Another actor is dressed as an ISIS executioner who puts a knife to the throat of the prisoner and goes through the motions of cutting him"
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
UNESCO backs Jordan as Jesus' baptism site as debate goes on

"For years, Christian pilgrims have waded into the Jordan River from both its eastern and western banks to connect with a core event of their faith — the baptism of Jesus. The parallel traditions allowed Jordan and Israel to compete for tourism dollars in marketing one of Christianity's most important sites.

But now UNESCO has weighed in on the rivalry, designating Jordan's baptismal area on the eastern bank a World Heritage site. The U.N. cultural agency declared this month that the site "is believed to be" the location of Jesus' baptism, based on what it said is a view shared by most Christian churches.
The UNESCO decision also raised eyebrows among some scholars.

It "has nothing to do with archaeological reality," said Jodi Magness, an archaeologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. "We don't have any sites with evidence or archaeological remains that were continuously venerated from the first century on."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500

Genesis 9:12 God said, "This is the sign of the covenant which I am making between Me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all successive generations; 13 I set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth. 14 "It shall come about, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow will be seen in the cloud

There was a rain storm (though the sky was mostly blue) that lasted about 5 minutes today, and I got to see a rainbow from it today too.
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
One of the theories of the great deception that will come, is that it will be aliens. Any alien encounters are demonic encounters. As I mentioned in the start, the pope believing in aliens is anti-Christian. Wow, I just wrote that (emboldened now) and wasn't even going to make the connection, but here it is....

Many believe the Pope to be the antichrist. This page shows that the name given to the pope (to every pope, to describe the pope position), when added up (letters to Roman Numeral equivalency) equals 666.

Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.

When is a number that of a man? I believe this theory solves that question.

Here is some info on the woman in scarlet who rides the beast (666). It has been suggested that the woman represents the church and if the pope is the beast, it makes sense they'd go together.

The church is often referred to as a women in the bible. The church is the woman and we are the bride of Christ.

I'm seriously leaning this way. Especially when I add up that a pope declared Christmas to be on a pagan holiday, most likely cursing it. You can tell if it's good or bad based on it's fruit, and the fruit of this holiday is horrible. It's all commercialism and entitlement from children. Children look for Santa (anagram for satan) to bring gifts, if you've been good, but we all know if you've been bad, you still get them too. Wink It is an abomination.

Plus, why should we celebrate the birth of Jesus with a greater joy than Easter when He actually defeated satan? But even Easter has been botched, with the easter bunny. Satanists are into bunnies, btw. I would be very curious as to how bunnies got mixed in with Easter.  

Back to the post I was going to write originally.... NASA announces... 'We're going to knock your socks off'

NASA's New Horizons approaches Pluto, sending space nerds into orbit

I believe this to be part of the deception. If anything comes out of this that makes people believe in aliens, to a greater degree than they do now, mark my words. Don't believe it.
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
In the end days, there will be signs in the earth, such as earthquakes.

Police are baffled as to what threw this women into the air.

"One beachgoer, Michele Martin, said the injured woman 'went five feet up in the air,' and, 'landed on her face.'"

The investigators said that whatever did it was not man-made, there are "no gas lines along the beach", yadda yadda yadda, they opened the beach up again, as if this is totally normal. Smiley
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Obama is making the rounds the last few days, releasing a bunch more of prison inmates and "secretly negotiating a treaty".

The New York Times endorsed a secretive trade agreement that the public can’t read

"The Obama administration is secretly negotiating a treaty that could have significant effects on domestic law. Officially, it's a "free trade" treaty among Pacific rim countries, but a section of the draft agreement leaked in 2011 suggested that it will require signers, including the United States, to make significant changes to copyright law and enforcement measures."

He certainly acts like he's in on the NWO.
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
So I saw a what I thought was a star yesterday. It was pulsating, glowing. I didn't have any fancy equipment, but I finally found a video that shows what I saw, which means others are seeing these things too.

Now a lot of people want to call these things UFOs, and I suppose they're unidentified flying objects. But if it is related to the bible's prophesies, it's probably angels, or the government trying to deceive people into believing in aliens (alien encounters are demonic encounters).

This one looks like what I saw, and shows it really clearly:

List of things mistaken for UFOs

Did you hear of a bunch of those things happening last night? Because I saw 4 of them.
hero member
Activity: 675
Merit: 514
So I saw a what I thought was a star yesterday. It was pulsating, glowing. I didn't have any fancy equipment, but I finally found a video that shows what I saw, which means others are seeing these things too.

