How many cities were recaptured by Ukrainian troops or how many cities saw major uprisings of local residents against the Russian military?
Cheknihiv, Sumi - armed resistanse.
Kherson, - a lot of antirussian demonstarations (
3). Through links we can see that demonstration against russian occupation were crowded and there a lot of them in first months. And now, after russians started to kidnap and kill people (typical "liberators") resistanse became more radical. From demonstrations, to the armed covert ops. Kherson partisans exterminated a lot of russian collaborators, like
extermination of Sekhey Tomko or explosion of
Dmitry SavluchenkoThe same story in Melitopol. Energodar, and many other occupied cities.
Good article about partisans - how Ukrainians meet Russian soldiers:
2First video - four grannies and one old man. Second video - one woman. 6 people in sum. Yep, looks like true story.
But interesting moment: population of cities under occupation decreased a lot. For example, in Severodonetsk, was around 100k of citizens. And after "denazification" - only 10-20. All other run away (to Ukraine in most, i have few friends from this city) or died.
even if all who stay in the city would welcome russian, this would be only 10-20 % of city population before the war.
14 thousand people died in total during the 8 years of conflict, most within the first year. That includes those killed by the terrorist ponzi republic sponsored by the KGB. The conflict was essentially frozen (~20-25 deaths per year) before Putin decided to invade and killed many more Donbas residents in the few months than the alleged "bombing" in 8 years.
Exactly. Due to OSCE reports
at least 1200 people were tortured from 2014 to 2015 by so-called
"popolchentsi". And yeah, in 2021, again due to OSCE only 7 civillian people died in Donbass region, 5 of them due to land mines.
What are the nicknames "orcs",
are you a Nazi or what? And I read your last post here...
Maybe your grandfather or great-grandfather fought on the side of the Nazi troops in World War II? That would explain a lot.
Omg, this is excellent. I will add this moment to my thread
Deep dive intro culture of russia-Ukraine war This one is a brilliant example to
my update about russian @culture_context But, maybe it will be better to let me quota myself:
Maybe one of the most widespread russian habbit is to call anyone who oppose them - nazi.
Here is a thread about that fact (if you want to know why is so):
Why russians call everyone - "nazi" If you want to know in short, here is few screenshots:
And guys, here is an example right
from this forum:
Oh... so the Ukrainians are right when they call the Orcs "tourists". Putin is still calling this a "special operation", yet he is at war. Nothing of what he says can be trusted (any enemy communication is by definition disinformation). However you can rely on facts [...]
What are the nicknames "orcs",
are you a Nazi or what? And I read your last post here...
I wonder how many people in the RF really believe the crap or they are just trying hard to believe it so that they do not feel part of the scum of the Earth.
Maybe your grandfather or great-grandfather fought on the side of the Nazi troops in World War II? That would explain a lot.
Look at this. User
Veleor (russian) asking
@paxmao if the is a nazi, just because paxmao voices statements which is unpleasant to veleor's ears.
If you against russia or russian - you're 100 % nazi (Again, if you want to know why so - you should read the twitter thread and another thread in the OP post -
War of memes: why Z-war won't end with peace:
To understand the logic behind Z-invasion you have to keep in mind that Russianness = normality. When you are Russified you just become normal. Z-invasion was planned as a gift or humanitarian operation. That's why Ukrainian resistance is so shocking. They don't want to be normal)
I hope this will be useful to understand russian a little bit more.