
Topic: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] - page 249. (Read 68164 times)

Activity: 3178
Merit: 1363
Slava Ukraini!
How many killed did they count 1,000 or 18?
I don't know from where did you got that number 1000 killed. It was said that there was about 1000 people inside, but it's only estimate numbers. And 18 people killed is only initial number. Many were not found under wreckings, so, this number is likely to grow.
jr. member
Activity: 140
Merit: 1
store telegram channel made week before attack where they said that from that date they're not going to close store during air alerts.

How many killed did they count 1,000 or 18?
Activity: 3178
Merit: 1363
Slava Ukraini!
Konashenkov pointed out that the store was closed.
I'm not sure that's worth wasting time debunking Konashnenkov lies, but ok. Yesterday I posted screenshot from store telegram channel made week before attack where they said that from that date they're not going to close store during air alerts. Offcourse, someone who made such stupid decision will have to take responsibility for it.
hero member
Activity: 882
Merit: 792
Watch Bitcoin Documentary -
I am all for looking at conflicts from a historical perspective in oder to understand the reasoning behind certain actions, but there are actions that regardless of their historical context can't ever be justified. Perhaps Hitler got bullied by a Jewish boy in elementary school, well, sure, then kill a whole nation later on as revenge. Makes perfect sense to some here on this forum as it seems.
At first, Hitler hated Jews because at that time they have taken German and Austrian art institutions' leadership and he thought that he was unfairly rejected. Then, Jews were well-represented in finance and business.

The Russian population at large isn't too blame, considering that Putin puts even children into prison (
No, no! The government of Russia represents the Russian population and society. They should change the government, doesn't matter what they have to sacrifice, Russian population should do everything to get rid of Putin and end the war, otherwise, they are 100% into this.
If I try to squeeze your neck until you die, I believe you'll do everything to get rid of my hands and escape from me, even if I am a tall, muscular, and very strong boy. If you squeeze the neck of your brother and you can stop me but you won't stop me, then it means that you are into this and the final result is acceptable for you.

Edit: The only person using civilians as a shield here is Putin by causing a famine, blaming the West for it, and watch Africans and others slowly die their death until the very last breath, until the body is too weak to breath once more because of malnutrition. That to me is using "civilians as a shield". Civilians that really, really never ever can't be blamed for anything.
He waged the war! If he wouldn't start, then nothing would happen and he waged it for his crazy thoughts and ambitions. Average Russian citizens don't analyze that doesn't matter what happens, Putin, his people and his family won't even be affected in this war but the average citizens, they are paying and will pay a huge price.
jr. member
Activity: 140
Merit: 1
Interesting news.

Fucking anarchists have posted instructions on how to stage terrorist attacks.
And you're reposting it.
Activity: 2422
Merit: 1845
Crypto for the Crypto Throne!
Interesting news. There a lot of cases of heavy sabotage in Russia. Let me quote myself:

1. Пocкoвcкaя oблacть, 13 вaгoнoв c бoeпpипacaми дeнaцифициpoвaнo

2. Дeнaцификaция жд пoлoтнa вeдyщeгo к в/ч 55443 BД Бapcoвo пoд Киpжaчoм

Чтo былo пpoдeлaнo:
- Oткpyчeны 34 гaйки (пo 17 c кaждoй cтopoны), yдepживaющиe peльc
- Oткpyчeны 4 гaйки, coeдиняющиe cтык
- Peльc в мecтe cтыкa пoднят, yлoжeн нa coeдинитeльнyю плacтинy (чтoбы нe вcтaл нa мecтo) и oтвeдeн в cтopoнy.
- Peльcы были зaмкнyты мeждy coбoй пpoвoдoм, нa cлyчaй, ecли пo peльcy пepeдaeтcя cигнaльный тoк, для дeтeктиpoвaния paзмыкaния (cпacибo coвeтy oт пoдпиcчикoв).

1. Pskov, 13 wagons with ammo

2. Railway to the rocket military unit.

New day, new broken railways:

Amur oblast , 14 wagons with different goods.

As i see, there a lot of such groups in Russia who are using old soviet tactic from WW2 called The Rail War.
jr. member
Activity: 140
Merit: 1

He's a liar. Which part of this are you finding so hard to understand?
Yes. Specifically Russian military, Russian government, Russian trolls, etc.

Ukrainian YouTuber (This Channel is banned in Ukraine):

"Where are the women running from the mall?"

Funny video from Russians fighting on the side of Ukraine.
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909

He's a liar. Which part of this are you finding so hard to understand?

Zelensky lied that 1,000 civilians died in the mall.

As far as I know, he said there were 1000 civilians in the mall (likely correct) and many may have died (unknown at the time and the numbers are still rising as they dig through the rubble, but "many" seems to be correct too).

None of it in any way justifies or excuses a missile hit to a shopping mall, whether there were 100 or 1000 or 10000 people in it, whether 20 or 200 or 2000 died.

only the Russians are to blame for everything

Yes. Specifically Russian military, Russian government, Russian trolls, etc.
copper member
Activity: 2100
Merit: 903
White Russian
The probable reason for this is the wrong status of the shopping center in Google, there was a note that the shopping center is not working.

Russian military using Google maps to carry out missile strikes might be in the top 100 (well, top 1000 for sure) of the most idiotic Kremlin troll scripts Roll Eyes

As for "not working"... if you look at Google maps right now, Silpo shows as "temporarily closed" but some other stores show as "open", with business hours etc. There is no overall "status" for the mall itself as far as I can tell. So it's an absurd excuse no matter how you look at it.

