I think Putin's apologists will soon have something else to worry about. It looks like protests in Russian cities are gaining intensity, despite beatings and arrests by the police. Obviously pro-Putin media isn't gonna report on it, and other outlets have been banned or voluntarily packed up due to new censorship laws, but there is still Telegram and other apps.
Holding cells are filling up so I'm guessing shooting at crowds would be the next step.
Some european broadcasting companies have resumed sending international news out via short wave radio.
That can't be jammed or locked out, while reaching the most distance spot of Russia, without needing internet connections.
It's astonishing that civilians and companies, but also groups like Anonymous are joining the war against Putin and his Sovjet-buddies in increasing numbers, while the worlds governments are still buying Russia's oil and gas for billions per day.
There's a hidden message to all these governments. You can also see in polls that the control-heavy, governmental "management" of the pandemic has fueled massive distrust in the people.
In other spheres, yesterday after just leaving a store, i heard a worker on the street laughing out loud, after telling his co-workers that he will soon be enjoying the fresh ukrainian meat in the local brothels. I thought about the hundreds of thousand wifes and daughters, kissing their fathers, sons and husbands good bye at the polish-ukrainian border, who decided to stay and defend their home country, while the russian born wife of one of my neighbors, mother of a four moths old, is going fully depressive over her motherland's shithole government actions.
I felt loosing it, turned to the fucker and said: "If you have the balls to repeat this in front of your wife, she will likely cut of your balls when you are asleep. Then i will be laughing the same like you". Silence, while i went away.
Oliver Stone documentary from 2016 about Ukraine.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/Dm8sLn03K33Q/I will say that it's pretty slanted (toward Putin/Russia) probably in part so that Stone could get access to the Russian side players. Probably in part because Stone is partial to them, or at least partial away from the West. I'll also say that it aligns pretty well with my understandings (and/or guestimates) about things over there.
The history covers some stuff around WW-II times and before which is especially interesting. I think it would have been important to cover a lot more about what happened in Soviet times and they would help explain a lot about what we are seeing now, but it was totally left out (which is why I critique it above.)
Anyway, the piece is well worth the watch for anyone who cares much about this stuff and/or wants to understand it better.
Time and time again the same names pop up, when will the rotten apples be discarded?
Ukraine: The Central Nexus for Neo-Nazism Worldwide
https://youtu.be/iQUhOj83V9UEurope has way more Neonazis than the whole of Ukraine, still a lot less than a percent of the population.
So it's OK for Russia or any superpower to invade Europe and kill civilians on a broad scale, then? "De-nazifying" countries, exactly the way Adolf was trying to "arianize" Europe (and the world, if he wouldn't have failed)?
Regardless of nationality, the real enemy is right behind our eyes, telling us we're better, more important than anybody else.