Now a lot of people want to call these things UFOs, and I suppose they're unidentified flying objects. But if it is related to the bible's prophesies, it's probably angels, or the government trying to deceive people into believing in aliens (alien encounters are demonic encounters).

This one looks like what I saw, and shows it really clearly:

List of things mistaken for UFOs
Activity: 1834
Merit: 1019
This topic is just like what was discussed a few years ago when people were following the Mayan calender they predicted when the world was going to end and look what happened to that theory Roll Eyes
More theories are going to be revealed and debunked.

If one were actually familiar with the Mayan calendar, they would realize that 2012 was not the "end of the world" as some might perceive it in an apocalyptic sort of way but an end of the world as we knew it in a step-progression kind of way, as it is the start of a new long-count cycle in their calendar system, similar to when things move from Pisces into Aries or vice versa.

It's true that the so-called long-count calendar—which spans roughly 5,125 years starting in 3114 B.C.—reaches the end of a cycle on December 21, 2012.

That day brings to a close the 13th Bak'tun, an almost 400-year period in the Maya long-count calendar.

But rather than moving to the next Bak'tun, the calendar will reset at the end of the 13th cycle, akin to the way a 1960s automobile would click over at mile 99,999.9 and reset to zero.

further reading:
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
So I saw a what I thought was a star yesterday. It was pulsating, glowing. I didn't have any fancy equipment, but I finally found a video that shows what I saw, which means others are seeing these things too.

Now a lot of people want to call these things UFOs, and I suppose they're unidentified flying objects. But if it is related to the bible's prophesies, it's probably angels, or the government trying to deceive people into believing in aliens (alien encounters are demonic encounters).

This one looks like what I saw, and shows it really clearly:

Others are just to prove others see them too:

I wouldn't have looked this up if I hadn't seen one with my own eyes, which is creepy. I saw a few more tonight. The first one was stationary, though I can't find it anymore (even though I know where it was specifically). But I saw about 3 of them shooting around a few hours later, like comets or missiles. One went to the right and one to the left, so it's not like it was a group of comets heading the same direction. The 3 moving ones I saw were over a few hours of watching the skies, there was a very odd display of nonstop lightning for hours on end, even though 90% of the sky was clear of clouds and the stars were as bright as I've ever seen them, there was a tiny bit of clouds over the horizon.

There's not a real clear reason for them, especially since there's so many being seen all over. If you can get to a clear sky, you can take a look at night. They seem to be brighter than normal stars, and like I said, pulsating/glowing.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
RFID (Radio-frequency identification) Chips

Many believe these chips are the mark of the beast.

Life without a Microchip Implant will be difficult - Watch from 2:10 to see the stuff that works with the RFID chips right now.

Currently, there are many things actually working (science fact, not science fiction) with RFID chips in cards. It's just a matter of getting them into people...


Some claim: "RFID Chip Now Being Issued In Hanna, Wyoming As Part Of New “Obamacare” Plan"

The official statement on this is that it's false. But there was wording discussing it, but that wording was taken out before the official law was set.

"The RFID implant rumor came from an old version of the Affordable Care Act,  America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 HR 3200. HR 3200 included a section that allowed for data to be collected from all class II devices (which includes RFID chips) for purposes of post-market safety and outcomes data. The final law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act HR 3590 (ObamaCare), removed this wording and does not include any wording pertaining to data collection from class II devices or any rules regarding their implantation."

Not everyone believes the mark is an RFID chip though. He's not saying get one injected, just throwing out another thought on the verses. He says it's going against the 10 commandments. My first thought goes to putting an idol above God, such as giving up your control in life to someone else, pledging yourself to your government, etc. It can still be related to the RFID chip, but if he's correct, not getting the mark, might not be all you need to do.

I must admit after watching the videos of what this RFID chip could do, if I didn't believe in the bible.... it does sound good. It is supposed to be tempting. No lines at the grocery store? No forgetting your keys for your car... knowing when your child got to school safely, or able to find them if they get lost, etc.

its all bullshit

We shall see.

Not that I believe in all of it, but I still think it's remarkable that the bible has predicted so many things thousands of years into the future and we're seeing some of them happen. Think anyone alive back then would have thought there would be a worldwide currency based solely on a mark, thought it all up themselves thousands of years ago?

