The problem with using the Bible as a predictor is that there is ZERO guidance on timing. That's why people keep claiming - "this is the year! - and nothing happens. What, specifically, does this new theory point to as an indicator that this year is the year AND that September is the timing?
Y2K was absolutely a theory. The theory was that computers wouldn't be able to function once the date rolled from 12/31/1999 to 1/1/2000, which would have cause computers to fail and therefore cripple the world's monetary system which is run on computers, servers, and in the cloud. That theory just wasn't based in biblical reasoning.
These theories are akin to someone standing on the sidewalk with a sign around their neck saying "the End is Near". Just because someone says it doesn't give me any reason to believe it.
Sorry I'm hassling you on this, but what are the facts this theory is listing that should give anyone any reason to pay attention?
I'm not saying I believe it. In fact, I don't. It seems a bit early, though recent events and attitudes are getting closer to where it's supposed to be.
One reason to believe it
over other theories, is the depth written of on the subject and because multiple sources are talking about it, versus just one person, and the weird bits that line up that day, the pope in the US, etc. The e-book is there for the reading. It's over 100 pages, so I won't be explaining much at all to you, everyone is free to read up on it.
But basically it says that Obama is the
abomination of desolation, as he was given the noble peace prize on the day that Jewish people look for their Lord, the holy place had been desecrated, and then Obama visited there and stood, versus standing.
"When you see 'the abomination that causes desolation' standing where it does not belong--let the reader understand--then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains." Mark 13:14
This page, explains the time table, and why it should be around this time period.
"My count led me to around 2013 as the end of 6000 years, using only the Bible and 586 BC as the year for the Babylonian invasion of Israel. So, we can see that if we count from Creation, the 6000 years really cannot go much past the year 2013 according to the Biblical chronology and the assumption that 586 B.C. was the correct year of the Babylonian invasion in Jerusalem. " -quoted from that link
The final 7 yearsAnyway, apart from that theory, there was also a link of a comet coming.
I'm always interested when someone goes out on a limb and predicts the end. They have to have a lot of (misguided) faith to truly believe it. I was simply amazed at the amount of work that goes into writing a long book for the end of the world, that may just as easily be made fun of when everything passes by perfectly fine in a short period of time. It's far easier to say the end of the world will be in 100 years, because you'll be dead by the time it happens. It's quite another to say it's this year or a year from now.
I just found it interesting that when you type in the September 23 2015 so much stuff comes up, and from different sources at that. Even the pope visiting the US on that day is interesting.
Edit. Here's another link, different source.... the pope being in the US there is also a UN thing during these days.
" United Nations Summit to adopt the post-2015 development agenda
25 Sep 2015 - 27 Sep 2015
New York
The United Nations summit for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda will be held from 25 to 27 September 2015, in New York and convened as a high-level plenary meeting of the General Assembly."