FPV drones is very important weapon in this war. There is lot of videos where these drones is used to attack various targets, but this video shows something what I haven't seen before. What level of precision from drone operator:
Theres literally hundreds of those videos from both sides
White Ruzzian? like not "black" or Chechen or Gerogian or Uzbekian? Good personal text, it says quite a lotzz. 436 attacks? I would say it can be even more, cheap to produce for both sides, it kind of levels the playing field, if you count all sizes and types and the kills achieved with help of surveillance drones are every day.
Nukes could mean the end of the world if they are used. And we seem to be very near to using them, if you listen to some of the things that Putin says.
Here, in the end of the Bible, in the Revelation, it talks about something that might be drones... if you stretch your imagination a little. After all, people back 1,900 years ago when the Revelation was written didn't understand machines like we do.
Revelation 9:7-11:
Abaddon and Apollyon are names given to the Devil, Satan, who is considered to be the angel of the Abyss (Bottomless Pit). Satan likes wars. They kill people. Once people are dead, anybody who doesn't believe in Jesus-salvation (rising from the dead someday) will never have a chance to change, again, to be saved.