Maybe Putin does not exist because you did not see him in person. How about Australia? Or the globe? Earth is probably flat and Americans never went to the moon, lol.
Maybe Russia did not attack Ukraine. Maybe it is all fake propaganda perpetuated by gay drug addicts at the CIA?
Maybe dead Russian soldiers are just actors hired by an international cabal of Nazis.
Maybe Russian soldiers are protecting civilians from evil, global Nazisism.
Maybe there are green mice living on the moon. You never know.
This is what actually happened:
Russia invaded Ukraine because it wanted to annex the territory of Ukraine and Russify the land by exterminating Ukrainians and any anti-
Russia elements. Then it planned to install nuclear warheads closer to the Polish border and install air-defense systems all over Ukraine.
Russia wanted to get the farmland, resources, and full control of the Black Sea. All under the disguise of 'protecting the Russian speakers'.
BTW, the have been raping, killing and torturing Russian speakers by the truckload.
You really need to lay of the alcohol while you are posting in here, af_newbie. I mean, fictional war ideas are okay. And alcohol is okay. But mixing them makes you sound kinda funny.
All the things that you say Russia was planning, are the things the US and NATO are doing.
And you even admit that Ukranians "have been raping, killing and torturing Russian"s ... "by the truckload."
Looks totally like Russia isn't the aggressor, but the US is. Thanks for pointing this truth out to us.