Can you translate the "S" and "D"
Single connection cable and double connection?
yes so the left board has 1 single and shares 1 double
the right board has 1 single and shares that same double.
four plugs into 1 miner and 3 cables into the psu
the 1 miner pulls about 580 watts across 3 cables about 200 a cable
the load is balance correctly since each board shares the double cable.
@RchGrav that fan is one step below this fan a little less air a little quieter sold out in under 6 hours since I posted about it in this thread.
you pick or the one above should work. the one above is gone. hell maybe mix one of each.
I had the 3 pin version of yours it ran at 2800 or 3000 it was okay I did some testing early but it was not a pwm.
It cooled better then the noctua cools. it was noiser then the noctua
it cooled worse then the stock fan. it was quieter then the stock fan.
So if you get the pwm version cheap why not? the worse case is you will need to run the s-5 at 331 or 325 not 350.