Well obviously you believe that. Because otherwise, it was a prophecy from God.
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Activity: 504
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Another thing about the Jade Helm business. It has also been suggested that it really is what it says it is, a training session, but that the point will be to get people riled up with paranoia and make them look crazy, so in the future people will just believe these "conspiracy nuts" really are crazy, and won't listen to them.
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
I'll post more tomorrow. I'm on my tablet so it's hard to type freely.

Some researched the name Jade Helm. Now I know, it's a bland name, not very unique. But it is interesting....

First, the conspiracy theory is that Jade Helm will go longer than Sept 15th. That at some point it will turn into martial law and keep going, then they kill Christians, those who won't take the mark for sure, kill people who believe in the constitution, and put people in the FEMA camps until they take the mark, get vaccinated, or mind controlled into taling the mark or whatever. They're thepries, so no exacts on these things.

If look at it from a Christian perspective and if the theories are correct, then this is pure evil, the antichrist, the devil, demonic forces, fallen angels etc. They want to get Christians to take the mark and be damned. They want to torture them. Those who refuse to take the mark will probably be killed shortly.

Now there is a game called diablo 3, of course diablo is devil....

A creature in the game, the withdoctor,  is trying to get the Jade Helm. Check it out.

"Now, a star has fallen from the heavens—a grim omen that heralds the End of Days. Sanctuary’s frightened inhabitants are turning to abandoned legends and prophecies for answers. They have no hope against a full onslaught from the Burning Hells. The heroes of the past are gone or dead."

Satan was called the morning star and fell from the heavens.

"The Witch Doctor is the character that uses the Jade Helm. Again, from their website:

He weaves the power of the spirits of the Unformed Land, summoning creatures from beyond the grave. He summons frightful undead, vermin, and other creatures for protection and offense, uses destructive poison, acid, and fire attacks, powers spells and summons with Mana, a slow-accruing but deep well of energy.
Though witch doctors make use of a variety of weaponry, they boast several one-of-a-kind pieces of equipment. Mojos are fragile talismans held in the off-hand; instead of being used directly as weapons, they aid witch doctors in warding off the wrong dark forces…and calling out to the right ones. Witch doctors have also been known to carry enchanted ceremonial daggers.Unlike common knives, these blades are honed towards one purpose – human sacrifice – and so they are well-suited to ending lives. (bold emphasis mine)

When you reach level 70, you collect the armor items needed to be the Jade Harvester. These are jade armor items, and the last "coveted" item to collect is the Jade helm (the helmet), which gives wisdom. The Jade Helm is actually called "Jade Harvester's Wisdom."
Here is the description of the Jade Harvester, from the website:

"Every umbaru knows of Tukam, the Jade Harvester. The witch doctor became famous for adorning himself in armor he carved himself from green jade, which he believed heightened his sagacity (wisdom) and his connection with the spirits."

Once you have managed to get the Jade Helm, apparently, you also get the helm for the Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent, and from what I gather, from reading the forums, most players go from there to playing with the Quetzalcoatl, so it would seem to me that the Jade Helm is more of a stepping stone to the "Quetz" which seems to be considered by players to be the bigger/better prize. "

Satan was also seen as a serpent in the garden of eden.
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Activity: 434
Merit: 250
Loose lips sink sigs!

I believe in the bible. So the stuff that has to do with the coincidence of the blood moon coming in September, I take to heart. Seeing as how the bible clearly states in end times, the moon will be like blood and the tetrads seem to affect Israel over time. Like I said I would bet on the UN thing going through, if I was a gambler. Wink

Especially when it has to do with a major change for Israel if it goes through.

Well, I find it interesting too. I wasn't aware of the Blood Moons thing until you mentioned it, just googled it and am now educated on the links to the Bible. In fact, my first thought (in response to reading your statement was ) "Blood Moons aren't uncommon, they've happened a few times over the last few years!" Glad to have more context around the link to the bible on that front.

As for CDC's prep for an, err I, could just as easily say - "The CDC has been prepared for contaminating the deaths of a large population for ONLY SIX YEARS?!" 9/11 happened nearly 15 years ago and the bio-attack threats have been a known risk for much longer than that!

I don't have a response for all the other stuff...part of it is that I couldn't read it all right now and part of it is that it's a lot of detail that if true would make me take notice.
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