And even Silpo status could have been set after the mall was destroyed, which would make a lot more sense than this excuse.
In essence, that is, what to say, except for attempts to insult? Zelensky lied that 1,000 civilians died in the mall. The director of the shopping center showed criminal negligence by clearly instructing employees to ignore the air raid signals. But only the Russians are to blame for everything, who would doubt it.
jr. member
Activity: 140
Merit: 1
after the mall was destroyed, which would make a lot more sense than this excuse.

Where did the numerous military personnel in the parking lot photos come from?

Konashenkov pointed out that the store was closed.
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
The probable reason for this is the wrong status of the shopping center in Google, there was a note that the shopping center is not working.

Russian military using Google maps to carry out missile strikes might be in the top 100 (well, top 1000 for sure) of the most idiotic Kremlin troll scripts Roll Eyes

As for "not working"... if you look at Google maps right now, Silpo shows as "temporarily closed" but some other stores show as "open", with business hours etc. There is no overall "status" for the mall itself as far as I can tell. So it's an absurd excuse no matter how you look at it.

And even Silpo status could have been set after the mall was destroyed, which would make a lot more sense than this excuse.
copper member
Activity: 2100
Merit: 903
White Russian
There were two separate missile hits in the area, one to the shopping mall, another to an industrial building about 500 meters away (next to a park). There is no indication the the industrial building had a military purpose but even if it did, there was no ammunition detonation or widespread fire. The mall did not catch fire from the industrial building because there are many undamaged structures between the two locations. Basically everything Russian media said about this attack is false.
I have not studied this episode in detail, I will say a few words from what I know. The missile attack on Kremenchuk is atypical for this operation, for several reasons. Usually such strikes are carried out at night to minimize the risks to the civilian population, this strike was carried out during the day. The probable reason for this is the wrong status of the shopping center in Google, there was a note that the shopping center is not working. The second curious moment - the blow was delivered by old x22 cruise missiles, which are not very high-precision (according to the passport, the spread can reach 500 meters, if you are not lucky to get in different directions of the normal distribution - which apparently happened in practice). Well, the director of the shopping center, of course, is also to blame for the fact that there was no evacuation of people during an air raid signal. It is apparently pointless to talk about the zero effectiveness of the missile defense system against old missiles suitable only for disposal. I think both sides of the conflict should take some lessons from this episode for the future. I'm sorry that civilians suffered, it was not planned.
jr. member
Activity: 34
Merit: 4
German moderator trying to side with Russian trolls from Germany:
Why it's always Germany?
jr. member
Activity: 140
Merit: 1
There is no indication the the industrial building had a military purpose but even if it did, there was no ammunition detonation or widespread fire.

Are You blind?
Check the comment:
Well VERY DILIGENTLY this video does everything possible to NOT SHOW what is right in front of this ruined factory. There seems to be a reason for this? They also do not show what is inside the undestroyed parts of this workshop at the plant, which allegedly has no military products. Here we wanted to show road cars in the workshop, but once again, all of a sudden, the batteries on not only the video camera, but also on the phones were completely unexpectedly dead. All of them at once. Or does the secrecy at this kind of "civilian" facility not allow for video recording?

I understand that there would have to be a hole where the magazine was if something had gone in there directly.
There is a video of standing bottles on the racks from this location.
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
There were two separate missile hits in the area, one to the shopping mall, another to an industrial building about 500 meters away (next to a park). There is no indication the the industrial building had a military purpose but even if it did, there was no ammunition detonation or widespread fire. The mall did not catch fire from the industrial building because there are many undamaged structures between the two locations. Basically everything Russian media said about this attack is false.

Map of the two locations:


Satellite pics before and after, courtesy of Sky News / Planet Labs:

jr. member
Activity: 140
Merit: 1
I guess I need to give you the impression that my brain is dead, that's the level where you start thinking rationally.

I have the impression that you have never encountered any real information about the purpose of the Russian military operations.
I recommend that you read the originals, not the crap from the "Western media".

Claim your 15 rubles on your way out.

Ho ho, the money for the posts is about ЦИПcO
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
Funny how you didn't quote that part

The woman moved from there, so what she says is not true at all.
I don't care much about the comments of the Ukrobots, it's good that they added this video. Asses are on fire.

They added it as an example of made up garbage being spread by Kremlin trolls. And you spread it here. Well done. Claim your 15 rubles on your way out.
jr. member
Activity: 140
Merit: 1
Funny how you didn't quote that part

The woman moved from there, so what she says is not true at all.
I don't care much about the comments of the Ukrobots, it's good that they added this video. Asses are on fire.

Activity: 2058
Merit: 1166
Who cares what they store there? What the fuck is the Russian missile doing there?

Keep in mind that this is a question from a resident of Kremenchug to the head of the city.

The goal of all Russian military actions is to stop shelling the DNR and LNR plus the demilitarization of Ukraine.
Military warehouses are a legitimate goal.

Then, the first video says that the rocket hit the store. However, in the video from the store the bottles are on the racks, how is this possible with a direct impact and detonation of the ammunition?

I've read an interesting advice from a communication advisor, he was referring to Trump. He said: whenever you face an irrationally arguing person, never try to counter that person rationally. Be irrational yourself and take it ad absurdum such that the other party thinks you must be completely braindead. I guess I need to give you the impression that my brain is dead, that's the level where you start thinking rationally.
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
Keep in mind that this is a question from a resident of Kremenchug to the head of the city.

Again the "asking questions" trollfuckery. No facts, just a quote from a TikTok video of someone who (according to your own link) doesn't even live in the city. Funny how you didn't quote that part:

The goal of all Russian military actions is to stop shelling the DNR and LNR plus the demilitarization of Ukraine.

Except the Russian military is destroying those "republics" and the predominantly Russian-speaking population thereof. If they want to stop the shelling they just need to retreat from Ukraine.
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